Chapter 12: Auction House

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The week after the engagement went just as anyone would expect. Our families got to know each other, Tess and I spent all the time we could together. On the last day of our stay I was walking back to the castle with Tess when I suddenly heard Sylvie's panicked voice in my head.

"Papa, I feel bad, something happen!"

Hearing her I started running full speed. Tess was confused, but after a few seconds tried to follow. When I got to our room, I realized what was going on. I saw Regis laying on the ground and a cute little girl with wheat hair sleeping on his fur.

"Art, what happened?" Tess asked when she caught up obviously worried.

"Sylvie just unlocked her human form."

"Oh I see...WAIT WHAT????" she suddenly rushed past me spotting Sylvie leaning on Regis.

"You're telling me that this cute little girl is Sylvie?" she asked turning back to me.

Before I could respond Regis cut me off. "This cutie is indeed Princess Gecko." His voice sweeter then usual. It seems he grew a soft spot for his sister, understandably since now he was the older one.

"But how?" Tess asked still a bit confused.

"Dragons have human forms, but I do think this happened a little early..." I said looking at Regis suspiciously.

'Okay Father, yes I helped her a bit. I knew you removed the reindeer's spell so I thought having her like this would make both of you happy.' It was strange. Regis seemed to be changing, and in my opinion for the better. Recently he's taken to calling me Father instead of his nicknames. Maybe I wasn't the only one who received a gift from Sylvia.

'Thank you Regis.'

Tess and to take Sylvie to our parents to make sure this wouldn't become a misunderstanding in the future. I didn't want tog get beaten with that cactus after all.

Their reactions were surprisingly calm. Sylvie had some trouble speaking at first which in my mother's words made her even more adorable. When she started calling them her grandparents all 4 of them almost melted form the cuteness.

This day was thankfully not as heartbreaking as the last since Tess was kept happy by the fact that after the anniversary we would move here.

After finally returning to Xyrus. The preparations began. I thought about asking Uncle Vincent to get me a mask and a cloak but I opted to make them with my rune. I did ask to look for a sword in the warehouse.

When the day of the event came I was a bit nervous. I knew the Glayders were coming but thankfully with Sylvie being able to transform this shouldn't be a problem. But I realized my mistake too late. I forgot to tell Sylv to use her fox form and she stayed a dragon. I mean that's still better in this situation then her human from.

When the royal family entered, we all bowed. At first the king complained about our presence but after Uncle Vincent explained he understood.

After everyone settled down I watched Sylvie from the couch to make sure Sebastian didn't try anything. Then suddenly, Curtis sat next to me and we started talking.

"Hey, I'm sorry to just come up to you like this, but I noticed you were a mage." He said.

"Don't worry Prince Curtis, most people would be surprised to see a 10-year-old has awakened."

"Please just call me Curtis."

We talked for a good while about affinities spells and such. This was when I noticed Kathlyn talking to Cecilia, Lilia and Ellie. Our topic suddenly moved to swordsmanship.

"I recently started taking lessons on sword fighting." He boasted.

"Interesting I have been leaning it for quite a few years now." I replied with a smug smile.

'A few... what is it? Something like 40? But who's counting.' I heard Regis in my head.

"We should have a duel sometime. I would like to see your skills" he said with challenging tone.

"If your parents allow it, then I have no reason to refuse." I replied exited to test the skills of the young prince.

This was I suddenly felt fear coming through my connection with Sylvie. Before I could do anything Regis suddenly leapt into Sylv and then semi emerged towards Sebastian while releasing his aetheric intent. The room suddenly started to panic so he quickly returned to me unnoticed. Some time after an intruder was caught so none of us got into trouble in the end.

As the event came to a close, Queen Priscilla thanked me for entertaining her son for the past few hours. Just as the royal family was about to walk away, I saw Sebastian whispering into King Blaine's ear. The king suddenly turned to face my father who had just arrived.

"I assume you're the parent of the boy, correct?" He said in authoritarian voice.

"I am his father your Majesty" my father said sinking to one knee.

"You see Sebastian here is very much interested in you sons bond, and I do believe he deserves a reward for his hard work."

"I'm sorry your majesty I can't decide about my son's bond since he was the one who found her. "

"Boy, I do believe you heard what I told your father. I ask this of you. Would you sell your bond." He asked turning to me.

"With all due respect, I have to refuse your majesty Sylvie is like a daughter to me." I said bowing slightly.

"Very well." He said tuning away and continuing to walk.

"But your Majes--" Sebastian started, but was cut off.

"I asked the boy and he refused. I won't ask him again since I know he won't budge. I won't ruin my children's newest friendships just because you want a new pet!" He said almost shouting at his mage. "Also I almost forgot." He said turning back to me. "Curtis said he wanted to duel you. If you come to the castle gates just say you're there to see the prince for a duel. They'll let you in."

When they left Uncle Vincent allowed me into the warehouse where I found dawn's ballad. It paled in comparison than my aetheric blades, but if I wanted to use a weapon without revealing my abilities it was till the best option.

With my weapon found I was ready. Tomorrow I'm becoming an adventurer.


Hey there everyone! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know this was a bit shorter than usual, but I didn't really have the energy to write a longer one, since my exams drained me.

But for all those interested I passed with flying colors:
Computer science (Advanced) – 96%
Math – 92%
English (Advanced)– 86%
History – 76%
Hungarian language and literature – 76%

This has been Salty and see you all tomorrow!

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