Chapter 7: The Escape

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Nico POV

Now that I knew what to look for Rahdeas's betrayal became very obvious. That meant if I stayed with him, I couldn't stop the alacryan camps that were being built right at that moment in the Beast Glades from establishing. Thankfully I made a few friends last time I was outside of Darv. Specifically, I had made a friend whose family offered to let me stay with them if the need ever arises. That meant my goal was to get to Emmett in Blackbend. That may look like a long trip, but with the new type of traveling I invented I could get there in less than a day. Now I somehow needed to get out without either Rahdeas or Olfred spotting me since even if I can escape Olfred could probably catch me.

As night fell Rahdeas went to meet the other elders. Thankfully these meetings usually lasted until daybreak, so he was taken care of, but Olfred was just sitting in the living room reading. I was starting to lose hope when suddenly a low-ranking soldier opened the door.

"General Olfred! Multiple large mana beasts attacked miners in our newest tunnel to the west! They're estimated to be around A or AA class." He practically shouted.

"We have no time to waste then." Olfred said storming out.

I waited for a few minutes to make sure he didn't come back, before quickly grabbing my bag and bolting out the door. I ran towards one of the mostly abandoned tunnels leading north. I exited the tunnel at around midnight and after using my compass to make sure I was going the right direction activated my new spell. Using earth mana, I started using the sand under my feet to push me faster and faster while the sand in front of me was used to feed the blast. If everything went according to plan only the start point would be visible on my path. As I leaned forward even more It felt like I was approaching the speed of a bullet train. The only annoying thing about this method of travel was that my long hair was always in the way. I arrived at the edge of Blackbend not long after sunrise.

After dusting myself off I headed into the city. I wandered around for a good 20 minutes before finally finding the main square. Last time I was there I only saw the inner city so finding my way there wasn't all that easy, but a few helpful locals guided me to the square where I spotted the familiar blonde hair.

"Emmett!" I shouted to him. I could see him turn to look toward me in confusion, but as I got closer, he recognized me.

"Hey Nico! How have you been?" he asked extending his hand towards me.

After shaking his hand, I told him why I was here.

"Emmett, I need a place to stay, at least for a few days. Last time I was here you mom told me I was welcome to stay anytime, so I hope that offer still stands."

"Of course, it does! You remember where our place is right?" He asked.

"Of course, I do! It's just across that alleyway." I said pointing towards the direction he took me during my last visit.

Just then I heard horse drawn carriages approaching. As I turned in their direction I spotted a familiar pair of golden eyes staring out of the window. I saw him glancing towards us so I waved, but based on his confused expression, it seemed my old friend didn't recognize me, probably because of my long hair. Seeing the he didn't wave back I choose to turn and start going towards Emmett's place 'It's not like we won't see each other again.' I thought before yelling to Emmett.

"Come on slowpoke."

"Slowpoke? How old are you? Five?" he shouted back before finally running after me.

When I opened the door to my friend's home, his mom spotted me immediately.

"Nico! What a pleasant surprise! I was wondering when you'd come and visit."

"Greetings Mrs.Veno! I obviously came to visit as I promised but I have a small issue..." I started.

"He can't go home! Can he please stay with us for the next few weeks?" Emmett finished.

I could see the expression on Mrs. Veno's face soften as she responded.

"Of course, he can stay, but only if he agrees to train you for your upcoming adventurer rank examination." She said looking at me.

"What a pleasant coincidence I was also preparing for a rank examination. I worked almost non-stop for the past few weeks to gather the funds. So, of course I am going to train Emmett since, it's also going to be useful practice for me."

With the deal made I had my shelter and food covered for the next few weeks. With that I could train very efficiently even while training Emmett. Like this AA seems very achievable.

2 days later

I was in the room the Venos gave me, looking at my notes about how to effectively train Emmett, since that was probably a bigger challenge than getting myself AA rank. Just as I turned a page my door opened.

Mr. Veno came into my room.

"Boy, have you heard what's happening in Elenoir?"

"No, why?"

"The elves all over town just keep talking about the princess's upcoming engagement ceremony. It's gonna be held at the end of the week."

I was shocked at his words, but at the same time it made sense. Multiple carriages came through the town Arthur sitting in one of them the morning I arrived. 'They were going to Elenoir for the ceremony.' I thought smiling. It seems this time He didn't want to make her wait. Just for a moment I thought about going to Elenoir, but I quickly dismissed the idea since there were 2 major problems with the plan. First, how would Arthur explain knowing me? I'm pretty sure he hasn't told his parents about either of his previous lives so that would be a big problem. Second, after what I've done, I couldn't go there and look the King and Queen in the eye let alone their daughter. I knew Arthur had forgiven me since he knew Agrona used my rage and my love for Cecilia to control me, but I haven't forgiven myself. Even after helping in Agrona's defeat, I still believe I have yet to atone for what I've done, but that's why I'm going to try everything I can to do so. And the first step in that is becoming an adventurer.

"Thank you for telling me this, Mr. Veno! Now I won't be confused about their actions, like what I saw just a few minutes ago." I said looking towards the window.

"Why what did you see?" he asked curiously.

"I saw the neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Woodside opening a letter then start jumping for joy."

"It might seem weird to us, but the elves adore their royal family, so the princess getting engaged is a cause for celebration for basically all of them." He said with a smile.

"Well, it's understandable then. Anyways I am happy you came since I wanted to talk about Emmett's training." At my words he began paying close attention.

"Emmett despite being a conjurer seems to prefer close range combat. Fundamentally there is no issue with that, but his movements are sloppy and are very wasteful which is made worse by the fact that the spells he uses are mainly ones designed for long range combat and the already difficult casts are made worst by the fact that he's probably the slowest in spell casting out of all the conjurers I've met." I said remembering our training session yesterday. "On top of all that he continues to announce his attacks like some anim-- street performer." I said quickly saving myself from having to explain to a man living in a medieval word of swords and magic what anime is.

"I have no clue why he would do that." His father said looking at me in confusion.

"Well, neither do I, but I in the next 2-3 months I am probably going to be able to change his behavior enough to get him a D or maybe even C rank"

"That's wonderful! Well then, I'll stop keeping you from working." The man said as he left the room

'This is going to be a difficult three months' I thought with my face quickly forming smile remembering that my best friend in getting engaged soon.


I know, I know almost everyone hates Nico with a passion, but I am going to try and make him into a likable character again. I hope you enjoyed the first little snippet of his progression towards a better future.

This has been Salty and see you all tomorrow!

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