Cloak of darkness part 1

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Hello everyone just again heads up this chapter might get a little uncomfortable, if you read the manga you probably already know about the recent events that have been taking place and I thought it would be a bit of a waste not to include them in my fanfiction. Also just a heads up a bit of a spoiler if you only watch the anime

Narrators point of view

The Padawan of Anakin Skywalker had been sent on a mission although it wasn't with her usual master it was with Jedi master luminara undul A Jedi that values the Jedi code very closely unlike her original master. The mission was to escort a prisoner of war Nute gunray A diabolical separatist leader

Ahsoka didn't see why the separatist leader was so dangerous he was wobbly and practically a coward but she didn't question how old is partly because it was also known that iuzku would be on the ship as well and and the Padawan wanted to talk to her new friend.

Over the time that ahsoka had known about the earthling she became more and more fascinated with his culture of his planet and even more fascinated with him so she would deny. But deep down in her own subconscious she could not hide that she was feeling and attachment to the earthling

But whatever the case the Padawan was excited to meet up with her friend once again after only being apart for two days

As the ship exited the planet atmosphere of the Jedi master contacted The cruiser: Jedi cruiser Tranquility this is general luminara undul I requesting permission to land.

The Senate guard on the other end: you are cleared, general. We are waiting for your prisoners arrival the others have already arrived

Ahsoka attention was drawn to that statement as the communication was cut off she took her eyes off the viceroy who was trying to bribe his way out of being tried by bribing the clones which was not working so the Padawan learner thought it was a good idea to take her attention off the viceroy

Ahsoka asked her temporary Jedi master: other prisoners? I thought we were just transferring this money grabber

luminara undul turned to the Padawan: oh yes, it's rather strange actually these people appeared out of nowhere dressed in rather peculiar clothes. According to the senator that captured The viceroy said that they didn't seem dangerous at first but the second they sawjar jar And the viceroy they became hysterical they charged at all of them pinning them to the floor while screaming something along the lines of the "cleansing" we're not sure who they are but They are dangerous they have shown they have... Abilities similar to master Yoda is Padawan I believe you know him well

Ahsoka nodded she could somewhat understand it now, she now knew why izuku was on board the Tranquility if it was another person from his planet then his help would be invaluable. Still there was one thing that bug her if these people were violent why would they completely ignore senator  amidala and go straight for gunray and jar jar he didn't make sense to the young Padawan but she decided to put it aside she was going to see her friend again that's all that mattered

A little while later after docking on the The ship to the Tranquility, the Padawan and master were delivering the prison to room for the voyage back to the Senate so he could receive judgement for his many war crimes. Hoping to avoid that The viceroy always coming up with every excuse he could

Gunray yells: this is a complete miscarriage of justice! I want my litigator!

ahsoka rolled her eyes she was getting sick and tired of this cowards endless whining just when she thought she couldn't take it anymore she saw the light at the end of the tunnel izuku Standing in the corridor guiding who she believed to be the new prisoners. And the description was right they were dressed in strange clothing

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