Final Chapter: The Biggest Day

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Arthur POV

Taegrin Caelum was lively once again as the staff began preparing for the upcoming dinner. Many here considered the event a type of peace talk even though I intended for it to be a dinner with family and friends. The staff may believe I don't know Buhnd or Mica at all, but they don't know how close I was to them in my previous life.

I asked the very same chef who cooked for the reception to also make the meals for tonight. Thanks to the time difference between the continents we did have a lot more time to prepare, but that meant for the attendees coming from Dicathen it was a lunch rather than a dinner. I even asked some musicians from a small town in Vechor to provide ambient music. I stumbled upon the group while looking for musicians for the wedding reception. After consulting with Seris she said they might not be appropriate for such an event, still being new to performing, but they were the first group to come to my mind.

The night was coming along nicely, my parents and in-laws also trying to help out despite the staff assuring them that it was unnecessary. Everyone found something to do, Mom helped out the chefs, maybe even trying to learn from them, Dad helped move boxes and furniture with Virion, Ellie, and Sylvie were helping the band with their setup and Tess's parents were helping with the decorations.

Bairon was also in the castle getting acquainted with his Scythe. After Dragoth's death, a spot for a new scythe freed up and after much persuasion, Uto accepted the role. Strength wise he was already on the level of a scythe so he seemed the most reasonable choice. Bairon was delighted to be the retainer of a powerful individual. Though he hasn't discovered Uto's sadistic tendencies yet, that might change in the future.

After the preparations were finished, we decided it was time to bring the rest of the quests in. The rest of the council members and their families were waiting for my portal in the floating castle, so that was the first place I opened a portal to. As soon as they walked through the portal the Glayder family was stunned by the castle. They were looking around with awe in their eyes at the halls and decorations. The next was Buhnd and the rest of the lances, other than Olfred who was still locked away.

I just smiled at their expressions, knowing this was the natural reaction to seeing this place. Next, I opened a portal to let Floria and Noah in. The expressions were the same as the Glayders. After they arrived, I led the guests to the dining hall, where everything was already ready for their arrival. A glass of ebosu wine was in front of everyone, other than Ellie and Noah, they had a special ebosu juice Zireael had started developing a few weeks before the coup.

After everyone took their seats, we commemorated the end of this short yet tense period. As everybody took a sip of their drink, I could see their faces light up. Mere moments later Alduin and Blaine were arguing about who gets the exclusive rights to sell this in Dicathen. I merely told them that I could introduce the person who's responsible for the manufacturing and have her decide before we have another human-elf war.

As every calmed down I asked for their attention before we started eating. Bairon asked me for a small opportunity to speak before the dinner began so I complied. As everyone quieted down, he stood up. This somewhat surprised the attendees, but they stayed quiet as they looked at him.

"I would like to apologize for asking His Highness to delay this dinner a slight bit just so I could speak. At the battle in the beast glades, I was granted the rank of retainer. I would like to officially ask the Council to dismiss me from my position as a lance." This shocked everyone except me. "I do not have anything against the current council, but I have seen things that make me doubt whether I want to continue serving Sapin. My new position within the Alacryan Empire's army allowed me to act on those thoughts. If the council accepts my request, I do have a suggestion for my replacement." He finished waiting for an answer.

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