Lights, camera, murder part 1

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I guys so this is a chapter of my own making it's something I've wanted to try putting into another one must always begin quite fit as the name says it's a murder mystery I wanted to try having a murder mystery fanfiction but I'd never found the inspiration to start it and I'm hoping that depending on how well this chapter is received will maybe encourage me to actually give my murder mystery a try. So for the record this is happening during the time period of the episode senate spy I wanted to try include our vivid green haired hero to the episode but I just didn't see

(BTW this chapter will get bloody very bloody)

Narrators point of view

In the back alleyway in the lower levels of the republics mean plant

In the dead of night in the back alleyway that was located in the darker part of the planet stood three goons all armed raid to make an exchange through some spice for some money. The deal was going down by three lowlife goons or three of them were from different crime families to watch over the deal. Each one of them was different from the other in variation of species, but that wasn't important what is important to them was the deal that was going down right in front of them what they did not notice was the small bit of blue light, appearing above them, where a new danger to the public had come from earth.

Goon number one nervous: are you sure we should do the change here

Goon number two: relax we chose this place because around here on these lower parts no one cares what happens even if someone saw us they will just look the other way ever since this war started crime has just become too easy

Goon number one started to shake: about that kid, you know, the one on the service the one with that crazy level of strength, I heard he could even fly. What if he shows up

Goon number three: i'll quit being a big baby that's just some republic propaganda to make people like us afraid. Well it's not gonna work do you actually believe there is a planet where people have evolved to that level, it's just some form of prank publicity stunt to get more people are leaving in the war effort even if he was real, do you really think he would come down here no one comes down here let's just get this over with do you have the payment?

Goon number one and his friend not at each other as they brought out a black briefcase and opened it showing millions of credits

Before the two groups could swap they heard a sound that chilled them to the very bone

(I don't own this video but I recommend if you do listen to this turn your volume right down because it is really loud)

Goon number for surprise by the sound and instantly goes for his weapon: what the hell was that?

Goon Number one beginning to panic so much so that his blaster nearly slipped out of his hand because the amount of sweat he was giving off: it's guy, the one that destroyed a street he's here!

Goon number three slapped the other one to calm him down and for being stupid: relax it's not the super powered teenager, it's probably a do-

Unit number three was interrupted Buy a streak of metal that ran straight through his body and he was then lifted up as he bled out, The others look at him in horror and shock because they couldn't see what was lifting him up it was like he was being lifted by telepathy. However one of them noticed a shadow coming from the other end of the sphere you pointed it out to the others and they immediately emptied their bullets into the target.

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