Chapter 23: Introduction and Consequences

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Bairon POV

I stood in my room preparing to return to the Xyrus castle after I spent the last few days at home.

Just as I was about to grab my bag a two-way communication scroll appeared before me. The name read 'Nico Knight'.

"I haven't been expecting a call from a mister Knight." I stated before the sender could say a word. But when I heard who was on the other end I froze.

"Bairon..." Prince Arthur said in a heavy voice. "Has Lucas arrived home?"

Before I answered I searched for my brother's mana signature. I felt him entering the manor.

"He just arrived." I said still confused about the purpose of the question.

"Lucas was on a dungeon dive with me and a few others. When we reached the boss room he tried to kill me." The prince stated in a terrifyingly calm tone.

"HE DID WHAT??" I roared accidentally releasing some mana. "What do you mean he tried to kill you?"

"When we got to the boss room, we spotted an Elderwood guardian. It wasn't the first one I had to deal with during my adventuring carrier, so I prepared to attack. I suddenly felt a spell forming behind me, but I was just glad someone else had the courage to fight such a beast. But I was wrong. That very spell hit me in the back mere moments later. I obviously wasn't prepared to be shot in the back by one of my teammates, so I didn't dodge or protect myself. Thanks to my strong body and beast will however I didn't get harmed just knocked onto the ground for a few seconds. Just enough time for Lucas to escape and destroy the room's entrance. Everyone survived the incident since I recovered quickly and took down the beast but this could've ended very badly. I am reporting the incident to the guild, but not the royal family. I am going to leave his punishment up to you."

I could barely process his words. How could my brother be so dumb? Challenging him would have made sense, since I did the same and adventurers had duels all the time, but attacking him from the back? Trying to kill a royal by betraying him? He was a disgrace to the this family.

"However I do hope our training session can still happen tomorrow." He said his tone softening.

"Of course it can! I am returning to the castle in a few hours. And don't worry I'll deal with Lucas"

"I hope you do." He said before the scroll disintegrated.

That little shit.

Lucas POV

"What is it brother?" I asked trying and failing to hide my fear.

"You're coming with me." He said his voice as cold as ice.

In complete silence we walked to the training arena in the back of the estate.

"Brother, what are we doing here?"

"I didn't want to destroy your room while punishing you." He stated.

"Punishing for me? For what? Showing a few peasants where they belong?" I said raising my voice.

"YOU ATTACKED ROYALTY!" He shouted now clearly angry and... afraid?

"What are you talking about? You told me yourself that Note is merely a pretender. And what if he's royalty? You're one of only 6 white cores, one of the strongest mages in the continent. What does the great Bairon Wykes have to fear? A few weak elves?"

"Seven." He said letting out his aura."I am one of seven white cores. And I'm not even close to the strongest. After my fight with the prince I learned that neither of the elven lances could beat him, not even in a 1 vs 2. If he wanted to hunt you down, NO ONE COULD STOP HIM!"

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