A slimy reunion

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Just ahead quick heads up this chapter might get weird

Narrators point of view

The Jedi were waiting outside the temple for izuku to arrive so that they could begin the hunt for the sludge creature, but of course Anakin still didn't completely understand why they were waiting around for a youngling

Anakin complaining to the head Jedi: Master Yoda , I mean no disrespect but why are we waiting around for just some kid . My squadron of clowns and I can deal with this thing

Master shook his head in disapproval: underestimate the enemy you do, unlike anything face before you have

Ashoka agreed: I agree with master Yoda master skywalker, we don't know what this thing is capable of. It's not a bad idea to get some help or at least some advice about it

Obi-Wan: They're right Anakin can you not deal with not being the centre of attention for just a moment?

Ashoka and Obi-Wan let out a snicker which made Anakin fluster as he crossed his arms and turned away to avoid them seeing him getting slightly embarrassed: you know what I'm sick of waiting I'm going to go get some troops and we're going to search for that thing, you all can wait for some kids to give you some probably useless information

The Jedi knight then stormed off, his Padawan was about to follow but Obi-Wan stopped her: met him go, I know Anakin can be... impulsive but I'm sure he'll think things through when he talks to Rex he just needs time to cool off

Ashoka nodded she didn't much like it she knew that her master was by far one of the greatest Jedi knights in the order but he also had a... Difficult personality which partly led to her always having to rescue him from trouble but it was part of her job as his Padawan

So with the chosen one storming off the other Jedi waited for the ship to arrive, 15 minutes later it did it landed safely on the landing platform and the platform opened, at first it was troopers walking out but then a boy wearing a cloak stepped forward towards the oldest Jedi

Izuku respectfully bowed: Master Yoda

Master Yoda: Greetings my friend, allow to introduce Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Master and Padawan learner    Ashoka

Izuku bowed once again: Nice to meet both of you, I am iuzku Midoriya

Obi-Wan: A pleasure, may we now discuss what we are going to do about the thing that is looking in the sewers

Izuku spoke up rather sheepishly: sure... But if I may ask nicely can you stop referring to him as an "it" please

Ashoka raised an eyebrow in confusion she couldn't understand that the thing that attacked her was an actual person especially when it look like it's entire body was made of sludge. Surely he had to be kidding she thought

Ashoka: i'm sorry that thing trying to kill me and you want me to show respect

Izuku gulped because he was nervous about talking to a new girl: n-no it's not... It's just ... Well okay yeah he is a bad guy but he's still a person you could at least refer to him as a him it's offensive to call anyone an it he has rights

Ashoka still didn't understand: i'm sorry you're saying that pile of sludge has rights? Isn't he a criminal where you come from?

The hero in training continued to talk nervously while avoiding the girls gaze: okay... umm how to put this on it's still offensive to call someone and it's just because their bodies are made of sludge , I mean how would you feel if someone called you a rude name? And I know he's done some really bad things believe me I know but what you're saying is incredibly offensive not to mention somewhat racist

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