Chapter 31

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'Billy' grabs your wrist tightly, so tight that the pain felt a little too real. You flinch as he pushes your wrist down into your chest, roughly forcing you down into an unexpected chair behind you. It wasn't any ordinary chair though, it looked like a surgical chair with all the restraints and buckles it had hanging from its frame.
"What the?!-" You squirm against its cold assemble until a bunch of black vines slither around your waist, arms and legs, binding you to the chair, itself.
You continue to shake your arms at an attempt to escape but Billy's hand catches a firm hold of your jaw, securing your attention on him, only.
"You're not Billy." You spit.
"You speak like you're still trying to convince yourself of that." He responds, the hold he has on you made it easy to acknowledge his hand transforming. It grew larger as his nails, monstrously sharp, cut along your skin as they grew, too. "So weak and confused."
"You steal his image because you know nobody would listen to you in your own putrid form! You could only hope to be half as good of a man he was."
"What a typically humane thing to say." Vecna says as he transforms fully, "So ignorant."
"...What is your issue?" You ask, struggling for air beneath his heavy hand.
"He and I are one in the same. So, where is the line drawn? Why was I cast out?"
"Are you stupid?-" You cough, "Billy would never kill an innocent teen, better yet, three."
"Don't be so sure."

Vecna releases your neck, letting you gasp for air as your head drops to your chest before it being forced up again. He takes your head in his hand as he begins to reveal pictures, no...visions, to you.
He showed you his own past, before then showing you Billy's. He was right in a way, how he said that he and Billy were similar. One thing he was certain to show you, was Billy's hatred for Lucas and the alternative outcome that was bound to happen if Steve hadn't stepped between them that one time.
There was a lot of blood.

Then, came images that you've never seen. Things you could only hope were fantasy.
"This is no fairy-tale, Y/N." He says as if he had read your mind, "This, is your future."
You began to choke up at the sights.
Everything was on fire, the town of Hawkins was unrecognisable as it blazed and broke, crumbling into itself. Tears began to fall when he started to show you deaths of those you love.
Dustin, Nancy, Max and Eddie.

It felt like an eternity as he showed you every possible way he could kill your friends, it was obviously just one big threat.
And it was working.

But all of a sudden, the images started to flicker and fade, and the vines that harnessed you to the chair had began to loosen from around you, giving you enough of a gap to squirm until you had one hand free.

Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day

That song.
Even given the dangerous circumstances, you smile anyways. You smile as tears fall from your eyes, seeing Eddie through a small portal like opening.

Vecnas anger rises substantially as you slip away from him just like Max had.
He begins to rain shards of something sharp down on you, but you were too swift and dodged every one of them. It was times like this, you were grateful for all those hours you spent gaming at the arcade, dodging attacks like it was second nature to you.

You ran and you ran towards the portal where you see Eddie cupping his hands over your ears, saying something or rather shouting something to you in hopes that you could hear him; and as you neared, you could.
"Fight it, Y/N! Fight him! Come back to me!" Eddie yells, his voice raspy and painful. "Don't you touch her, you son of a bitch!"
As you jump through the portal, you reach your hand out to him and not a second later, you were in his arms again.

You drop against Eddie as you're finally released from Vecnas mind, but Eddies arms catch you before you could fall. Not that it mattered, because the two of you ended up toppling to the ground, anyways.

Eddie cups his hand over your cheek, holding you soundly against his chest as he watches your eyes flutter open again.
"Y/N?! Hey, hey...hey..." He says, a relived smile flickers across his face at the last 'hey'. He presses his forehead against yours as he takes a deep breath, and exhaling when he feels your hand come up and grasp at his long and distressed hair, pulling him in even closer. You lay in his arms for a moment, catching your breath and Eddie lets you. He lifts his head again to brush the hair out of your face, wanting nothing more but to see it.
"I'm here, Eddie-" You pant, "I'm okay."
"I thought I lost you." He sighs, his voice was still broken and shaky from the yelling. Still in the midst of calming himself down.
"We should probably go." Steve interrupts.
You turn your head to face him, standing off to the side as he averts his gaze else where. Standing up, you walk over to embrace him and he quickly returns it, almost as if he was only hoping that you'd make the first approach.
"You're not too cool for hugs now, are you?" You smile softly into his chest.
"Didn't want to ruin your moment, that's all." He says, looking at Eddie standing behind you. "Ow, ow, ow." Steve winces at the gashes on his stomach.
"Alright, enough of that." Eddie says plainly, taking your hand in his as he keeps his eye contact up with Steve, "Let's go."
"Dude, it's just a hug." Steve says.
"Yeah well, I disagree." Eddie complains, "Besides, you're both cripples and it's my responsibility as the only non-cripple here to get you guys through that gate."
"Disagree about wha-" You try to ask but Eddie only pulls you into him with a big, carefree smile.
"Let's go~ sweetheart."

'Strange Love' Eddie Munson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now