Dear boss part 1

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Izuku point of view

got out the healing poured early after hearing about what happened someone found the teenage villain just he was in one piece so against the doctors I got out of the pod changed into some Jedi robes that were laid out for me and I headed down to where the crime scene was

the inspector was already there trying to get the whole thing packed already but thankfully Rex was there making sure it was untouched

Rex: for the last time Sir I am not releasing this crime scene to you

the inspector: I am a police officer and I have the right to say that this scene is clear and it is it's just basic mugging what in the world as the military have to do with this

Rex: so the victim was from earth and we also believe that the person responsible for the murder is from earth therefore by what the counsellor has said all matters involving earth is henceforth a military matter you have no jurisdiction the about this and as for it being a basic mugging I would rather have someone else take a look at first

the inspector: who that green haired kid he got lucky the last few times

I finally speak up as I make myself known: well it's like they say it's better to be lucky than good... Let the inspector in Rex I Wanna see his opinion on this

Rex followed my orders and let the inspector in I followed soon after him and us when we found the crime scene with the arrogant super villain laying on the floor covered in his own blood with his throat slit... My god this guy was an ass hole but he didn't deserve this. He looks as if he's been carved up multiple lacerations, i almost see his organs.... I think gonna throw up.

The inspector actually beats me to that end throws up in the corner, he comes back after throwing up trying to look professional but he looked pale but you just seen a ghost something tells me is never seen anything like this before: now I think it's a simple model therefore there is no need for the military to get involved in this now if you'll excu-

I interrupt him from leaving: sure it's a mugging and saw the reason why the killer felt the need to slash him multiple times after death was just making sure? That and the fact that everything valuable is literally right beside the body or did you not notice that because you were too busy throwing up?

The inspector didn't like that: how dare you I am the chief inspector you will show me some respect I don't care how the Chancellor thinks you can help with these kind of crimes but I tell you it's a simple mugging end of story!

I roll my eyes he still hasn't noticed the keen bit of evidence: if it's a mugging then why the killer leave a note next to the body

with a shocked expression inspector turns back of the body almost throwing up again but he knows is what I noticed a note but he doesn't even look at it before giving his explanation: then I change my mind it is not a mugging it's a simple suicide

I look at him dumbfounded as the rest the clones follow my example seriously how in the world it is guide investigator: I'm sorry do you even hear yourself when you come up with these explanations if it was a suicide then why are there multiple wounds after death what did you just stab himself multiple times after he died. Okay I thought I could teach him something but clearly not Rex can you get him out of here please

Rex: with pleasure sir men please escort the inspector away from our crime scene

the clones nod as they dragged the inspector kicking and screaming away claiming that it was a suicide how do any crimes it solved with that guy at the head of everything even though in most one of the vomits I look at the body more closely the slim M.O. of Jack the Ripper the only differences this time it's a man which is confusing Jack the Ripper was known to be a lost murderer who killed women with... Less than ideal jobs so why would they suddenly change doesn't make sense grubby wrong could this be someone else just imitating Jack the Ripper

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