Chapter 30: Guy's Night

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Having arrived an hour and a half before the party started I decided to make some snacks in the kitchen of my room. I decided to make some chocolate cookies along with macarons in many different colors. After finishing all those I decided to make some potato chips, but lost track of time.

20 minutes before the party started Tess entered my room only to find me amongst a mountain of potato chips. After snapping me out of my thoughts we prepared the illusions necessary for the reveal. After finishing, everyone took their positions. I tried to pack all the chips into bowls and bags. Tess and Sylvie joked about me opening a little shop with all the chips.

Not long after we were finally done Feyfey and Curtis arrived along with Clive who I couldn't find during the morning. He did learn about the party from Curtis and after I apologized for not inviting him directly, he explained that he only arrived at campus 20 minutes ago as he had things to take care of at home.

Curtis pulled out something that resembled sunflower seeds from my old world. I was overjoyed seeing as that was a snack I adored, but didn't let that show on my face. All three of them were surprised to see the amount of chips on the table that was paced in front of my couch. I had 4 huge bowls on there and 4 more in the kitchen. I even had bags for each of them to take although they had yet to find out about that.

Not long after Theo arrived along with Jarrod and the party officially began. The topics were what you'd expect. We talked about our performance in different classes, our progress with our cores and things along those lines.

When the conversation started to die down, I decided to get the ball rolling. I already had an idea on how to bring the topic up. Although I noticed Clive glancing towards my bed numerous times. Maybe he felt the wind mana circulating around it.

"Hey Curtis, have you had the opportunity to ask her yet?" I asked the question specifically not mentioning any names. He was my friend, if he wanted to reveal it to everyone, he'll do it by his own accord.

"Well, I have indeed. And I'm happy to say that Claire and I are officially dating!" He said excitement and happiness obvious on his face and in his voice.

Everyone clapped as one does in such situation and started questioning Curtis on how it happened. It turns out he ran into her right after finishing patrolling and asked her to go with him. After getting out of the sight of other students, he finally told her his feelings and asked her if she would like to have a relationship with him. Unsurprisingly Claire said also admitted her feelings and became Curtis's girlfriend.

'The guy took your 'Just go for it' a bit too literally, but it worked.' Regis said from within my core.

'I'm glad it worked out for him, though I think this would've happened without me sooner or later.'

The talk continued with an unexpected confession from Theo admitting that he and Doredrea have been dating for the past week. Of course just like Curtis he received the well deserved applause from his fellow guys. Next up was Feyfey who admitted to having a crush on someone but didn't mention their name or anything, he said it was too early to say anything. Jarrod was next and unsurprisingly started bragging to everyone about his relationship with Lilia. Just as Clive was about to speak I heard a knock on my door.

I got up quickly knowing full well that our last idiot had finally arrived. I sent Regis to covertly invite him before I left for Elenoir, since I didn't have any time during the day. Opening the door my friend of over 6 decades stood before me obviously having forgotten all about the party until now. He was very apologetic and after greeting everyone and being caught up on what we talked about up until now he volunteered to be the next one to talk.

Obviously he didn't go into any detail on how he met Cecilia, but was pretty open about their current relationship. Everything was going well between them so there was nothing to worry about. Of course he didn't escape the clapping we gave everyone else before him.

Next up was Clive who instead of talking about the troubles we all knew he had with finding someone, he asked just what I wanted to hear. He asked about the wind mana around my bed.

I quickly admitted to be using illusion magic all over the room as it has become second nature but admitted to be hiding something. As I cancelled my magic both of Clive and Theo let out gasps as I revealed Tessia and Sylvie sitting on the bed. The other 3 merely greeted her as they weren't even phased by the reveal, but it was understandable since they already knew my identity.

After Theo and Clive recovered from their shocked state we explained them the situation and I even transformed into my princely form. Of course all this came with the necessary explanation of how this was supposed to be kept a secret from everyone for the safety of people important to me.

Both of them promised to keep it a secret, but wanted to know about how this all came to be and most of all my time spent as an adventurer.

"Wait a second. I've heard from my father that Note is still active as an adventurer and you were seen fighting Note. How?" Clive asked right as I got to my adventuring examination, eyeing me suspiciously.

"This is how dipshit." Said Regis walking into my room from Tess's.

We already planned for this since the question made sense when you thought about it and showing it like this was easier than the explanation, we gave the girls yesterday. I apologized for Regis's attitude and then explained how in the fight Regis took my place as the professor and I was Note.

I continued my story specifically highlighting the dire tombs incident and mentioning how Lucas was here at the school. Everyone was a bit surprised he was still alive after that let alone here at the academy, but I gave a short explanation about how killing him might have affected the relationship between Sapin and Elenoir and they quickly understood.

For the rest of the night everyone began telling stories of their childhoods and the places they grew up in. It was interesting to hear the contrast between the dwarven caves and a noble estate in Sapin. The night had served as a good time to get to know everyone just a little better.

As everyone was leaving I quietly told Nico to meet me behind the cafeteria and bring Cecilia with him. After he left I cleaned up the room before telling Tess that I was going on patrol. She still didn't know about my current position in Alacrya, and I liked it this way. At least for now.

Meeting my two old friends at the designated place I quickly opened a portal for all of us. I could see the surprised look on their faces as the lavish halls of Taegrin Caelum appeared around us.


Well, hello there!

I am sorry for not uploading for the past few days, I have been awfully tired.

My work has increased from 4 hours to 8 hours meaning two things:

1: The upload of the chapters may be later than usual, and for that reason I am only going to say that they're coming every day and not a specific time from now on.

2: I no longer have to choose between getting a guest 2 and an airsoft sidearm. Because twice the hours means twice the money!

This has been Salty and see you all tomorrow!

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