Chapter 4: Departure

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After getting back to the castle we talked to the King and the Queen who insisted I start calling them by their first names since I am now part of the family. The main topic of discussion was the engagement ceremony, which in elven culture symbolizes that the bride's family approves of the proposal.

"I think It would be best to push it to a time after I return to Xyrus." I said looking at Alduin and Merial.

"So you want to mirror the tradition and only hold the ceremony once your parents approve of your engagement?" Merial asked just to confirm.

"Exactly. My parents haven't seen me in over a year and I think it would be quite a shock to them to know that they missed their sons engagement ceremony."

"I don't mind waiting" said Tess next to me.

"If both of you think it's best to wait then we have no reason to disagree, actually it's probably going to be easier for the elven nobility to accept your engagement after some time." Alduin said.

"With that done I have something to tell all of you." I said in a serious tone." I want to you to know about what happened to me before I rescued Tessia."

At my words I could see everyone turn to me, even Gramps who was only listening from the side up until now.

"After I got separated from my family the creature who saved me from my fall guided me to its lair where I saw a towering black crimson eyed giant with horns waiting for me. At first I was scared, but it didn't take long to figure out that she was the one who saved me. Her name was Sylvia, and she was wounded and in hiding from something. She trained me for months while also constructing a portal that would take me somewhere safe. But one day she collapsed. The portal she was creating was killing her. During her last moments she transformed to her true form, a dragon. As she pushed me into the portal, she gave me 3 things: A stone, her will and her body." I said, deciding to combine what happened in both timelines while leaving Cadell out.

"What do you mean she gave you her body?" Gramps asked looking at me suspiciously

"This is what I mean." I said as my skin began to pale, and my eyes turned gold just as my hair became the color of wheat, my facial features also altered slightly. I was similar but people who didn't know I could transform probably wouldn't be able to recognize me.

Everyone just stared at me with wide eyes until Alduin said something.

"Arthur, I have an idea!" he said smiling "I think we can all agree that keeping your identity from the royalty and nobility of Sapin would be optimal considering your family's safety. How about using this form as your Princely form?"

"Princely form?" I asked a bit confused.

"When you are in public with Tessia, or you act as the Prince of Elenoir you use this form and this way they won't have a way to connect the dots."

"This is a genius idea!" Said Gramps.

"So after all I've just told you the only thing you guys found important was that I have a way of hiding my identity?"

"It is good to finally know the reason behind your absurd progress and power, but as of right now the problem of your and your family's safety comes first." Gramps said looking at me.

"Besides does this change anything about who you are? I don't think so, and since it doesn't, we should look at uses of your abilities instead of questioning you." Merial said looking at me kindly.

"Thank you everyone."

10 days later

This morning it finally happened. While sparring with Gramps I felt a sudden burst of power in me. Right then a powerful blast of mana erupted from me pushing Virion away and even startling Tess, who was meditating behind him.

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