Chapter 38

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"What's happening?!" Max shouts.
"I- I don't know!" You look at your hands to see them glitching, almost. "Something must be happening with Lucas."
"What could possibly be happening?!"
"I don't know, but I trust he'll figure it out..." You ignore your current state to look up at something creaking, surprised when you see something that didn't match the scene at all.
The front door of the Creel house.

You quickly take Max by the hand and run to the row of benches where you hide.
"You can't hide from me, Max."
The deep and sinister voice makes Max's face drop and her anxiety rise.
"I'm not ready to die-" She whispers.
"Shhh...I won't let that happen." You whisper back, holding her head against your chest. Peeking through the row of benches, you see Vecna walking towards the middle of the floor.
You think hard, trying to come up with a plan. Nothing even remotely rational comes to mind while he stands in the very same room as you, though. But, if it bought the others more time and it saves Max, too...then it's rational enough.

You look down at your hands again, to see them fazing in and out of the memory just like before. Except this time, you weren't afraid.
It gave you an idea.

"Stay here." You whisper to Max.
"What? What are you gonna do?" She asks with fear in her eyes, "...Hey, Y/N!-"
You crawl on your hands and knees behind the benches until you're on the opposite side of the gym.
"Hey, ugly!" You shout.
Vecna slowly turns around to face you, tilting his head to the side when he sees a face that wasn't Max's. He begins to walk forward, anyways.
"You are so simple minded." He says, "It doesn't matter to me who I use...a fourth is still a fourth."
You stand still in place, allowing him to slowly step closer until he was directly in front of you. His jagged, burnt skin made the most unholiest of noises as the tendons in his torso moved like worms. It made you turn your head away but using his powers, he forces you to look at him, again.
"Giving your life for somebody who wished death upon her own brother, what a pathetic way to die." Vecna says, "I think I'll take my time on you..."
You try to speak but nothing comes out and it feels like you're choking. He was tormenting you, torturing you, all while Max was forced to watch.

"No! Let her go, you son of a bitch!"
Your eyes drift to the other end of the hall where Max stands, her knees buckling beneath her as she shakes in agonising fear.
Although brave, Vecna had no interest in her anymore. He didn't even spare Max a glance, before throwing her into the wall with merciless force.

Max was now out cold as she lay amongst the rubble of the tinsel decorations and brick.
It's probably better that way if this doesn't go to plan...You think to yourself.
But as you look past Vecna, you see movement over where Max was.
You smiled gladly as you watch her trying to hide Max under the turntables while you kept Vecna distracted. Vecna, however, noticed your expression change and following your line of sight, he sees her.

You couldn't be sure, but you swore you saw Vecna smile.
Eleven stands guard over Max as Vecnas interest peaks at her appearance and he drops you from his spell.
"Touch her again, and I will kill you, again."
"Kill me? Is that what you did?" Vecna jests, "You birthed me, made me stronger than ever before and now...thanks to you, human kind will seize to exist."

In the blink of an eye, Vecna places his hand over your face, trying to make a gate out of you before Eleven has the chance to stop it but before she could, you detach from Max's memory and suddenly, you're falling.


You hold a hand to your ribs, flinching at the pain after abruptly hitting the attic floor.
"Y/N?! You- you're okay!"
Smiling with relief, you look up towards the rough voice. You let your eyes adjust to the darkness of the room before finally, you see Jason, and immediately, your smile vanishes.
"Jason?" You mutter, and he smiles manically.
You notice his split eyebrow and grazed cheek before noticing Lucas struggling behind him. Jason had him pinned against the wall by his throat and telling by the low energy the both of them had and the amount of blood smeared across their bodies, you could tell they were at it like this for a while.
"Let him go, Jason." You demand.
"Are you insane, Y/N?! He's part of that freak club! Did you know that? Did he even tell you that?!"
"Yes, for gods sake Jason, I know!"
Jason hesitates for a moment but soon lets Lucas go.
"What about you? Are you...are you part of this cult, too?" Jason asks, softly as he kneels down in front of you. He tries to lend you a hand but you don't take it, you get yourself up and dust yourself off as you walk over to Lucas, instead.
"No, I'm not, but they're harmless." You respond.
"Harmless? Are you feeling okay?" Jason laughs, "They're psychotic murderers who follow the lead of their psychotic leader, Eddie the goddamn freak!"
"Eddie is not a freak!"

Jason stands shell-shocked at your outburst, but mainly at your choice of words. He found them gutsy, to say the least.
"That's it." He huffs, wiping the blood off his face before forcefully grabbing you.
"Hey! What are you doing?! Let go of me!"
"Jason! Let her go!" Lucas tries to pull Jason back but he was met with a heavy kick to the stomach, causing him to fall back as he gasps for air.
"You're not right in the head, Y/N! They've done something to you!" Jason shouts over the top of you, "I'm gonna take care of you, you hear me! I won't let you end up like Chrissy! Eddie hypnotised her too and see what happened?!"

It was all too much.
The restraint, the memory of Chrissy and the worry that festered in the deepest, darkest pit of your stomach at Eddies name.
You missed him.
You needed him.

You started to cry between struggling against Jason and shouting out for help.
"Lucas! Erica! Somebody!!"
"Shh! This is for your own good!" Jason places a hand over your mouth as he carries you out towards his car. You couldn't see much through the tears but there was another jock standing outside with his hands in the pockets of his letterman jacket.
It was game over.

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