Chapter 27

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Eddie adjusts his hands beneath yours so that he could turn you around to face him.

You've stood in front of Eddie like this countless times before; hell! You've danced together, slept together, held his hand for a prolonged amount of time- a dozen times! But right now, as you stand, Eddies gaze searching deep inside yours, your heart beats like never before.
You were growing increasingly nervous as you feel the heat from his face come closer, getting hotter. So slowly but still so incisive that you felt compelled to break eye contact, averting your gaze down instead. His face though, doesn't move an inch.
Not backwards, at least.

As your head stays low, you feel Eddies breath continue to dance through your hair and grace your ear.

With your gaze down turned, you notice the torn piece from his shirt.
You unanticipatedly slide your hand underneath, fingers sliding upwards his bare skin. You feel and hear his breath hitch but he doesn't stop you.
"Your hands are cold." He says with a nervous smile and shaky voice.
Eddie then places a hand beneath your jaw, gently lifting your face to analyse the bright red and purple bruise developing on your neck after the demo-bat wrapped itself around you earlier. Eddie was careful not to hurt you as he moves your hair out of the way, before his fingers lightly glide across the mark.
"Does this hurt?..." He asks.
"...No." You respond, softly.
The last thing you felt was Eddies hand moving to the back of your neck before without warning, his lips clash against yours.

Eddie was prepared to pull away, until he felt your lips give into his own, letting him know that it was okay to keep going.

His lips move firmly and confidently against yours now, his tongue could be felt gliding against yours every so often but not often enough.
He brings his hand up through your hair, until it finds its way to your cheek, holding you steady with every frantic kiss. He finally takes the chance to squeeze at your hip after fighting the urge to, all along. Although, It didn't take him long to completely take you in his arm, pulling you in until your hand beneath his shirt had no choice but to shift around him, too.
As he deepened the kiss, his breath was nothing short of hot and heavy as your hands could feel the muscles in his back move in time with him.
"-Hey." You murmur between kisses, "Eddie-"
"They're gonna see us." You whisper, his kisses moving down your neck.
"I don't care." He groans against your skin.
"Eddie, this is exactly the wrong place and time to be doing this!-" You warn off but unable to keep a smile from forming at his soft, butterfly-like kisses.
He places one last kiss on your shoulder before stopping to gaze down into your eyes. Only happy to see them shining bright, if not, brighter than before.
With a sigh and an accomplished smile, he says, "You're right, sorry."
"Doofus." You playfully push at his chest, "What was all that for anyways?"
"Right, I'm sorry, i- uh-" He holds his fingers to his temple, eyes shut as he shakes his head, "I have zero idea what came over me. Like, I know I'm an irresponsible jackass but that was totally just...not okay."
"Hey, it's okay." You reassure, "Dont beat yourself up. I'm surprised you didn't catch on sooner but I'm just happy you caught on at all."

Eddies face clouded over with confusion at first until he remembered Steve's words.

"You're blind."
"I think she already does."

An impressed smile plasters across Eddies face before huffing a short laugh.
"What's so funny?" You laugh, too.
"I just, wouldn't give me so much credit. That's all."
"What do you mean?"
"Steve kinda, well he kinda spoke some sense into me back in the woods. Told me that I should just go for it know, you never know which chance will be your last." He says as he looks around at the dark vines consuming the entire house.
"Sooo...Im just a- a thing on your bucket list?"
"No! No." He wasted no time in stopping you at that thought, not allowing it to linger in your head a second longer. "You're more than that, so much more."
Your eyes search between his as he stops for a moment. "Eddie-"

By the words of the wise, (Steve), Eddie takes both of your hands and places them on his chest where he holds them flat, taking this chance now to be honest with you.
Sooner rather than later.

"Y/N, I have loved you way before the day we met." He speaks every word loud and clear as you heed them, "I- I have not gone a single day without thinking about where you were or who you were with since 83' when I first saw you walk through those shitty school doors with Henderson."
You could feel his heart race in his chest as he spoke, his hands on yours growing tighter as he begins to hold them in his, now.
"-and it killed me internally to see you give everybody the time of day, but never me. I would wake up every morning wondering if that day would be the day that the Y/N of Hawkins, smiles at me and me alone."

The desperation in Eddies voice was undeniable.
He loved you.
Before today, you had thought you had experienced love. True love. But just now, you were proved wrong. In this moment, Eddie held the purest form of love in his eyes, his voice, his touch, his actions and most certainly in his heart.

Your eyes soften at Eddies before jumping into his arms and he tightly returns your embrace.
"I love you too, Eddie Munson."
His body jerks with a small chuckle, a delayed one but only because he was in disbelief.

'Strange Love' Eddie Munson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now