Storm Over Ryloth part 1

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Narrators point of view

The people on the  planet of pyloth were in trouble the separatists had invaded their planet, and the people were now being forced into basic slavery. It was up to the Jedi to give the people back their freedom, but first thing to get past the blockade surrounding the planet.

Anakin Skywalker was in charge of the assault along with the help of his Padawan Ashoka breakthrough with the blockade in a space battle, however izuku was on board the ship as well, mostly as moral support since he still wasn't comfortable flying out into space

The ships had exited out of hyperspace, and the Jedi were having a meeting about the strategy : their blockade looks strong, but we should be able to get through it with our limited ships

Obi-Wan nodded: that's good, remember Anakin, your success is crucial if we want to free the people of this planet

Anakin : don't worry about it master we've got this

Izuku spoke up:mmm.... if I may, I was wondering if the council had considered my request about increasing Jedi on Corazón considering those crimes that I found seem to be the cause of people with quirks

Obi-Wan stroked his beard : yes, the council have considered it, but at the moment we are at a bit of a standstill izuku there just aren't that many Jedi despair we're all stretched in because of the war,

Izuku: well, what about the guards at the temple? I mean no offence it just seems like the Jedi Temple doesn't need that many guards couldn't they do something about it?

Obi-Wan: that was considered youngling, however, I would be difficult to explain to the Republic why we're letting our Jedi guards patrolled the streets... Do not worry we are well aware that we cannot leave these people to their own devices. We're just having trouble finding a solution and also maintains the secrecy of it all. I'm sorry, perhaps we can find another way, but for now focus on the assault youngling

Izuku looked down depressed, but he understood they were in the middle of a war. They were already stretched thin enough: I understand master thank you

The hero in training walks out of the control room, a little sad, but tries to keep up in high spirits as he heads towards the hanger, where his somewhat girlfriend was waiting

Ahsoka and izuku had understood that they had feelings for each other, especially after the blue shadow virus incident. However, even after a two weeks of them being together they hadn't quite put a label on it just yet, mostly because they weren't sure what love really wise since neither of them Heard any idea about what love truly was and the fact they had to keep the whole thing, a secret of fear of the Jedi order is wrath but they were trying to make it work

Meanwhile the meeting continues, applicant was a little upset about seeing his little friend, so distraught: Nice, did you have to talk to the council again? You saw those reports and what it's greeny right we're already infested with those guys. He even reported that at least six of them were in the Mac security prison the One his people call Tartarus

Obi-Wan: I understand that Anakin and I am well aware how dangerous these people are, but it is like I said the Jedi or already spread thin and since we're keeping this out of The loop of the Republic, we don't can't rely on the Senate

Anakin: well, Senator padmè knows about this, I could very well lie to her after what she saw on naboo she already was suspicious about we need origins ever since he rescued her from the malevolence  she seems to be taking it well no I don't think whole Senate will

Obi-Wan: precisely we don't know how the Sun will react this news. But rest assured Anakin, the council is taking this seriously

Anakin : I know master you heard about one of those reports, someone is killing people who look like greenly you can't honestly say that that's not a problem

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