Chapter 33

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"Pfftt-" You begin to laugh.
"What?" Eddie smiles under a cheap Michael Myers mask as he holds his arms out beside him.
"You're killing me with that hair." You giggle as you run your fingers through the messy tuft of polyester, too pathetic to be classed as hair.
"Oh yeah?...That's kinda what I do!-"
Eddie holds an invisible knife in the air before playfully bringing it down into your stomach where he begins to tickle you, causing you to throw your head back in a fit of manic laughter. As you grasp at his hands to let go, he stops. He keeps one hand around your waist as his other lifts the mask up to reveal his all-time goofy smile, and the way his dark, puppy-like eyes admired yours, gave you butterflies.
"Just you wait, Y/N." He grunts, catching his breath.
You stand there, all ears as you catch your breath, too. Exhausted from all the laughter and struggling.
"-For the day I finally get to show you off to the world." He says as he inches closer, "I'm gonna hold your hand in the hallways, flip Jason the finger and snatch you away from his wretched jockies."
You place your hands under his jacket, sliding them over his hellfire shirt as he speaks, feeling every single muscle underneath and causing him to exhale deeply as he comes even closer.
"You've never belonged with those jackasses, belong here with me." He says, lips grazing yours as he slowly closes the gap.
"Let's go already!" Robin nags from the sidelines.
"Jesus Christ!-"

Eddie pulls you along beside him. Well, more like drags as he keeps your head under his arm, sheltering your face with his jacket and making sure nobody has the chance to recognise you. He leads the group towards a large camper van, definitely already owned by the old couple sitting outside it but truthfully, what is there to lose?

The others hide behind the camper as Eddie prys the window open, then helping you inside before himself.
"Eddie-!" You wimper beneath him, "You couldn't wait til I moved?!"
"Sorry!" He says, pushing his body up and off of yours before rushing over to the drivers seat while the others now start to climb through, as well.
Eddie takes short glances over to you as he hot wires the van. You sat beside Erica with your arms around her as she clings onto you, too; but something he seen made his eyebrows furrow.
A glimpse of purple and blue around your wrist.
Eddie shakes his head, forcing himself to focus on the van before finally, it starts.

"Hey! Hey, who's in there?!" The owners wife shouts.
"Get out, this once!" The husband hollers.

As the owners begin to bang on the sides of the van, your breathing begins to pick up pace and you feel Ericas start too as well.
"We need to go!" You panic.
"You can't drive with that mask on, dip-shit!" Erica joins in.
"Erica?!" Lucas exclaims.
"It's okay, Harrington's got her." Eddie says, "Dont ya, big boy?"
"I do? I've never even driven a camper van before!"
"Steer, accelerate, brake." Eddie says as he pats Steve on the back, "Just- don't do a better job than Vecna at killing us, alright? I kinda have something to live for, now."
"Drive, Steve, Drive!"
Steve puts the pedal to the medal, ripping the van out of its spot as it drags a pop up tent behind it, breaking off as Steve turns onto the main road.
Dustin watches it tumble behind them as the owners try to chase on foot.
"Wow, they look devastated." He says.
"Yeah well, it's not everyday you lose your home and your car all at once." Robin responds.
Eddie walks down to join you, sitting opposite of you and Erica seated at a small table. He holds his arms out across the table, looking up at you as if he was asking for something.
"Your hands." He smiles.
You smile back as you place your hands in his, but Erica clearly wasn't having any of it.
"Gross, you guys." She says as she stands up, "if you need anything, I'll be over here."

"Thats new."
"What?" You ask, but Eddie only seemed to be observing something on your wrist.
"This wasn't there back at Max's, I know because my hands are constantly glued to yours."
"Hmph, yeah." You smile, "It was just Billy- um, Vecna, I mean. I bruise easily, though."
Eddie fingers softly run across the bruise circulating around your entire wrist, it was a surprisingly deep purple for something so new.
Eddie shifts in his seat, looking off to the side as his jaw visibly tightens.
"Do you...still like him?" Eddie asks, "This Billy guy, I mean."
"You mean as a friend?"
"You know what I mean."
"Eddie, we never dated, if that's what you're implying."
"It's true!" Steve shouts from behind the steering wheel, "But god knows he wanted to."
You shake your head at Steve, of course he could hear the conversation but he didn't have to be so direct about it. Considering the topic, you turn around to check on Max who was sitting by the back window with Lucas.
"How are you feeling?" You ask and she nods.
"Oddly fine, I guess I'm just happy knowing you'll be there too...wouldn't rather be going into battle with anybody else."
"We've got this." You smile, "We'll make him pay."
Max flashes a small smile back, but quickly looks down into her lap as she nervously plays with her hands. You knew she was still scared, no matter how much she tried to mask it and of course, Lucas could tell, too. You watch as he slides his hand into hers and to his relief, she returns it.
It made you smile.

Eddie watches you smile before doing the same as his fellow brethren, Lucas.
He stands up and sits on the table top before spinning his legs over to the other side, sliding in next to you. His heft causes the cushions to sink as you too, sink into him.
"Hi." He smiles, reaching his arm around you.
"Can I help you?" You tease.
You expected Eddie to play along as usual but his smile only disappears. The sight made your heart feel heavy.
"Well, actually, yes." He chuckles, putting on a pretend smile to replace his last. It doesn't last long, as if he lacked the strength to keep it up, he lets it falter, again. "Don't do this."
You sigh, knowing exactly what he was referring to.
"I'm sorry, Eddie."
He only nods silently, his face tense with a rare frown as he avoids eye contact with you. Ashamed of the hopelessness he felt.

'Strange Love' Eddie Munson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now