Chapter 26

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"Blind? No, but freak? Definitely." Eddie sighs.
"Then you're in luck." Steve chuckles to himself, "Freaks are kinda her type."
Eddie looks at Steve with a confused gaze, "What're you talking about?" He prys.
"Ah, its...nothing. I shouldn't even be joking about it but to be fair, it's not like I ever liked the guy."
"Spit it out, Steve~" Eddie chimes, growing impatient at Steve's vagueness.
"It's just- Y/N spent a lot of time with this one guy, Billy." Steve starts, "Nobody knows what happened between them but he was an asshole, she insisted differently though. She always did."
Eddie didn't like this story. He didn't like imagining you with another guy, an asshole, much less.
"Is there a point to this story?"
"What I'm getting at is- Vecna saw something in him that Y/N didn't, entirely left too much of an opening until one day he just..." Steve's face washed over with guilt as he spoke, "...Maybe I judged him too soon but- one day, Vecna saw that opening, the hole in his heart and used it, turned him into a freak. A real freak."
"Where is he now?"
"Same place as Chrissy."
Eddie sees no reason to continue the conversation. He got what he wanted and now his heart aches for you. You've lost three of your friends which would tear anybody down to their demise but when he looks at you, you're only ever smiling.
"Word from the wise...if you are thinking about asking her out, better sooner than later." Steve says with a brotherly hand on Eddies back, "You never know which day will be your last around here."
Eddies eyes fall shut as his head drops low, the truth to Steve's words should be encouraging but they hurt more than anything.
"Do you think she could like me?" Eddie asks.
"I think she already does." Steve smiles.

Eddie lifts his head up to look at Steve, his smile was faint like he didn't have the energy to make it even slightly convincing. When Eddie looks straight ahead where he can hear Robin talking with Nancy, he has to pause for a moment to look around for you who stood off to the side and as still as a tree.
"Uhh...Y/N?" He asks, cautiously.

Nancy and Robin were wandering along the dark trail as you floated alongside them like a ghostly jellyfish. You smiled at Robins bickering while Nancy only complained about her bickering. You smiled until something else rang out from the trees.
It was soft, a melody.
One that was familiar.

You stop walking, and neither Nancy or Robin noticed.
You turn your attention to the side and stare blankly into the dark abyss that was the forest. Seeing nothing but tall, dark trees and occasional lighting, the music got louder. It was a song from a memory, one with Billy.
A happy one.


Suddenly, the music stops.

"Y/N? You see something?" Eddie asks as he places a hand on your shoulder, worry plaguing his face. He looks into the forest where you seemed to be staring, seeing nothing at all.
"" You answer, "I didn't see anything."
Which technically, was the truth.

It could've been a coincidence, and if it wasn't;
then you were screwed.
Nothing more, nothing less.
As long as you don't have your favourite tape on standby, a set of headphones or even just a simple tape deck, you were a lost cause.
No use fighting it.

"Let's go." You say.
Eddie watches you walk on, your body looked tense and you didn't even flash him his all time favourite smile. You only walked off without him and as much as he wanted to slide his hand into yours, when he looked down, your hands were in fists.
Thankfully, he wasn't the only one who noticed you were acting strange.
"Keep an eye on her." Steve says.
"Uh, y-yeah."

"Home, sweet home."
Nancy pushes the run down door of her family house open, revealing an even more disarrayed living room.
"Woah..." Robin gawks, "Think it's about time you hire a maid."
You step inside after Nancy and Robin. You've been inside her house before but something about it felt off this time. Besides the obvious overgrowth in black, cruddy vines and the over-the-top unkempt state it was in, something was different.
"Geez, Nancy. You ever thought about dusting once in a while?" You joke as you swat floating particles out of your face.
"This way." Is all she says as she marches up stairs.
Steve, knowing all too well where her bedroom is, follows. Robin does too, finding his stride hysterical before you follow in tow.
"Careful." Eddie says from behind you.
Butterflies course through your stomach when you feel Eddies hands softly cup your lower back, making sure you don't trip over the vines or fall on your bad ankle.

That was why, right?
Then, why did it feel so...sentimental?

You think Eddie felt it too, because his fingers felt like they were fighting the urge to squeeze.
He sighs loudly from behind you, his grip tightening as his hands slide from your lower back to around your hips.

Being the last ones on the staircase, you stop at the top as the others disappear into Nancy's bedroom. Eddie doesn't stop until he was directly behind you, his hard chest pressed tightly against your back. He doesn't ask any questions and neither do you.
His hands slowly rub your hips back and forth, softly beginning to squeeze.
"Eddie." You mumble, running your hands along his own. He exhales deeply at the sensation your skin has on his as he rests his face in the crook of your neck.

'Strange Love' Eddie Munson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now