Chapter 13: Old Friend

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It was the morning of my adventurer examination. All the twin horns other than Jasmine already left during the morning hours, along with my family. They're going to Elenoir, where I'll be joining them shortly after getting my rank.

Jasmine left slightly before me, so we can avoid suspicion. After finally leaving the manor I went into an alley, where I transformed into my princely form and summoned my armor. I grabbed the white hood I made along with my new mask and put it on. The mask was almost identical to my old Note mask but the note on it was purple to fit the outfit more neatly.

Then I used godstep to appear next to Jasmine who was waiting in a similar alleyway a few blocks away.

After she noticed my arrival we made our way to the adventurers' guild, where the receptionist, upon noticing Jasmine immediately signaled us to go with her. After getting out of the sight of most adventurers she started.

"It's a pleasure to see you Miss Flamesworth. I assume you want to sponsor this young man for a rank examination."

"Yes." Was all Jasmine said.

Moments later, we were called into Kaspian's office.

"Welcome Miss Flamesworth, your majesty" he said turning towards us.

I was alarmed immediately. He should have no way of knowing my identity, the only thing that cold be recognized was the colors I wore and my eyes. Before I could summon one of my blades Kaspian quickly clarified.

"Please, do not be alarmed. The elven royal family informed me that you would be arriving for an examination, along with Miss Flamesworth. They also informed me that I am probably going to be unable to give you a proper assessment. So I called upon a few adventurers stronger than myself to help with your rank assessment." He explained.

So the Eraliths thought I would easily beat an AA rank adventurer. Not surprising since they do know how powerful I am.

"Thank you for the explanation, Kaspian, but I would like you to drop the your majesty thing. I go by Note." I said.

What he said made me a bit suspicious. We're the Eraliths planning on announcing the fact that their Prince is an adventurer? Maybe.

"Very well Mr. Note. Your examination is going to be conducted shortly. Please go follow the receptionist who took you here, Andrea to the arena."

After reaching the arena I was greeted by a familiar man, I think his name was George. After watching a few people get their ranks I heard the name of someone I haven't talked to in a long time.

"Nico Knight, please enter the arena."

Nico POV

I walked down the stairs towards the examiner. I was lucky the Venos wanted to take a trip to Xyrus. After just a few days of training Emmett I realized that I was already strong enough to start the exam. He on the other hand was still just as bad as when we began. After all it is hard to train someone who doesn't listen to a word I say.

Just as we were getting ready we were sudden interrupted.

"I am sorry for the commotion, but I do believe a higher ranking examiner is needed for the boy." Said an elven woman walking down the steps.

"Miss Triscan, I don't think an S class adventurer is needed for an examination like this." The examiner said clearly confused.

"Please, I have been called to examine an applicant who we suspect may already surpass me. I need a little warmup."

At these words the examiner left the arena and I stood in front of the future lance. We got into battle stances and at the word of another examiner from the sidelines the duel began.

She immediately shot water towards me at breakneck speeds, but I evaded. I quickly conjured metal spikes under her, but her perception seemed to pick on them and she jumped out of the way. The look on her face told me, she realized that I wasn't manipulating metal, but conjuring it. This seemed to make her more excited, but also more wary. She started using plant magic to try and encase me in vines. I quickly encased my surroundings in fire so the vines couldn't reach me. I used the fact that her own attack blocked her view of me to try and circle around, but it was useless as soon as she spotted me again a group of vines came rushing towards me. I didn't have enough time to burn them again, so I quickly conjured an earth wall. It successfully stopped them at least initially, but I needed to act quickly. I already knew the lance's position so I conjured multiple metal spikes around her. Just as I though I had won a large vine lifted me up by my leg.

"Release!" I heard from the other side of the arena. As the vine brought me closer to the lance I saw a cut on her leg. One of my spikes caught her as she escaped their grasp.

"Nico Knight, AA rank!"

Arthur POV

I never expected Nico to be able to harm Alea even with his memories intact, his core was barely light orange and yet, he managed to harm a lance. All this without using Vritra deviants. He did give training his all it seems.

"Note, Please proceed to the arena." Alea announced after the arena was cleared.

When I arrived at the bottom of the stairs another adventurer exited the main building walking onto the field.

"I'm Neil Ridge, S rank. Nice to meet you kid."

"Neil do you know who you're spe--" Alea started before I cut her off.

"Alea it's fine, I am here to become an adventurer." I said calming her down.

We all took our positions. As I suspected it was a 2 vs 1, me being the 1. I already knew Alea's fighting style since we trained together quite often, but she should be a lot more powerful now being a white core. The same is true for me however. The other combatant was more problematic. I could tell he was an augmenter at initial Silver with an affinity for earth magic, but that's it.

'Don't worry too much. You can use bonds at the exam. And this majestic af wolf is here to slay.' Regis sent snickering.

I stood at the ready summoning an aether blade. Spotting the purple sword that suddenly appeared in my hand the veteran augmenter seemed to stagger for a moment in surprise. Then the moment the fight began I released my aura coupled with gravity magic. Alea could stand although just barely thanks to her white core, but the other adventurer immediately fell face first into the floor. Deciding the fight would be a bit too easy like this, I cancelled the gravity spell. The moment I did 2 walls of rock rose up next to me trying to crush me. I at first wanted to move but deciding it was a time to show off, I destroyed them in a single sing of my sword. Alea tried to use the fact that I was preoccupied to launch a few vines at me but as soon as they came close the caught on fire burning to ashes. For the next few minutes the 2 tried everything to get to me but each attempt failed. After all that I just decided to end the fight. I godstepped behind Neil and knocked him out with a single punch. Seeing this Alea decided the fight had gone on long enough.

"Release" she yelled as her teammate hit the ground. "Note, you are more than deserving of a higher rank, but we can't grant a rank higher than our own. Note, S rank!"

As I was about to leave to search for Nico, Alea pulled me aside.

"The royal family wants you to visit before going into the glades." She said before walking away.

As I searched for Nico the receptionist signaled for me to go over to her. As she gave me my card, she said Nico left told her to give me a message. He wanted to let me know that he was not yet ready to talk to me and that we would meet in a dungeon someday anyway. Slightly disappointed I left the guild with Jasmine.

'I guess it's time to go to Elenoir.'


Well, hello there! I am sorry for the missed update yesterday, but I had much less free time than I expected. To make up for it I am going to try and release a double update in a few days.

If anyone wants to talk to me, you can find me on the fanfiction discord!

Also I would like to thank all of you for the 3000 reads and 300+ votes!

This has been Salty and see you all tomorrow!

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