The Milkshake Date Pt.1

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After the whole 'saving the world' thing, life, strangely enough, sort of went back to normal...

Thanks to Jane, or better known as 'Eleven', the government was forced to come clean about their experiments. The lab was swept of all its evidence. The tapes, Nina, all of it was exposed to the public eye; which not only meant that Eddies name was cleared but now, he was known primarily as a hero.

Jason and Andy were both expelled from Hawkins High and charged with aggravated assault. Andy served additional years behind bars for assault against a minor, Erica. While she, officially joined Hellfire Club alongside Will, their newest recruit.

After the curse of Hawkins was ultimately lifted, Joyce moved back to the family home and Hopper moved in with her. The Byers became a big, mix-matched family and nothing could top the happiness and serenity they finally felt, at last.
Their house often flooded with laughter and music that could be heard from blocks away.

As for you and Eddie, you guys were titled the 'Best Couple' in the year book after graduation.
Eddie finally got to flip the shitty principle off, saving some for whatever remained of the basketball team, and exited those school doors with you in his arms, bridal style.
His uncle couldn't be prouder of the man his nephew turned out to be.

It's a warm Saturday morning and you wake up to the sound of birds chirping just outside the window above your sleepy head. The sun beamed through the curtains, seeing the pretty shimmer of dust particles floating by its rays.
"Mmmghh-" You groan with a stretch, your arms raised high above your head causes the blanket to fall, exposing your chest. You wore only underwear beneath the sheets, and still, you felt so incredibly warm.

Sitting up, your eyes land on a familiar guitar perched against the wall and following its length downward, you see your clothes laying on the floor amongst some heavy metal magazines. Rather than reaching for those, you reach for the Metallica shirt thrown just as carelessly as yours were last night.

Dressed in an oversized band shirt, you walk out the room and instantly, the smell of something delicious filled your senses.
"Mornin' gorgeous." Eddie says, looking up and smiling at you as he flips an egg.
"Mornin'...and, good morning Mr.Munson." You say as Eddies uncle sits in the living room, watching the sports channel.
"No need for that, darl..." He says back as he looks over to you with a smile, "It's just Wayne, to you."
"Hey, you can call me Mr.Munson." Eddie whispers with a mischievous look on his face, "Sounds kinda hot coming from you."
"Hey, hey! just playing!...bacon?"
As Eddie places a plate of sunny side eggs and bacon in front of you, he walks past to give his uncle a plate of his own to enjoy with his sports, and a beer to wash it all down. Eddie then returns to the kitchen counter where he stands in front of you, elbows leaning on its table top as he observes you quietly.
You look up to meet his gaze but he looks away, instead.
"What's wrong?" You ask.
"Hm?...Ah, nothing." He says, but his fidgety fingers and incapability to hold eye contact, told you that there was, in fact, something. Not even his messy bangs were enough to hide his raised brows.
"Actually! I um, was thinking..."
"Go on..."
"Well...i don't know about most people, but I wouldn't really register alien hunting in the list of  'worlds best dates' so..." He hesitates but when he looks up, he notices your eyes glimmering back at his, giving him the strength to continue. "I promised you a date, do you remember?"
"The milkshake could I forget? Actually, I specifically remember it was me who promised to let you take me out, not the other way around." You say with a smirk.
"Let a man keep his dignity, m'kay?" He laughs, "-but yes, the milkshake date...I wanna take you out for milkshakes today, to make up for the fifty others we were supposed to have, by now."
"Granted." You respond with a goofy smile, "-Although fifty milkshakes is a lot of milkshakes, but if you insist~"
"I meant dates!"

After breakfast, the two of you got going.
Walking past Uncle Wayne and waving goodbye, your eyes couldn't help but drift up to the ceiling above, where the gate used to be. Now, it was just a patch of plasterwork in need of a repaint.
It really was all in the past, now.
Wasn't it?

"What have you two love birds got planned for today?!" Max shouts from across the park, out for a skate on her board.
You shield the blaring sun from your eyes as you look back at Max, her usual devilish 'stir the pot' attitude was clear to the naked eye and evidently, it began to rub off on you.
"Oh, you know...just couples stuff! You should try it some time!" You shout back with a wink.
"Well, well, well...Speak of the devil." Eddie adds as he pulls you close, "Sinclair!"
Coming from Max's place, was Lucas. He held a sandwich in hand as he held out half for Max to take, to which she did, taking a bite.
"Yo~ Eddie and Y/N!" Lucas waves and Eddie waves back.

As unexpected as it was to see Max finally hanging out with Lucas again, you felt glad. Your best guess was that they finally patched things up, maybe even giving the whole 'dating' thing another shot.
Girls being girls, you and Max exchange questionable looks. You stayed wiggling your eyebrows at her in a teasing manner and Max just rolled her eyes with an agreeable nod, as if she meant to confirm your suspicions.
The two boys only stood in confusion, witnessing the weirdness that was your friendship before Eddie decidedly takes you in his arm, swooping you up with ease and throwing you over his shoulder.
"Aaaalright, enough of whatever that was," he says, placing you down in front of his van, and with a light tap on your back pocket and a cocky look in his eye, he says, "You owe me a date, remember?"

You stand in front of him now. His body trapping you against his van as he resists kissing you right then and there, in front of all the curious neighbours watching on from their curtains.
Privacy was obviously something of the past for Eddie, in particular. Living in a small and homely trailer park beside one of the hero's of Hawkins was exhilarating for some people, clearly.
But you couldn't care less.

Smiling, you slowly run your fingers up the sides of his vest until they land on his collar, using it for leverage as you finally pull him down to meet your lips. Eddie instantly returns the kiss, deepening it as he positions his hands on the van behind you.
"Maybe we can save the date for later..." He mutters between the kiss.
"Mm- nope." You say with a satisfied smile, "I owe you a date, remember?"
He leans his forehead against yours, sighing as an amused expression takes over his lustful one, "Yeah, yeah, you got me..." he chuckles, "Now, stop bullying your boyfriend and hop in, already."

'Strange Love' Eddie Munson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now