Chapter 17

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You wanna refuse, but you only pull it up further with hesitation obvious in your movements.
"Are you sure...?" You ask as Eddies attention stays on the beer in his own lap.
"I'll live." He says, looking up to meet your eyes.
His eyes, that are usually dark and intense to look into, only looked soft as he looks at you in his jacket and maybe it was the moonlight shining in from outside but his eyes had a certain glisten to them that wasn't there before. Continuing the lasting stare, for a split moment, his eyes drifted down at your lips before looking into your eyes again. He looked like he was trying to read you but for what?
Simultaneously, the two of you decide to break eye contact. Breaking the tension, too.

Thanks to the combination of beer and the warmth from Eddies jacket, you actually fell asleep quite fast.
Eddie, however, couldn't seem to fall asleep, at all.

He wished he could say that it was because he simply enjoyed the weight of your body sleeping soundly against his, but admittedly, it was the ever lasting image of your face so close to his that kept him up.
That stare, he could've sworn there was a reason behind it and it caused his mind to race with possibilities.
Possibilities that he otherwise would've thought were too great for a freak like him.
It felt different, after all.
He thought surely you felt it, too.
His head span with hope, and then hopelessness again, a tiresome loop he couldn't break out of.

He looks down at your head against his shoulder to see your face so sweet with peace and unlike normal, he doesn't smile. Knowing that this isn't permanent and that he shouldn't let himself get used to it.

Thud! Thud- Thud!

Eddie is snapped out of his thoughts when he hears what could be a number of car doors slamming shut just outside the property.
He tries to ignore it, passing it off as a neighbour in a nearby drive way; until the silence of the night turned into a variety of whispers.

"The door is unlocked." One voice says.
"Raid the place."
"But what if-"
"Just do it! For Chrissy!"

Eddies eyes widen in panic as he tries to shake you awake, careful not to make a noise.
"Y/N." He whispers, "Shit!- hey! Y/N...wake up..."
"...Mmnggh-" You groan as you finally awake but Eddies hand flys to your mouth, silencing you again. It frightened you at first, but when Eddies face came into view and his body moved to directly in front of yours, you quickly settled down again.
"They're here." Eddie says, watching your once peaceful expression, turn into distress.
His own changed too when the realisation hits him that he has to focus on moving you to somewhere safe. He looks around, noticing a small motor boat and the oar that Steve had left on the ground earlier today. He mentally thanks Steve before staying low and crawling over to grab it.

"Nobody is here, Jason."
"A shed?"
"-and a good hiding spot, if you ask me."
"Leave no stone unturned."

"It's gonna be alright, get in the boat." He says as he helps you into his jacket.
"I got it, Eddie."
Eddie reaches up into the pile of life vests, grabbing any at random and attempting to buckle you into one of them but you only panic as you hear the footsteps outside getting closer the more time Eddie spends on you.
"Eddie, I got it- I said I got it!"
Eddie then helps you up, your body weak and tired from the sleepiness as you find it difficult to step over the mess of the shed. He keeps his hands on you as he helps you into the boat. One hand on your waist and the other in your hand.
Eddie starts to frantically look around until his eyes land on his denim vest laying on the floor, running over to get it.
"Eddie, come on!"
Eddie jumps into the boat and begins to paddle out onto the lake and somehow, makes it out before the shed is stormed by the hellish basketball team.

"There's nobody..." Patrick says.
"There's not nobody." Jason says as he slowly walks towards the small corner table, inspecting the half eaten food. "They're here."
"Over there! On the water!"
Jason's eyes dilate almost menacingly at the sight of Eddie paddling out on the boat but when he sees you beside him, his eyes only intensify.
"Y/N?!" Jason calls out, "What the hell are you doing to her, you freak?!"

"Faster, Eddie!" You shout from behind him, repeatedly tapping his back as if it would magically make him go any faster.
"I'm trying~!" He chimes.
You try to give the motor a shot, yanking at its pulley to get it started but it doesn't work. Eddie then decides to give it a go, as well. At this point, both Patrick and Jason have gotten in the water, quickly gaining on you.
"I wasn't there to protect Chrissy when I should've been but I will protect you, Y/N!" Jason yells out, again, "I promise!"
"Y/N, maybe you should go with them." Eddie says, no energy in his words or demeanour anymore.
"What?! Are you insane?!"
"Is that a real question?"
"Eddie, I'm not leaving you!"

'Strange Love' Eddie Munson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now