Chapter 45: A New Era

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Bairon POV

After catching the falling Alea, I landed on the ground. This whole thing was still hard to process. I knew Arthur trusted me, but I couldn't fathom how he thought I'd make a good retainer. I wasn't an Alacryan, and from what we've seen, I was weaker than most retainers.

As I pondered this, the Scythe landed before me with Mica on his shoulders. He put the dwarven lance on the ground before addressing me.

"Wondering why you received that rank does you no good, Bairon. His Majesty will tell you if he sees it as necessary. Until then, it's useless to think about it," He said, walking over to me. "I almost forgot, I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Scythe Nico Knight of Central Dominion." He said, extending a hand towards me.

I gladly shook it, still surprised that such a young boy had so much power. Then again, he was still nothing compared to Arthur. We both turned our attention towards the human forces when suddenly I heard beeping from Mica's pocket. Taking the device out, I noticed it was a remote communication device capable of creating a large projection. A higher-grade version of two-way communication scrolls Dicathen got from Alacrya. Throwing it on the ground, a projection of King Glayder suddenly appeared.

"Loyal soldiers of the Council, the ones on the other side of the battlefield are not your enemies. You have been misled by someone who only wanted to acquire complete control over the continent. Having gotten rid of this opposing force in the council, we have unanimously decided to recall all forces and we request that the forces of the revolution come and attend the official event to be held at Xyrus square in 2 hours. The Alacryan forces that are present have established multiple mobile teleportation gates, all of which should now be connected to Xyrus. I ask all of you to treat everyone else there as allies, no matter how differing your views were mere minutes ago." After this, the projection disappeared.

Confusion spread across all forces other than the Alacryan one. Even I struggled to understand what exactly happened. Nico quickly explained to me that this was only one of the battles fought across the continent. One of those battles was in the floating castle, and that one seems to have reached its conclusion.

As the confusion started subsiding and the different sides started talking with each other, the two unconscious lances woke up. Alea was instantly relieved by the fact she could control her body again. Mica was on the defensive, having missed King Blaine's message and obviously not believing the people she fought against just moments ago. Thankfully a high-ranking officer from the Council's forces confirmed we were telling the truth, which seemed to have calmed her down.

Stepping through one of the portals opened at the battlefield, I found myself staring at the very same stage I was officially named one of the lances. The difference was a curtain covering the seats of the council. Soon an attendant came up to us, requesting our presence at the council's seats.

Walking up to the stage and behind the curtain, I was only slightly surprised to see a change in membership. In the place of the dwarven rulers sat an elderly dwarf who was joking around with elder Virion. And next to the council members sat Arthur, or should I say Emperor Grey, along with his now wife.

They were engaged in conversation, and from what I could hear, it was the Glayders who asked them how the wedding went and all who were there just began to describe every detail. King Blaine started to look a bit overwhelmed by the amount of detail, but Queen Priscilla was listening intently.

Their conversation was cut short, however, when they noticed our arrival. As soon as Arthur spotted me, he called me over, thanking me for listening to him and congratulating me on my new rank. He did mention that I could still stay a lance, as the council doesn't see us as traitors. He said the decision was up to me.

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