Chapter 44: Three Fronts

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Present day

Bairon POV

After seeing my father attack the only person who treated Noah as he should've always been treated, I saw red. I could only think of finally doing what I'd wanted to do for a long time: Give my father what he deserved.

Moments later, Noah's cries for his mother pulled me out of my rage-filled mind. I was holding the blade of my spear to my father's neck. Realizing that it would be a mistake to kill him right here, I quickly spun the weapon given to me by Arthur around and hit him in the face with its shaft.

After making sure he was knocked out, I rushed to Floria to inspect her wound. Almost her entire left side was blown away by my father's spell; even her mana core was visible. In an ordinary situation, there would have been nothing I could have done, but I had something that could help.

I reached into the dimension ring I received from Arthur in that strange cave and pulled out the last thing in it: a bundle of purple crystals. I quickly pressed one of the crystals into Floria's wound and to everyone's dismay, it began to heal her rapidly. After a few seconds, the only indication of the attack that hit her was her ripped shirt.

The still-stunned soldiers weren't difficult to convince to surrender. It appeared they didn't want to fight in the first place, but they couldn't go against the council's orders since a lance was with them. Now they had no reason to fight and some of them even opted to join us.

Soon after, we decided to set off to meet our adversaries. The soldiers informed us that the rest of the council's forces were waiting for us at the edge of the Beast Glades, and after waking up, Aya warned us about the incoming Alacryan reinforcements. She wanted us to hurry in an attempt to get there before the Alacryans arrived.

Mica POV

A force 2000 strong awaited the arrival of the revolutionaries. Alea and I floated above the soldiers, scouting towards the forest. It pained me to see my fellow lance being under the control of the artifact, but it had to be done. She wouldn't have been able to carry out her duty of her own volition. When the council formed, she was no longer a soldier of her own people; she became a lance of Dicathen. If it was necessary to kill her kin, she would have to do it.

I could see the pain in her eyes as she knew the force we were up against was mostly composed of elves. Looking at her, I saw her flinch. Her eyes started to tear up as a forced voice left her mouth.

"They're here," She said, clearly trying and failing to regain control.

I looked towards the forest and my heart fell at the sight before me. I could see the revolutionaries. They were a bit more numerous than we had expected, but that was not the thing that terrified me. It was the two individuals in white uniforms leading them. Two fellow lances. Lance Thunderlord and Lance Phantasm.

They were leading the march of the hundreds behind them, and they looked ready to fight. As I contemplated what to do next, the army stopped, and the two lances floated up to meet us. As I watched them, Alea's voice suddenly came out harsh, clearly not her own.

"Lance Ohmwrecker, This is your king. I order you to kill the deserters. Do not hold ba--" With that, the voice caught off.

I was shocked at how quickly King Greysunder decided to get rid of 2 lances. I couldn't go against his orders, though I opted to hear them out first. Alea was commanded to listen to me, so she also didn't attack yet.

"Lance Mica, from the times we worked together, I believe you to be a reasonable person. No one here wants to fight. Our fight is not with you, it's with your king," Bairon said, his voice genuine.

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