Playing the role of parents 🍋

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Hey guys, so it's starting now, lemon scenes will become more frequent in the fanfiction because ahsoka and our favourite green haired hero will be taking their relationship to the next level, which will cause the other females to want to catch up  I hope you enjoy oh by the way both characters are 16 years old, so no problems

Ahsoka point of view

So... We returned to the temple and got the children to safety and they're going back to their home planet. Meanwhile izuku is making a spare bed for his daughter who is very tired so she's having a nap while we report this incident to the Jedi Council... and that's exactly what we're going to do right now, go down to the Jedi Council and report what happened

Izuku isn't even acknowledging me when we're walking down the corridors together

I tried to strike up a conversation: i'm sorry, I said that I panicked...

Izuku glared at me with annoyance. Can't really say I blame him. I made a massive mistake when we were on Mustafaa


On the lava planet, the little girl that was in my boyfriends arms just asked a very unusual question. She asked me if I was her mother and the only thing I could say at the time because of the shock and variety of it all: y...yes

Izuku jaw dropped in shock, while little girl's expression instantly lit up as she smiled wildly, and started yelling: mummy!

Do you respond to this? I give her nervous smile. Meanwhile, my boyfriend is glaring daggers at me which I'm confused by because I thought he would be happy about this. I thought this could be you know the next step in our relationship. but apparently, I was wrong

On the ship I placed the children down in the capable hands of the medical droid, eri continue to ask me questions that I could not answer: mummy, how did you win daddy mate? How are you out here before daddy was?

I tried to put on a confident face: sorry sweetie, but mummy is really tired. Can you leave quick questions for later please

She seems to accept this before running over and hugging me tightly: okay, mummy

I look down at her and for a moment I want to take back what I said, but the way she looks at me with such happiness and joy I can't take that away from her I give her a hug back in place and back on her seat as as I go to the bridge where my boyfriend is waiting and driving the ship back to the republic

Is it back in the co-pilot seat and there is an awkward silence: so... You're getting better at flying ha ha ha ha

He doesn't even acknowledge he just focuses on flying, I tried to get him to respond: like why are you acting like this this is good for us. She thinks I'm her mother that that's a good thing isn't it

Izuku: no, it is not good. This is far from good to realise what you've done?

I look at him confused why is he angry about this? I've made her so happy: yeah, overjoyed and full of excitement. how is that a bad thing?

He turns around, and I've never seen him more angry: well for starters now she really believes that we are a family that may sound like a good thing, but it's not eri He's a victim of post-traumatic stress because of that, she attached onto the first person who showed her kindness, and gave him the title of her father, because that's what she expected

I know that already explained it to me: yeah I know that that's why she calls you daddy, even though you're not why is this a bad thing exactly?

Izuku: it's a bad thing, because it's not healthy for her to form an attachment with someone through that she has created this fantasy world of where she was abducted To be experimented he thinks she's had a happy life. She's put it in her head that way they cope with it all. That kind of fantasy can't stay real forever when she grows up she's gonna realise that it's not true and it will break her. The reason why I was leading the call me daddy is because she needs believing that fantasy at that very moment I was going to tell her when she was older and more capable to deal with the stress before the fantasy came crashing down

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