Chapter 39: This ends today

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After I was brought to my cell, I was told no one was given permission to visit me. How surprising. Not that a visit was needed I have been talking with my family using Regis as an in-between. They were obviously worried, but it seemed I was able to calm them. After making sure they were fine, as fine as someone in this situation can be, I switched with Regis again and went to alacrya.

Arriving at the Sarkany Estate I immediately called a meeting. I had forged a plan that had a high chance of succeeding. In a few minutes the room was filled with my highest ranking allies and the meeting began.

"Thank you everyone for arriving so quickly." I started "I have already received Ulrike report about the forces under Kiros's control. Ulrike's brother is amongst the enemy, but has been leaking information to us. The wraith assures me that her brother is trustworthy so we are going to take the information we got from him into account, but I do believe understandably won't trust him completely." I said knowing that there is still a chance of Kiros pulling the strings behind this although the chances were low.

"Based on this report, Kiros has 6 half-bloods under his command right now. Richmal being here I doubt he had enough time to train them thoroughly so I expect them to be weaker than actual Wraiths. In theory 4 of these lessurans are in the throne room at all times while the two others are in the most secure prison in Vechor, making sure Agrona and Sylvie stay locked up.
This means the throne room is the main target, and also that you all will be steering clear of it. I am taking on Kiros personally. I want Zireael, Cecil, Ulrike, Niko, Seris, Cylrit and Caera to go to Vechor in order to rescue Agrona and Sylvie. All others are going up against Taegrin Caelum. We know that Kiros's forces are only in the castle since Central has yet to be disturbed. After the attack our main objective is to keep the retaking a secret from Dicathen and Vechor. As for why I am going to explain at the time of the attack." I finished the plan itself finally nearing the end of my explanation when the very question I was waiting for was asked.

"What time exactly do you want to attack to begin, your majesty?" asked Sovereign Exeges of Etril.

"As some of you may know I am getting publicly executed in less than 3 days. The start of the execution is the cue to start. Kiros is going to be distracted by the event and I am fairly certain Dragoth is going to be present. Leave him to me."

"But, how are you going to be able to attack the throne room while the people at the execution think you are there, dying?" the question this time came from Sovereign Orlaeth of Sehz-Clar, more specifically his right head.

"That is to be kept a secret in case there is anyone here who may be loyal to Kiros still. Don't misunderstand, I'm not doubting your loyalty, I am merely cautious of possible leaks. " I finished before quickly having to leave once again as despite the fact that my family wasn't allowed a visit, the Eraliths were able to get down to the dungeon.

Returning to Dicathen while under the effects of Static Void as to not arouse any suspicion by there suddenly being 2 of me, I sat down in my cell. Not more than a few moments later the whole Eralith family arrived. This of course included Tessia who has obviously been crying basically non-stop since the trial.

They apologized for their inability to stop the dwarves, but just as I suspected, with the help of Dragoth they acquired the artifacts used to control the Lances making the Council their puppets. I wasn't especially surprised by this, since the incident with Dawsid controlling Bairon I was pretty sure about it, but didn't know whether they had all of them of just the human ones under their control.

I made my best attempt to calm them assuring them that I had a way out and that I wouldn't even be here if I wasn't sure I could get out of this unphased. This seemed to calm them without me having to expose my complete plan.

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