Chapter 8: Angel vs Legacy

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Last night Cecilia briefly pulled me away, because she wanted to meet with me early morning tomorrow. Realizing this was something only concerning the two of us I suggested the training grounds since even though the royal guard's training begins very early, they always start the day patrolling and training in the forest so we should be able to speak their undisturbed until at least 10 AM. Since we planned the castle tour for tomorrow, I left Regis with Cecil to help her fund the place.

I woke up at around 4 AM and snuck out of my room trying to avoid waking the sleeping Sylvie and Tessia. I used illusion magic and sound magic to make sure I wasn't seen, even using Godstep a few times to make sure even Aya wouldn't be able to follow me.

After arriving at the grounds I signaled to Regis the I have arrived. At my signal Cecil stepped out from behind one of the pillars. I quickly conjured a sound barrier and an illusion to make us disappear.

"Do you remember the boy who waved at our carriages in Blackbend?" She asked in a serious voice.

"Of course, I do, but why do you ask?" I looked at her confused.

"Did you really not recognize your old friend?" she asked looking at me with a disappointed expression. I was finally able to piece it all together.

"That couldn't have been Nico!" I said confidently "His hair was barely 4 cm at the longest, that kid had shoulder length hair."

"Are you saying that I can't recognize my own fiancé?"

"Even if that was Nico what would he be doing there? He's supposed to be preparing for becoming an adventurer."

"Are you really not paying any attention to anything happening in the world around you? I thought you'd be more interested in politics than most of us, you know AS THE PRINCE OF A COUNTRY!" she said shouting the last part. "The dwarves have been majorly against opening up to Sapin and Elenoir."

"I think I know the reason. It is very plausible that the only reason the opened up in the original timeline was because Agrona encouraged it, and it seems with his strongest scythe gone he wants to proceed more cautiously." I said halt to myself.

"Wait! Cadell is dead???" Cecil asked more surprised than I've probably ever seen her.

"Yes. I killed him a little over 4 years ago." I stated without much of a thought.

"How to the hell did you do that?"

"Do you remember the time when I defeated 14 asuras singlehandedly? After that are you really that surprised?"

"Yes, but back then you had the power of a literal god!"

"Now I have the same power plus a mana core." I stated finally catching on to what she was saying.

"So you got to keep all of your abilities while I lost all but one of my deviants and became a tri-elemental?" she said with sings of anger in her voice.

"Do I have to remind you of the fact that I literally made it that you were born again? And if I remember correctly you basically never used earth magic... What if that's the reason?"

"What do you mean by that?" she asked suspiciously.

"What was the deviant you used the most back when you had all of them?"

"I mainly used my lightning...Are you saying that since I didn't master all others I lost all of them?"

"Seems like it. But I may be able to help, since aether seemed to majorly influence the progression of mana cores even in the old timeline. Originally, I was never able to unlock sound magic let alone illusions and now I use it like it's second nature."

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