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In the Jedi Temple halls

Ahsoka point of view

It's been a month since our escape from the planet and back to the temple and ever since then izuku has been avoiding everyone except master Yoda, who is suspiciously given him more time off of the missions

Something is going on with him he doesn't even go out to the training field anymore just trained in his quarters I walking on and one time he just brushed me off and asked me to leave I could tell he was frustrated or upset so I did it I was told

He's been like this ever since Dabi made his little goodbye which slightly sounded like a threat what is going on? Is it something he said is it something need to know what's going on with my friend... Because whether I want to deny it or not, I care about izuku and I don't care if the Jedi code is against or not, someone needs to care about him while he's here and it might as well be me

So I've made the decision to do this I'm going to go to his room and demand that he tells me what is going on in. It's the only way I'm going to get a straight answer out of him.

So I make my way to his room and I walk straight in where I interrupt his training session again in. He's been getting better with the light savers that master Yoda allowed him to keep it. I wouldn't say he could beat me, but I would say he would give me quite a challenge

Izuku shavingthe light savers: ahsoka? What are you doing here?

I walk in further to the room: I am here for answers and I'm not leaving until you tell me what is going on with you

Izuku tried to pretend like he didn't know what I was talking about but I didn't mean the force to tell me that he was lying: I... Don't know what you're talking about

I cross my arms as I lean against the wall : you know exactly what i'm talking about, you've been avoiding everyone for a month, except for master Yoda who which has given you time of missions Some of which we could've definitely use your help with. Ever since Dabi made that call you've been acting weird and it's starting to concern me, but not just me. Anakin is worried as well so what is going on what does that lunatic have on you that's so concerning. You can trust me, I'm your friend

Izuku looked down for a moment and placed his light savers on his belt: it's because you're my friend, I can't tell you, I'm doing this for your protection ahsoka you and Anakin is and everyone else's trust me when I say you don't wanna know what I know

That's not gonna work on me, he's not going to tell me that this is for my own protection: but it's okay for master Yoda to know, knows doesn't he whatever you're hiding you've told him that's why you ran straight to him when you got back. What is so important Or terrible, you can't tell me I thought we were friends!

Izuku: you are my friend! I don't want to say anything happened to you or Anakin or anyone else in the Jedi Temple, or the grand Army of the Republic. Master Yoda and the council took me in when I had nowhere else to go and I had no idea where I was. If it wasn't for master Yoda, I would likely be dead on the planet where he found me and he asked for nothing in return. I'm just trying to keep you all safe.

Safe from what? ! And why does he think we need protection we're Jedi we do the protecting not the other way round: protection from what? Dabi? Someone else on your world, what is going on why can't you trust me

Izuku: I do trust you, believe me I do trust you and as much as I trust my closest friend back home. I don't care about you, which is why I can't tell you... Please ahsoka trust me when I say that you don't wanna know, because if you did know it would be severe consequences

I uncross my arms and walk towards him. We're now a few feet away from each other and I look at him dead in the eye: I can take those consequences, I can protect myself! I don't need you to worry about me, i'm worried about you...izuku For the first time in my life, I started questioning the Jedi code because of you because I care about you more than I should... I don't know why and I don't know how, but somehow you you've managed to slip into my heart, whatever that means I wanna see it through and that means you telling me what is going on because I can't stand the thought that you're going to go off and do something that's gonna get you hurt or worse

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