Chapter 9

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Watching the championship play out was as entertaining as it could've been for basketball. The most entraining part of it all was watching that poor girl sing the anthem way, and I mean way out of tune. You and Steve shared a laugh as you both endured it and as for the game itself, it was okay. Most of it was a blur but during its final moments, Lucas scored one hell of a play and your hands even stung with a bright shade of red from all the clapping and cheering.

As the team were partying it up in the locker rooms and celebrating their win, you wait on the benches with Steve to congratulate Lucas yourself when suddenly, somebody taps you on the shoulder.
You turn around to see Robin dressed in her fancy band costume and her hair a mess after pulling her ridiculous excuse of a hat off in a hurry.
"Hey? Nice...little outfit?" You say, unable to suppress a small chuckle.
"Ha, ha. Very funny." She says, sarcastically. Steve goes on to nudge her side before leaning in closer. "Any progress with Vickie?"
"Who?" You ask out of curiosity.
"See that hottie with the trumpet in her hand?" Robin points, "Thats Vickie."
"Ohhh~ I see." You wink at Robin blatantly, causing her to flick your forehead.
"Don't make it obvious." She says, "So, Steve, looking forward to work tomorrow?"
"Ugh, don't remind me."

As Robin and Steve wonder off onto the topic of work, you decide you'd wonder off too.
You adjust the shoulder of your cardigan so that it wasn't drooping down your arm now, preparing for whatever breeze may grace your skin like earlier. Except, now that it's later in the day and the sun was beginning to set, it could only get colder.

You walk down the school corridor, running a hand against the wall until the sound of boys cheering and yelling could be heard further down.
"Oh, that's right..." You mumble to yourself.
Assuming it was Eddie and the other guys enjoying their own game, you decide to explore further.
"Y/N?" A familiar voice echoes from behind you.
You whip your body around to see Lucas.
"Oh, Lucas."
"Max...?" He hesitantly asks. A part of him knew the answer to that one but dreaded hearing it for himself.
"I'm sorry." You respond, pitifully.
"No, that's okay. It's my own fault for getting my hopes up." He sighs.
"It's not that she didn't wanna come, it's just-"

It didn't take long for Patrick to find you, at all.
Not even five minutes into a peaceful, little wonder through a straight corridor and he was already on your tail with the rest of the basketball squad.
"-and Y/N! Didn't expect to see you here." He adds.
"Heeey, Patrick...and others?"
Patrick leans a heavy, and sweaty, arm against your shoulder, making you struggle under his weight.
"You see me on the court?" He asks with a sly smirk.
"Of course I did, Patrick. Hey, Lucas, you played great." You say, not wanting to butter up Patrick more than he was already doing, himself.
"Hey! What about me?!" He exclaims, making the rest of the team split their sides in laughter at his pitiful attempt.

"Good game today, boys and child!" Eddie congratulates as he sits back in his throne. The other members of hellfire gave out high fives all around for defeating the all mighty 'Vecna' while Eddie only smiled at their cheering.
"You play well for a kindergartener." He says to Erica with a friendly handshake.
"I told you I'm 11 you long haired freak."
Eddie laughs in response before the unholy sound of jocks rang out from the corridor, making his face drop in disgust.
"Ugh, what're they doing on our turf?" Mike asks.
"Beats me." Eddie says as he makes his way to the door, prying it open just a crack.
"So, we're stalking now?" Erica asks, "No wonder people think you're freaks."

What he saw wrenched at his chest.
Standing out from a group of sweaty, barbarian, mostly brain-dead guys, was you.

"What about you?" Eddie hears you say.
"I mean, I played well, didn't I?" Patrick asks.
"Fine, you played well. Happy?"
"I would be if you weren't being sarcastic."

Eddie sighs, leaning his forehead against the wood of the door as his eyes fall shut. His usual smile replaced with a subtle frown.
"What're you waiting for?" Dustin whispers, only inches behind Eddie, "Go out there!"
"And do what, exactly?"
"I don't know, rescue your damsel!"
Eddie sighs once more before standing up abruptly, causing Dustin to stumble back a few steps. Dustin smiles heroically but it drops as he watches Eddie sit back in his seat again.
"What're you doing, man? You're missing your chance!"
"She's not my damsel and I'm sure she doesn't need rescuing either."
"There's no need to be a hero, okay?" Eddie says with an insincere smile, "Not today."

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