Liberty on Ryloth part 1

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Okay guys, to celebrate the fact that ahsoka trailer came out the other day. I decided to update for today and thinking about it I'll probably update for the rest of the Easter holiday specifically this fanfiction because honestly after the Star Wars festival or celebration whatever you call it I feel more encouraged to do my Star Wars fan fiction so I hope you enjoy

but before we start this chapter I do have to ask you guys enjoying the story so far because I feel like it's riding on a bit I mean technically this is the last episode of season one I'm going to use and it's taken me 44 chapters to get this far and it's technically only just beginning. What I mean is are you guys okay with how long it's taking the story to pick up speed I'm trying to make it as interesting as possible but I can't just keep adding lemon scenes in every single one that's not how my stories what I try to have a bit of action in it as well I just Wanna know if you guys are enjoying the story basically let me know in the comments.

And since this is the last episode of season one that I'm going to use I figured I would add in something interesting for our favourite green haired hero I hope you enjoy

Master mace windu point of view

we're taking fire from the West as we walk we use the workers to cross Cliff like trying to get to the objective unfortunately we came got caught up in a battle with the droids they have tanks on the east side that are constantly shooting at us and we are unable to blast back due to the distance between us

izuku was holding onto the table: master I know that we can't shoot back but we can't just sit here with sitting ducks... Wait you don't know what ducks are whatever we easy targets

I do agree with him even though I do not understand the metaphor: what do you suggest we do?

izuku: I suggest that we take a small group and outflank the droids because at this rate even if we do get through this we won't have enough troops to take the capital back!

He's right in the raid were going even if we do make it through this attack there will be enough troops to help us take back the capital we will be able to help ourselves much less the people of this planet. Suddenly the tank we are in his hit and we fall on our side now is the time to get out and see what the true damage of this attack is we climb out of the tank and it is worse than I thought since we are at the front of the other tanks have now hit a dead end and we truly are now trapped 

with that in mind I get the workers out and I go for izuku plan of leading a counter-attack against the tanks while he clears the road with his superstrength and gets the injured out of the way with his superspeed. The counter-attack was successful we lost very few men in the manoeuvre and we were able to stop the tanks from attacking us any further the problem is the damage was already done to our squad we no longer have enough men to take the capital

maybe my way back to the squad where izuku is waiting standing at attention: I managed to get everyone was injured to safety master unfortunately there were many casualties... I did a headcount we've lost 32 men including the commanders and three walkers... I hate to say it but I feel that we do not have enough men to take back the capital

he's right we were already stretched thin enough as it was now we barely have enough men to maintain our own safety: good work saving the people that you could although I sense that is not sit well with you doesn't young one

izuku looks down in shame as he rubs the back of his head: I know I can save everyone master I'm aware of that it's just... In my line of work on my world reacting to save someone the very key of being a good hero maybe if I reacted faster more men would still be-

I placed my hand on the boy's shoulder before he can go further into his own self doubt: you said as many as you could and that's what matters you cannot fix what is right in front of you remember that

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