Chapter 15: Prince Note

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Arthur POV

As we left the guild building, I decided to immediately go to the teleportation gate. The gate leading to Elenoir was active thanks to the talks between the two nations. AS we got to the gate the elven guard questioned our intentions. Instead of telling him my identity I merely removed my hood and mask. My hair and eyes have become iconic amongst the elven in the past few days, so he recognized me immediately. Needless to say we arrived in Zestier a few moments later.

'I still can't handle these stupid portals.' I thought a bit sick in my stomach.

'The weird thing is when you got to trough portals you yourself made the issue is non-existent.' Regis sent back clearly also confused.

'Maybe the gates the djinn used were slightly different than my own.'

I decided not to put my mask back on since the royal family would probably announce me as Note in a few hours. Why else would they have called me?

As we made our way deeper into the city many people greeted me and bowed. I still couldn't get used to that, even though I was king in a previous life. Arriving at the Castle gate Captain Erdal of the royal knights greeted us before opening the gate. I was a bit surprised since she has been on the outskirts of Elshire for the past few days, and the other knights told me she wouldn't be returning for the next few weeks. Maybe I'll ask her later.

As I entered the castle I was immediately pulled into a hug by my fiancé. She was obviously incredibly happy. It seems my visit had another purpose, and it was to cheer up my princess.

After we broke the hug she went to hug Jasmine behind me. As we walked to the dinning room, where our families were waiting, I told Tess about the exam. She was surprised to hear that I had to fight against Alea but was delighted that I got the second highest rank possible. Well, It might be the highest since there hasn't been an SS for decades.

When we entered the room both of our families immediately came and pulled me into a hug congratulating me for my rank. It seems Alea told them through her communication artifact. After letting me go the Eralith told me what I had already expected.

"Arthur, we would like to announce you as an adventurer, since it would make the prince of Elenoir look powerful to everyone. Especially with you s rank."

"I have nothing against it, But I would like to keep the Note identity as an adventurer."

"We have nothing against that, many well know adventurers use different names even when their real name is well known."

As we agreed about the announcement, I was told to get ready. They planned on doing it right now. I decided to not wear the white hood, since my iconic hair could be visible that way. I grabbed my mask and waited.

Noah ????? POV

During the past 2 days my life changed. I never had a mother who cared about me before so at first, I was a bit concerned about why Floria took me in, but she made me trust her. I even started calling her mom to her surprise, but she didn't seem to mind.

The day after finding me she took me back to her home in Zestier. During the day she took me shopping to buy me some clothes. During the afternoon she showed me the knights training room, where I was allowed to train my magic. The other knights didn't mind my presence at all, in fact they even helped me.

The next day Mom had to go to work at the castle gates, so I went to train. One of the knights taught me how to water to protect myself from punches and thought me how to efficiently use my fists as weapons.

Not long after finishing my training Mom entered the room to bring me to the announcement the royal family is making today. We quickly went home to change. After arriving in front of the castle the two of us waited. After a few minutes the doors of the balcony opened, and the King stepped out to speak.

"Today we are gathered here to reveal important news concerning the royal family and by extension all of you. As many of you know my daughter got engaged a few days ago to a human boy, who I can now say always stood out for many things about him. His strength abilities and yet his humbleness is outstanding. Right before the engagement, he decided to become an adventurer. So I would like all of you to welcome the S class adventurer Note!"

After he finished a man stepped out from behind him. He was wearing a stunning black and gold armor along with a white mask with a purple music note over one of his eyes. The man had the exact hair and eyes Mom told me about. Even with the mask on he commanded a level of authority.

As everyone thought the announcement had reached its climax, he decided to take it up a notch. A black wolf suddenly appeared next to him seeming coming out of his body and his hand rose an amethyst blade forming in it.

The sight was majestic. So this was a true adventurer. His presence felt not like a royal, it felt like we saw a divine being. A true god. That was a fitting description of the feel he was giving of. After a few moments he spoke.

"I know there are adventurers here amongst you. I ask one thing of you. When I am wearing this mask, I am not a Prince. I am an adventurer and expect to be treated like it." He said in a commending voice.

After he finished cheers broke out of the crowd. He could have made his life as an adventurer easier using his status, but he wanted the adventurers to treat him as one of them and not as a prince.

Now I understood why people looked up to him. Why the elves accepted him.

I want to be like him.

Arthur POV

As we went back in, my parents pulled me aside.

"Arthur we know you're going to be back in at most a month, but we wanted to tell you. We talked about this with Alduin and Merial and they agreed that having Ellie go to school would be a good idea. We just don't know if it's a good idea to have her go to school here or back in Xyrus." My mom said looking concerned.

"How about I set up a portal between the Helstea manor and one of the rooms in the castle? That would allow Ellie to go to school in Xyrus and at the same time still live here." I suggested.

"YOU CAN CREATE PORTALS???" Gramps basically shouted from behind us.

I explained my ability as a part of my beast will and they all quickly accepted. With that Ellie Schooling was decided, now there was only one thing on my agenda. I already told Jasmine that I have something to do so we leave for the Glades the day after tomorrow. I decided to pay that visit to Curtis tomorrow. But before that I had one more thing to do.

As night fell I left my room careful not to wake Tessia up. I walked down the hall where I knocked on a door. As it opened I saw my mentor with a confused expression.

"What is it brat? Is something wrong?"

"Virion I have to tell you something. Something about me that no one in my family even knows."

"What are you talking about brat?"

"I have to tell you about the future."


Well, quite the cliffhanger, right? How will Virion react I wonder?

I won't be able to reply to your comments today since I am at lake Velence with my family and will only be getting home late in the night. But feel free to leave them! I will read them when I get home.

Also we got our own role and discussion channel on the discord! Feel free to leave what you think of the chapter there, or just tell me how bad it is like Nightmare did.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I am sorry for pushing the adventuring arc a bit further, but I want to settle a few things in the story before it.

This has been Salty and see you all tomorrow!

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