Chapter 16

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You left Eddies side, getting serious as you gather necessities for the night.
Eddie only stands alone in the middle of the room where you left him, staring blank faced at nothing in particular before joining you shortly after. Both his jacket and vest on again as if he meant business.
"Here," He says as he takes the hefty beer from your arms, "I'll get the food and what not."
"Well...what do I do?" You ask as he crouches down in front of you to properly peer into the lower cabinets.
"Uhh, I guess just stand there and look pretty?" He smiles, but it falters just as fast.
"But I want to help-"
"Then, a blanket would be nice."
"The bed? Where else?" He jests as he smirks up at you now, knowing exactly what your reaction was going to be; and as expected, you shudder.
"No thanks."
"You asked~"

As you wait for Eddie to finish up whatever it was that he was doing, you gaze out the window at all the passing cars and houses opposite from the one you reside in. You think about how long it would take until somebody finally notices that you're here.
That Eddie is here.
He doesn't exactly blend in. That, and this house is supposed to be empty. If people were to even see the curtain moving from inside, there would be a problem on your hands, as easy as that.
"What is it?"
You turn your head to see Eddie hovering over you, looking at the street just as you were. His breath hits the back of your neck but you didn't mind.
"I don't think we'd be able to stay here for long." You respond.
"I was thinking that too," He says, "but all we can do is hope."
"God, I'm so sorry." You sigh.
"For what?"
"For Jason."
"Don't be, I'd probably go on a killing spree too if somebody killed my girlfriend." He says as he walks towards the door.
"But you didn't do that, you didn't kill anybody."
"Yeah, well, I definitely could've done more."

Eddie stops to stare at you, a smile forced on his face as he tries to reassure you from a distance, using nothing but his eyes. Sure, if his arms weren't full with beer and cereal boxes, he probably would embrace you, anything to rid you from that sad look now hijacking your face but given the circumstances, he can only smile.
"Now," Eddie gladly starts, "are you prepared for the long night ahead? Because I wasn't lying when I said it gets cold." He chuckles, causing a small laugh to escape your lips, at last.
"If we make it out of this alive, I'm blaming you for my frost bite."
Eddies smile only grows as he opens the door and remains standing off to the side, gesturing with a bow for you to go first.

Eddie watches you step down the porch but before you notice, he turns around, hurrying back inside.

He remembers something you had told him just earlier as he rushes towards the cassette player, taking the tape from within it and stuffing it in the pocket of his denim vest before quickly coming back unnoticed. His usual smile on his face when you turn to face him.
"You want me to hold anything?" You ask, cluelessly.
"I got it." He says, "Mind getting the door for me, though?"
You run up to close the door behind him before walking side by side to the shed.
The cold, dusty, shed.

The second you opened it, it was like every ounce of joy you had in you, vanished.
"Come on, it's not that bad." Eddie says as he goes in, first. "Home sweet home."
Eddie drops everything onto the corner table, right beside the half eaten burger that was, for whatever reason, still sitting and collecting dust.
"A couch, bed maybe? A great big freezer just over there for beer and ice cream and voila! A vacation home, baby." He adds.
"You really need to set yourself some standards..." You remark.
"It's got a water front, that's a standard and a half."
"Yeah, a low one." You giggle.
Eddie only sits down on top of a life vest pile, throwing dry cereal into his mouth as he smiles right back. Adoring any and every smile he could get out of you.

The sun was now setting and the temperature had already began to drop. You stand at the shed window, carefully gazing out of its bottom corner at the street lights flickering on, signalling the start of a dreadful night and you sigh, hopelessly.
"Can I-?" You ask as you motion towards the beer.
"Don't ask me, you paid for them."
"If we're gonna be living like animals, might as well act like one." You pop open a bottle, chugging it and Eddie decides to join you.
After struggling out of the life vest pile, he makes his way to you where he pops open a bottle of his own. He then leans against the wall, letting his body sink low beside you and taking a swig before looking over at you. Specifically, in your lap where your hands were visibly cold and pale, trying to warm them between your thighs.
"Are you sure you don't want me to get the blanket? Because I will."
"It's okay, I'll live." You say with a short smile, expecting Eddie to leave it at that. But instead, you hear shuffling. You excused it as Eddie getting comfortable, until something so, incredibly warm drapes over your body with a scent so familiar.

Eddies jacket.

'Strange Love' Eddie Munson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now