Innocent of Ryloth part 2

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Izuku's point of view

going away from ending was a lot harder than I first for its all right he followed us but try and keep our distance from him whilst I'm tenuously getting back to the base was proving more difficult and to top it all off we got lost in the maze of this village it's honestly like a labyrinth here how do people live like this I do not know.

So we are lost great on a planet that filled with droids in a village with a psychopath I'm not sure how this could get worse: okay so couple things one we are lost to we are out of radio range so we can't call for help and three we have a child with us not exactly going according to plan

boil: well... I'm not sure sir why can't we just go back the way we came

I explain why: because that way is a suicidal lunatic that would be willing to to kill the little girl here or take a hostage as she is with us we need to be careful about what we do last thing we need is a civilian casualty. Remember we are here to help these people not destroy their homes or take their loved ones away. All right so time to brainstorm anyone have any ideas on how to get back?

boil raised his hand and I immediately shut it down before he even suggests anything: without endangering the life of a child?

The clone immediately lowers his hand, waxer doesn't seem to have any ideas either and I can use my powers to jump up and have a look around the village to try and find Obi-Wan and the others because that will give away our location and the droids will come running not to mention I probably cause more damage to the homes just when all things seemed hopeless the little girl tugged at my leg and pointed while saying the word she keeps calling us before running off

I don't know what she's doing or what she means but maybe just maybe she's trying to lead us to a way out of here it's worth a shot at least she's grown up in this village so she probably knows it much better than we do in the clones follow her

she leads us to appears to be a homing district or at least what's left of it looks like one of the separatists tanks went through here and destroyed everything. The girl finally stops in front of what's left of the house I catch up with her along with the waxer and Boyle the girls got a sad expression on her face and please tell me this isn't...

The girl grabs my hand for a moment as she leads me into the building, Boil: what are we doing here

waxer came to the same realisation as me: I think this was her home... Poor little thing she lost it all

we make our way inside and I can already see the devastation the buildings have collapsed and has a hole in the ceiling in the rubble plastered all over what used to probably be the living room. I know that as a hero I was going to see horrible things but something like this I truly wasn't prepared for this isn't like a national disaster or criminal edges destroyed a building because he was trying to get away this this is a little girl lost her home because of the war she probably doesn't even understand

I do my best not to cry but a few tears leave me I wipe them away quickly: this is the side of war no one really wants to talk about

Waxer took off his helmet and looked at me with an expression of confusion: what you mean sir?

I try to explain the best I can but I think it can only be described in one sentence: in war no matter what side you're on whether it's good or bad it's always the innocent suffer. I mean look at her she probably does anyone understand why this war is even happening yet here she is right in the middle of it it's just so unfair

boil: are you saying it's powerful that she is in this mess sir

I shake my head as I take off my hood: no I'm just saying that in some ways we are all responsible mean she should be in school instead she's running around the ruins of her village trying to find her next meal or because what a bunch of people couldn't disagree on something it's not fair to her it's not fair to any of the people of this planet they they got caught up in something that has absolutely nothing to do with them

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