Chapter 6: Preparations

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After we decided on the date for the ceremony, we spoke to an overjoyed Gramps through a scroll and after we told him our plan, he immediately ran to tell Alduin and Merial.

Unsurprisingly Tess wanted to stay the night, so we shared my bed. When we got down to eat breakfast, we were greeted by my mother smirking, since Ellie told her we slept in the same room. She came to wake me up like she does almost every morning and when she opened my door, she saw Tess in my bed and ran to tell mom immediately. This predictably resulted in us being teased to no end and my father trying to give me the talk before mom saved me from him.

Soon everyone was gathered at the manor's entrance. My parents were wearing hooded cloak for their safety since we still didn't know if the rulers of Sapin could be trusted or not and them being seen with me and Tessia would defeat the purpose of my 'Princely Form' as the Eralith have started calling it. We took the teleportation gate to Blackbend opting to go by carriage the rest of the way. While passing through the city I noticed 2 boys around our age staring at our carriage. One of them was blonde the other had long black hair that covered most of his face. The boy with black hair suddenly waved at us before turning around and disappearing into the city's alleys the blonde boy following after him. I found this a bit weird but paid no mind to them, maybe he knew the driver. Just outside town Alea was waiting for us.

"Your majesties." Alea bowing before us.

"And here I thought you were the better option to accompany us." I said in a fake disappointed tone.

"Come on. I can't tease the two of you with Aya around since I have to keep an eye on her. Just let me have a little fun."

"Fine. But let's get the introductions out of the way." I said feigning annoyance. " Everyone this is Alea Tristan, Personal guard of the royal family and the best Plant mage on the continent."

"It is a pleasure to meet you all" Alea said bowing.

After everyone introduce themselves, Adam immediately began making moves on Alea and it seemed she was quite enjoying his company.

Our journey to Elenoir was quite uneventful. Regis and Sylvie went hunting while we were in the Glades, meaning for the first time in a long time it was quite in my head. This just made me realize how much I enjoyed traveling with everyone like this. We only had one small obstacle: a giant mosquito like semi-humanoid creature, who seems to have wandered out of a nearby dungeon. Needless to say I finished it off in a single effortless punch to everyone's surprise. As a light silver with cracks something like this posed no challenge.

Once we got to the city gates we got to skip the queue of elven merchants waiting to get into the city, earning us a few glares, although most of them understood after noticing Tessia sitting in our carriage.

Once we entered the city my family could finally remove their hoods and look around. The first destination was the castle. Once we got close enough to see the breathtakingly beautiful building, Ellie immediately started asking Tessia to give her a tour of it. At first Mom tried to shut her down, but Tess agreed almost immediately, since we were planning on giving everyone a tour anyway.

As we arrived at the entrance Alduin, Merial and Virion were already waiting for us along with a good number of maids who took care of our luggage.

As Tess and I walked to the entrance we were immediately pulled into a huge hug by all of them. After we were released from their arms the introductions began.

"It's an honor to meet you your Majesties-" my parents began but were immediately cut off by Merial.

"Please there's no need for such formalities, we are soon going to be family after all" she said grabbing my mother's hands just Alduin shook my father's hand.

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