Chapter 11

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After an excruciatingly long search for Eddie, Steve and Robin were able to help get a clue to where he's at. Thanks to the VHS store records and Robins insanely incredible critical thinking, you had reason to believe that Eddie could be hiding at his friends place that is supposed to be completely empty;
The perfect place to hide out if you ask me.

You all bunched together inside of Steve's car, knee to knee, cramped up and hot as you all grow weary with possibilities. The day being as sunny as it was, didn't do you any favours either so Steve drove fast with the windows down until the place you were looking for finally came into view.
"Nice place." Steve gawks as he pulls in.
"No shit..." Dustin says, just as amazed.
"Hey, language."
The second Steve stopped the car, you were already digging for the buckle of the seat belt, undoing it in a rush and jumping out. You jumped up the steps of the porch, knocking on the door but you're met with no answer. Putting your ear to the wood of the door, you listen. It's so quiet and empty inside that a pin could surely be heard dropping but alas, there's nothing.
"Hey..." Robin says, "Over there."
Robin nods towards a lonely boat shed, big enough to house a person but small enough to go unrecognised. Again, the perfect hide out.

The group sneaks up the shed, gravel shifting beneath your footsteps as the others hesitate to open it at all.
It's understandable to be afraid, there may or may not be a killer behind this door but every bit of your mind, body and soul believed he wasn't. So, you take one deep breath and you step forward, pushing the door open slowly as it creaks eerily on its hinges.
"Wow." Robin says, followed up by a cough, "If I was a serial killer, I would hide literally anywhere else."
You begin to walk forward but Steve holds an arm out in front of you, instead. "I'll go first." He says.
You look up and meet his gaze, nodding at each other before he picks up an oar.
"Strange weapon of choice, even for you." Max says.

As Steve starts to poke at anything he deems suspicious, you look around for yourself. Nothing really looked out of place or lived in until you come up to a small table in a corner, it was dark but the small bit of light coming in from the window shone on a half eaten burger.
"Uh...guys?" You attempt to grab their attention but something much bigger and unexpected captures it instead.

"Woah, woah, woah!"

You whip your body around to see Steve pinned to the wall by his throat, a broken bottle and a threatening glare torments his very life.
"Eddie!" You shout, both excited to see him but also worried for Steve, causing him to avert his eyes towards you, instead.
"Eddie, hey!" Dustin joins, "It's me. Henderson."
You approach Eddie, and as you do, his hold on Steve begins to ease. Dustin takes this chance to try and gently take the bottle from his hands but it only makes Eddie flinch, reverting his stance back to its initial unstable one.
"Hey, it's okay. This is Steve, you know Steve." Dustin adds, "From Y/N's place?"
This doesn't make Eddie let up at all, if anything, it teased at him even more; but as you inched closer towards Eddie, he finally lets go.
"Phew." Dustin sighs as Steve does also.
You run to inspect Steve's throat as he sinks low in relief against the wall while Eddie can't find it in him to care, he only sits in a dark corner of the shed, alone and afraid.

"Eddie, tell us what happened." Dustin says as he sits in front of him.
" wasn't me..."
"I know, let's just..." Dustin try's again to get the bottle from his hands for safe measure and Eddie lets him this time. "Now...what happened?"
"You wouldn't believe me if I said."
"Try us." Robin says.
Eddie looks up to finally make eye contact with Robin, and then to Dustin and Max before looking off to the side where you and Steve were. He wasn't aware of it himself but his eyes glazed over with the most miserable of looks and Dustin could sense why.
"Hey," Dustin says again, placing a brotherly hand on Eddies shoulder, "it's alright..." He assures, "Nothing you say can surprise us, whatever you're about to say, we already believe you so just- hit us with it."
"I'm- I'm going to sound crazy, I know I am because I- it does sound crazy." Eddie struggles to string a sentence together, rubbing his face with his hands in distress.

"Hey," You say, now closely beside him, "it's okay."
Dustin can't help the small smile creeping up on him at the relief on Eddies face now. Eddies glassy eyes becoming visibly content the longer he gazes into yours, sparkling with hope.
He quickly finds comfort in your presence and rests his head back against the wall before beginning to spill.

'Strange Love' Eddie Munson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now