Chapter 24

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The group walk through the forest that held a mysterious deep and dark fog to it. In an odd way,  it had a sort of peaceful atmosphere to it. Disregarding the vicious bats and the what ever unknown creatures you were yet to acquaint yourself with, it was deadly silent and specks of what looked to be fireflies floating past. Of course, there was no chance of there being fireflies, not like anything beautiful could ever prosper in this world, it was still pretty to the eyes.
" this place like Hawkins except with monsters?" Eddie asks from beside you, his head angled up at the sky as he watches it flash with lighting.

Steve stops at a rock formation, the 'spot' he was referring to earlier. It was deep in the forest so it was relatively safe for now, which let you relax in the meantime. But before you even had the chance to, suddenly, the ground began to shake.
"Woah, whats happening?" You ask, grabbing hold of Eddies body as you struggle to keep your balance and Eddie instinctively holds onto you, too. He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you in closer towards him but your bad ankle gives in and causes you to collapse against him, instead.
"Everybody just stay still!" Nancy demands.
You lay across Eddie as he continues to hold onto you, his back against the cold and hard ground, even after the shaking had stopped.
"Um...what was that?" Eddie asks, his voice vibrating through his chest.
"I have no idea..."
Steve only turns a blind eye and sits down inside the crevice of the rock while Nancy follows.

You sit up and off of Eddie, but his arm stays firmly around you.
"Take this time to rest, alright?" He says, closely behind your ear.
"Eddie, really, I'm totally okay." You respond, trying to stand but his arm only pulls you back against him.
"Why do you always have to be so stubborn? Hm?" He flashes you a smile.
"Me? Stubborn? Look who's talking, Mr.I'm-too-cool-for-school." You laugh and he rolls his eyes.
"You're the one that's too cool for school." He teases in turn but his joyous tone falters just as fast. "Too good for those jerks, anyways."
You smile but say nothing at all, knowing that who he meant by that was Jason and Patrick who was...well, not exactly in the way anymore.
"Y/N..." Eddie says, a rare show of seriousness in his voice, "...after all this, will everything just... go back to normal?"
You turn your body around to face him, confused at his downcast face as he asked that almost as if the thought alone, made him sad.
"Um...I mean, I hope so, right?" You smile weakly, but Eddies face only looks off to the side, visibly disappointed in your answer.
"So, you'll go back to hanging out with Jason and I'll go back to my nerd club..."
"-Hmm?" He hums as his eyes meet yours, putting on an unbothered facade to disguise his painfully obvious low and indifferent spirit.
"Don't think I've forgotten about our date." You smile sweetly.
"Uhhh- oh! Our date! You mean you actually want to? Like, with me?" He smiles back, genuinely this time as he points a finger to his chest.
"Of course, you dork." You giggle. Eddie chuckles too, feeling like a little kid with the amount of excitement sparking inside him, now. You stare and admire his wide smile and the happy lines that form on his cheek when he does.
So cute.
He stares back through his messy bangs, the two of you enjoying the comfortable silence. It didn't seem weird, or off like it normally would be to gaze into somebodies eyes for so long. It felt right; and as Eddies hand starts to sneak up into yours, it felt even better. Like he was your home away from home.

You look down softly at his hand holding yours, his thumb running against the top of your fingers made you smile which gave him the courage to bring his other hand up, running it smoothly up your thigh and back down again before resting it on your knee with a few nervous taps.
"Hey, uh...Y/N-"
"Okay! So, we need a plan." Nancy interrupts from directly behind you. Eddie only bites his bottom lip as he stares down at the ground, his courage suddenly stripped away from him. More embarrassed than anything now as he's brought back to his senses.
"Eddie-" You say sadly, but you're interfered again before you have the chance to ask him what he was going to say. Which for some secretive reason, Eddie was sort of grateful for.
"We can go to the police station!" Robin remarks, "If this world is like ours then surely they'll have guns, and weapons and- and grenades!"
"I can guarantee they won't have grenades at the police station." Steve says as he joins the group.
"I know where we can get weapons closer to us." Nancy speaks out, "I have guns, in my bedroom."
A chuckle escapes Eddies lips, similar to a huff of disbelief. "You have guns? your bedroom?"
"It's not far from here."
Steve and Robin share glances of leniency before Eddies arms snake around your waist and thighs again, pulling you up with him.
"Then what are we waiting for?"

'Strange Love' Eddie Munson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now