Chapter 12

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After explaining everything in as much detail as he could muster the strength to, Eddie angles his head to look at you. His eyes were deeply apologetic and heartbreaking to look at.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N," He says as his voice begins to break, "I know she was your friend but i...I wouldn't do that. Not to her and not to you."
Eddies eyes began to glisten with tears so you place a gentle hand beneath his jawbone, caressing his cheek with your thumb ever so slightly.
"I know. Eddie, I know."
He leans into your touch with eyes fluttering shut, allowing a tear or two to finally escape them as he does so. You take your other hand and place it behind his head, fingers entangled in his long hair as you pull him in for a hug and he quickly accepts it, wrapping both of his arms tightly around your torso and burying his face in the crook of your neck.

Dustin, Dustin! Do you copy?!

Dustins body jumps in shock before pulling his walkie-talkie out of his back pocket and pressing the button on its side, responding with, "Lucas?! Where the hell have you been?!"

No time to talk, but the basketball team is after Eddie. They've started a whole man-hunt over a hunch.

As if he didn't feel like it had already, the world was now officially against Eddie and it never failed to let him know.

"Shit." Dustin mutters as he looks towards Steve for ideas. Anything will do at this point since a blood bath was in the works but you knew that hiding here would be the best bet, even if that does make Eddie a  sitting duck.
"Staying here would be the safest option right now." Steve says, as if he could read your mind.
Everybody nods in unison.
"We'll try to make things right. You just stay here." Robin adds as she grabs hold of Steve's wrist, more than ready to get the show on the road.
"I'm gonna stay here." You stand up to dust yourself off as the others exchange questionable looks at each other. Eddie, however, only remains sitting as he gazes up at you with starry eyes.
"I don't have a problem with that, anybody have a problem with that?" Dustin asks around as he carelessly shrugs his shoulders.
"No problem over here."
"No, sir."
"Great! Oh- here." Dustin hands his walkie-talkie over to you, "We have another in the car so use this one wisely, It's my pride and joy." He smiles.
"Yeah, you can provide for Eddie while you're still in the clear but if you need anything, anything at all, just give us a shout and i'll be here lickety-split." Steve says.
"Sounds good to me."

After seeing the others out and letting them head off again, you make your way back to the shed where Eddie stayed behind.
He didn't look too lively, in fact, he found it hard to do as little as look you in the eye and it pained you.
He only fiddled with the rings on his fingers and shot you so few secret glances.
"Is this from today?" You ask as you walk up to the half eaten burger. Way to strike conversation.
"Uh- no. No, that's from last night when I..." He tries to respond in a calm manner but he starts to trail off and whatever he was about to say, made him hide his face in his hands.
"It's okay, you don't have to say anything else." You say with a soft smile. "Eddie, have you eaten today?"
"Are you hungry?"
"I could eat, I guess." He says as he stands up, at last.
"Woah, woah, what're you doing?"
"Getting food from inside, what're you doing?" He says as you block his body from leaving through the shed door.
"You know you're a wanted man, right?"
"From a posse of douchebags, I know." He says with an entertained chuckle, "I promise you, I won't die in the short time between leaving here and getting to the house."

You're aware deep down that you're probably being ridiculous, but knowing Jason the way you do, anything was possible.

Eddie watches your face grow tense, almost even nervous as he towers closely in front of you.
"Relax, alright?" He says as he places both of his hands on either side of your arms, "We're safe here."
He proceeds to slowly urge you out of the way, surely but carefully so that you didn't trip over the mess that the shed happened to be in.
You watch him push your concerns to the side, and he can see it in your eyes that you weren't too happy about it, so he takes your hand in his and pulls you along with him until the sun blinds you and it's warmth kisses your skin.
"I won't let anything happen, let that be my promise to you."
"Somebody is going to see us, Eddie." You whisper back, your hand still in his.
"Nobody that matters, right?" He turns back to look at you with a smile.

His stupid, dumb smile was almost too refreshing to look at, so no matter how foolish he sounded, you only avert your attention away.

Not even five minutes later, Eddie had found a spare key under a potted plant and unlocked the house from its back door.
Technically speaking, it was breaking and entering; but Eddie made sure to assure you multiple times that it was 'fine' because he 'knew' the guy. Not sure if that makes it any better but his confidence was contagious.

'Strange Love' Eddie Munson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now