Chapter 25

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The venture to Nancys house was a difficult one, with all the streets almost unrecognisable and over grown in strange vines which by the way, could trigger death if even just one of you step on one. But after a while, it became second nature to avoid them.

Eddie made sure to keep a close eye on you, knowing your ankle wasn't particularly in the greatest shape, he held your hand high in his, helping you over the bigger vines that prove to be harder to get over.
"Hey, Eddie." You begin, peaking his curiosity.
"Hey, Y/N." He jests.
"What were you going to say back there?"
Eddie chokes at your sudden question.
"Uh- ahem, you mean? Way back there?" He nervously rambles, holding his free hand up to his forehead and pretending to think on it when the fact of the matter was, he knew too well what he was gonna say, he's just lost the strength to say it at all, now. "Just um, was gonna say that you should give nerd club a shot." He lies.
"Wha- is something wrong?" He asks, worried now as he looks up at you, "You don't have to if you don't want to of course, if I'm being too insistent just say the word and I'll- uh, I'll back off."
You giggle at his nerdy muttering, "No, that's not it."
"Good to see that I at least make you laugh." He smiles, "-but really...what is it then?..."
You keep your eyes on the ground beneath your feet, while Eddies eyes only mainly look at you. He readably notices a weak smile on your face as you begin to speak.
"I don't think your friends like me all that much."
"What? You're kidding, right?"
"As much as Dustin disagrees, I think they were laughing at me when we first met...I know you caught on to it, too."
"No! No- no- no." Eddie dramatically exclaims as he stops you in your tracks and abruptly turns your body around to face him. He places his hands on your shoulders and freezes, struggling to be honest with himself.
"They weren't laughing at you, Y/N...they were laughing at me."
"What? Why-" You begin but his nerves cause him to interrupt.
"-because they know how I feel about you and well, i just made a complete fool out of myself and pretended I didn't know you at all, as you know," He flashes a glance at you before looking away again, "I don't know why that was my first instinct but I guess I was just, not myself and I crumbled and they found it hilarious...stupid Gareth..."
"Eddie!" You giggle hysterically, "Slow down."
"...well, how do you feel about me?"
Your eyes innocently search Eddies, angling your head up higher to get a closer read of his features and Eddie lets you. He'd let you close the gap if you wanted to, but he stays dangerously close, instead.
"...Isn't it obvious?"

Without warning, the ground began to shake again. Taking note of the vines all around you, you almost fall backwards but Eddie lunges forward and catches you before pulling you into him.
"Here we go again." He says through clenched teeth.
You only cling desperately onto his chest, waiting for it to stop while the others hug onto trees.
"Second on my least favourite things, earthquakes! I'm unsteady enough as it is- Nancy?!" Robin whines as Nancy runs off ahead, "Where are you going?!"
Steve and Robin catch up to her before you and Eddie do.
Nancy hadn't wondered off far, she only stood at the edge of a tall incline as she looked down on her supposed street in it's ruined state.
"Come." She says before proceeding downwards.

You excitedly follow Nancy and Robin, of course, tags along with her usual endless conversation.
"Careful!" Eddie shouts.
"Don't worry, we'll take care of her!" Robin shouts back, a cheeky wink included.

Eddie stuffs his hands into the pockets of his jacket, adoring your energetic smile from afar as Robin says something that makes you laugh.
"So, what's going on between you two?"
Eddie turns his head to the side to see Steve who also seemed to be watching you. It irked him a little, guys have been friends since before his time so he knew he had no right to be so possessive, but with his attitude, it couldn't be helped.
"Why do you ask?" Eddie plainly, asks.
"Uhhh, I mean, she's my friend too, you know..."
Eddie shoots Steve another glance to see Steve now looking at him, eyes softer than he anticipated.
"Are you in love with her?" Steve asks.
"If I say yes, are you going to rip my head off?"
Steve throws his head back in a laugh, cringing at the memory of the demo-bat that fell victim to his horrifying strength just earlier.
"What's that face for, Steve? I thought it was pretty Ozzy of you."
"You know, Ozzy Osbourne? He bit a bats head off on stage?"
"Ew..." Steve chuckles, "-But seriously, I did wanna thank you...for saving Y/N back there..."
Eddie looks at Steve to see him gazing at the ground. "I don't wanna think about what would've happened if you didn't show up...would've been all my fault." Steve adds, his voice seemed sadder this time around.
"You're a good guy, you know." Eddie sighs, "I wanna thank you, too. I know you didn't get this involved for me, alone. Suppose I was jealous at first, that Y/N had a guy like you in her life...actually, I wouldn't even have jumped in that lake if she didn't. But, she did. She's a better person than I, I guess to answer your question Steve, yeah." Eddie says, "I am very in love with her...but do I deserve her? Tch- I don't know, is the sky green?"
Steve watches in amusement at Eddie childishly kicking rocks beneath his sneakers like a child does mid tantrum, "You're blind." Steve chuckles.

'Strange Love' Eddie Munson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now