Chapter 1: Time

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Arthur POV

It's over. We won. But at the same time, we lost so much. I lost my family, I lost Tessia, I lost Sylvie, and almost everyone I ever cared about. Only 4 of us remained: Cecilia, Nico, Regis and me.

After we finally defeated Kezess the world was left in ruins, no more than a dozen sentient beings remained in all 3 continents.

"We won, but this world is no place to live." Cecilia said sadness in her voice. During the war, after she sided with me, Agrona tried to assassinate her and unfortunately the assassin, Scythe Dragoth came at the worst possible time. We were actively trying to separate her from Tessia which we succeeded in doing, but when Dragoth arrived, we were both exhausted and Tessia was still asleep and she would never wake again. Dragoth thought Cecilia was still in her body and killed the sleeping princess. I realized his presence just a second too late.

"Good thing, we have a god with us, right?" said Nico. He joined our cause not long after Tessia's death once he realized Agrona was just using him.

"I guess you guys want me to just wind time back?" I asked knowing the answer already.

"Of course. Why wouldn't you?" Cecilia asked with a concerned look on her face.

"I don't want to go through losing everyone again."

"Princess, you know you can just keep your abilities, right?" Regis said looking at me.


"Gre-Arthur wait! What is going to happen to Cecilia if you rewind?" Nico asked clearly worried for his fiancé.

"With my control over Fate It wouldn't be too hard to just reincarnate her to be born like I was."

"Then let's all make a promise." Said Cecil looking at us."A promise to prevent all this from happening but to still stay friends."

"We could meet at Xyrus Academy." I suggested.

"Well then, we have ourselves a deal. Now let's finally do this" Nico said putting a hand on my shoulder.

As Cecil also grabbed me and Regis jumped into my core, I activated my Aevum Godrune. I could feel time rushing past and I started changed the threads of fate so Cecil could be born along with us.

Once I was done, I was greeted with a familiar sight. The light at the end of the tunnel.

"Congratulations Sir and Madam, he's a healthy boy." Said the doctor.

Once I saw the faces of my parents I started to cry, I didn't know why exactly. It could have been because of the overwhelming happiness I felt upon seeing them again or it could have been because I was just born.

After a few minutes I realized something.

'Regis you there?' I asked through our mental connection.

'Were you missing me already Princess?'

'I was just a bit scared that you would disappear.' I sent relieved

'Well, I am not the only thing that's still here.' He sent smirking.

'Wait, you mean-'

'That you still have your Aether core and all your runes? Yes.' I quickly sensed for my runes. I could feel all godrunes and what's more I still had my Djinn armor.

'This is exactly what I wanted! You know other than the fact that I can't control my own body for the next 2 years.'

'Speaking of bodies' sent Regis 'It seems you still have your asuran body it's just taken on your old appearance.'

'This is better than I expected.'

2.5 years later

'I am so close.' I thought. I was almost 6 months early in forming my mana core. The aether in my body had a positive effect on the speed at which my core was forming. This was a perfect time to awaken. My parents were out in the yard, I was in the center of the house. Then it happened.

The force of the explosion was larger than the previous one, a little over twice the power. Thankfully Mom and Dad were near the fence, so they weren't injured badly.

'Quite the mess you've made Princess' Regis snickered in my mind.

I heard my father running in my direction. As soon as he spotted my floating figure he stopped and fell to his knees. His face said it all. He was surprised, afraid and yet proud.

The thing that surprised me the most was the stage of my core. My core wasn't black, It was light red with cracks. I was amazed that this was even possible. I never thought my aether core's influence was so powerful that I awakened 3 stages ahead of where I should have.

I quickly used my vivium rune to make it appear as if I had a black core, before my parents could check my stage.

Regardless of all that I was surprised at the fact that my aether core was neither rejecting my core nor interfering with it. My mana core had become another layer of my aether core.

'Congratulations you Masochist, you have a mana core again.' Regis said with his usual goofiness nowhere to be found (other than the cheesy nickname).

'Now the real journey begins'.


Hello! This is my first fanfic so any helpful comments are welcome!
Hope you enjoy

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