Chapter 14

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You went for a short and sweet walk to the closest grocery store you could find. It wasn't much but you eventually wound up at a small corner store, like a gas station except without the gas.
They didn't have much but they did have a beer fridge, so you pick out Eddies six pack and a plain packet of pretzels for yourself; it wasn't much but it's not like you had any other choice, either.

When you got back, you made sure to look around at your surroundings before walking into the house at all and as you open the door, soft music could be heard from somewhere inside.

You walk slowly through the hall, peering cautiously around the corner to see nobody still.
"I'm in here!"
You follow the music to a large bedroom and inside, was Eddie. He was standing over a cassette player, eyes fixated on the box of cassettes in front of him as he flips through them, one by one as if he was searching for something specific.
"Well, I found the boom box..." He says with his head low, "something to keep us distracted, I suppose."
"...breaking in felt bad enough but now we're invading the guys personal space?..." You say as you press the six pack against his chest, forcing him to finally avert his attention from the tapes and towards you, instead.
"Oh-" He smirks, energetically. "My saviour."
"Flattery will get you nowhere, you know we shouldn't be in here, Eddie."
"Actually, I was talking to the beer." He flashes you a jokingly smile as he pops open a bottle and hands it to you. "I promise I'll stay out..." He says, "-as soon as I move this to the living room."
Eddie picks the cassette player up and carries it out the room along with the large box of tapes struggling under his other arm, making you roll your eyes and yet unable to contain the amusement you felt as you watched him.

You couldn't lie, music and beer did sound nice, and with company like Eddies? Even better.
Maybe it was exactly what you needed. No, what he needed. Stuff like this, with the aliens and what not, you were used to it; but this was all new to Eddie and thinking back to your first experience, seeing somebody you cared about, die right in front of you...


Your eyes softened at the memory of him and your hand found it's place on your chest, where your heart was and where Billy remained.




"Hey, Y/N?!"
You look up to see Eddies face directly in front of your own, his eyes riddled with panic.
You nonchalantly blink away the trance after having lost yourself in the memory but as you do, Eddie sighs and turns his back on you, leaning against the wall in dismay as he tries to calm and collect himself again.
You look down at his feet to see the tapes he was carrying only scattered on the floor, now.
"Hey...?" You say softly as you place a gentle hand on his back.
"You scared me." Is all he says.
"I'm sorry, I was just...thinking..."
He pushes himself off the wall to crouch down, picking up after himself and you help. Not sure if you should be as surprised as you were at how afraid Eddie was for you, you decide to avoid bringing it up at all; and Eddie did the same.

You pick up a tape, placing it in their box while Eddie reads them as he goes.
"You were doing that in the room as well, are you looking for something specific?" You ask, guilt still entrapped in your voice.
"Uhhh, yeah...The Outfield. You know them?"
"The Outfield, huh?" You huff a dejected smile.
"You don't like them?" He asks.
"No, actually I love them."
"Wait- really? You?" He asks in disbelief, now looking you up and down as you reach for more tapes. He notices that you begun to read them back just like he was.
"What? A girl can't like rock?" You tease.
"No! No, it's just that uh..." He pretends to think hard before choosing to tease back, "Well, I guess that might be it."
"Shut up." You nudge his shoulder, making him smile from cheek to cheek.
"Hm? What is it?" Eddie asks, curiously leaning over.

You look up at Eddie, holding the tape up to your face to make him look up at you, too. Relieved at the sight but still just as confused when he sees you glowing with a radiant smile.
"It's my favourite song."
He pauses for a moment, taking you in like a breath of fresh air before jumping up. "Well, what're we waiting for?" He asks, "Lets put it on!"

'Strange Love' Eddie Munson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now