Chapter 7

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You find yourself lost in Eddies gaze as he, too, lost himself in yours. The wind rushed harder now, causing your hair to dance across your face and your body to shiver in its breeze.
"Brrr- I should probably get going." You eventually say.
"Right, uh- do you want a ride or...?" Eddie asks as he gestures to the road behind him, a car key ready in his hand.
"Ummm..." You don't want to be a hassle but when you check your watch, you realise that you should've been home a while ago now. "You sure you don't mind?"
"I assure you, it's more than fine." He says, "I know you've got some place to be and if I'm being honest, I'd prefer I take you home than leave you stranded here, alone."
"If it'd make you feel better about yourself, then sure." You smirk, mischievously.
"Not what I meant."

Eddie waits for you to catch up to him before beginning to walk towards his parked car in a nearby lot.
"You're not gonna kidnap me, are you?" You joke.
"Do I look like the kidnapping type?" He smiles back before pausing in thought, "-You know what? Don't answer that."
The two of you break out into a fit of laughter and if he didn't know any better, he would think your laugh was strung by angels, themselves.

Approaching a parked car, Eddie holds his arms out ahead of him as if to show case it.
"The beauty." He says with a bright smile, "Hop in."

The drive to your place was comfortable.
You felt safe.
You didn't feel the need to worry about getting home or if you would even make it home which some people would, in Eddies presence. Thinking about it made you wonder why he had that reputation to him at all; he wasn't a danger, nor a freak. If anything, he was a great, big ray of sunshine and his warmth shone straight through him and directly into you.

"Just here?"
You wake from your trance, quickly looking at Eddie and then to the street he had already began to turn into.
"Yup, just the one with...uh-?" You point at your house but freeze when you see a car already pulled up in front. "Just here."
Eddie stops in the middle of the road, peering over you to look at the car in your drive way, seeing a tall guy, matching his own height, in a light blue jacket and jeans in a darker blue.
"Steve?!" You shout out the window, "What the hell are you doing here?"
Steve meets your eyes, pulling his sunglasses up when he sees an unfamiliar face beside you. The exchange between looks secretly shot Eddie down.
"Boyfriend?" Eddie says, now dispirited as he puts his car into gear.
"Absolutely not."
Suddenly, Dustin appears from inside Steve's car, making himself known at last as he flashes you that classic Dustin smile.
"Y/N! And...Eddie?"

You sink low into the seat of Eddies car, hands over your face just knowing and dreading what was going through Dustins mind right now. Eddie didn't seem to mind, in fact, his face visibly lit up, causing Dustins to, as well.
"Ohoho! Hello, you two." Dustin teases as he approaches the car and leaning against the window pane, "You guys seem to be getting along better than expected."
"Bug off, Henderson." Eddie chuckles with a roll of his eyes.
"What do you want, Dustin?" You ask.
"Wanna be the fill in?"
"It was worth a try."
Steve only stands beside his car still, leaning against it as he waits. His eyes watching you and Eddie with a serious glare and you could feel it piercing through you.

"Thank you for the ride, Eddie."
"Hey, no problem." He smiles down at you.
You keep your eyes on Eddie as you unbuckle your seatbelt now, words and questions caught in your throat but for what it's worth, you settle for a simple, "See you later."

You hop out of his car with a bounce to your step, your hair wildly runs in the wind as you try to keep it from doing that at all but with no luck.
Walking towards Steve where he stood, you turn around to wave at Eddie to see he was already looking at you, so he gave a small wave in return, making Steve raise his brows in suspicion.
"Who is that?" Steve asks, arms crossed over his chest.
"A friend from school."
"A friend, huh? His eyes say otherwise."
"Ugh, you got it all wrong, Steve." You whine.
"Face the facts, Y/N," He begins with his usual motherly tone of voice he often had, "He's looking at you like a heathen lion to some poor, helpless gazelle. Not to mention you're home later than usual, I thought you were kidnapped."
"I'm not a baby, Steve, and you're not my mom." You say with an adoring smile.
"Pshh- could have fooled me." He says under his breath.

You turn around one last time, not exactly sure what you had hoped to see but you only see Eddie talking to Dustin still. One hand on the steering wheel while the other rests on the gear stick, his eyes fixated on Dustin as he rambles total nonsense, probably about Hellfire, but amidst the nonsense, he catches a quick glimpse at you from over Dustins shoulder before shyly and almost instantaneously looking down again.
"Oh yeah, an absolute heathen, Steve." You mock, "Now, get outta here."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever...Dustin!"

'Strange Love' Eddie Munson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now