Chapter 37: Here we go again

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Arthur POV

I have never used revival at such a scale before. I had only unlocked this ability close to the end of our fight with Epheostus. I had to only use it once to revive Nico, since I realized that it had a time limit. From what I could see I arrived in time. I still have yet to learn the exact limit, not that it matters now that I have full control over time. I purposely only revived and healed the individuals who weren't involved in the attack. As I landed I looked around for the leading figures of the attack.

Both Lyra and Richmal were unconscious Draneeve was trapped in Nico's spikes and I could see Kai escaping. His escape made my job slightly more difficult, but I could always just send someone to find him. The one who worried me was the weakest of them, Lucas. I couldn't see the backstabbing little bug anywhere. That was until I noticed a tree that wasn't here before.

I decently sized tree was now directly in front of the clocktower. Looking more closely I could see ripped pieces of red robes in its bark. The exact robe Lucas wore in the last timeline. I still wondered what happened as Tess walked up to me.

"Like my little creation?" she asked with an evil looking grin.

"Is that...Lucas?"

"He threatened me. So I believe he deserved it." She said before explaining how she did it.

It was really fascinating hearing about the technique. Tessia took advantage of the fact that the adrenalin running through his veins made Lucas not feel the small pain that a microscopic vine entering him would cause. Tessia guided the vine through his bloodstream and made it grow all over his body. Making It larger and more rigid froze Lucas in place before making him burst apart a tree growing and enveloping his remains.

I had to say, that was even more brutal than what I did last time. I was truly fascinated by how she came up with such a technique on her own and to be completely honest... I was also a slight bit scared.

'I should be really careful not to piss her off in the future.'

'You're absolutely correct, I know you're a masochist but becoming a tree would be too much even for you.' Regis sent reminding me more of what it was like traveling with him in the relic tombs.

Looking around I saw frightened students looking towards me. At first I didn't understand the cause for their fear, but soon realized my horns were still visible. I know what it must feel like seeing someone with horns right after the school was attacked by such beings so I quickly removed them trying and mostly failing to convince people they were just illusions.

Soon after the Bairon and Varay arrived looking panicked. They quickly walked towards us with and asked what exactly happened. I, having arrived rather late, needed some help from other to explain the entire story to them. Bairon was visibly distraught upon learning the fate of his brother, but understood that he had done everything to deserve it.

They were both is disbelief at the fact that I brought people back to life, but already knowing a lot of my inhumane abilities they took it quite well. As if to serve as living proof of my abilities Doradrea walked out of the clocktower completely unharmed. She quickly ran to the other DC members and hugged Theodore.

A few moments later they started waling towards us when suddenly we felt two powerful mana signatures arrive. The ground shook as six magma guardians rose from the ground in a formation. The gravity also increased around us significantly and the human lances stepped away from us looking at their comrades in disbelief.

"Price Arthur of Elenoir, you are under arrest for committing high treason against the Dicathen council and orchestrating a fake attack on Xyrus Academy to earn yourself glory and kill your possible rivals" Spoke Olfred with a commending tone.

As I stood there still confused Cecil suddenly shouted at me to open a portal to home base, which I promptly did allowing her and Nico to escape along with the prisoners. We already had a plan for this scenario, so I was only caught off guard by the ridiculous reason for my arrest. Before I could say anything Tessia spoke up.

"What is this idiocy? How could he have orchestrated this whole thing? He saved everyone here!" She spoke with fury in her voice.

"Princess, this is not your place to argue, the council has made their decision. If you have something to say, then you will be given a place to speak at the trial that is going to be held for this disgusting criminal." The old dwarven lance replied spitting the last few words. Just as his golems restrained me and put a core restraining artifact on my sternum. Sadly for them, these artifacts were far too weak to restrain someone in the integration stage, but revealing that would only have made things worse, so I decided to keep quiet about that.

I tried and once again failed to calm my fiancé, but she had no choice but to accept. I was promptly picked up by Olfred and we began the all too familiar flight to the flying castle. I offered to open a portal to the castle deciding I had nothing to lose from revealing my ability, but I was promptly told to shut up by Mica.

As we stopped during the night, I switched places with Regis without any of them noticing to affirm everyone that I was fine and had already planned for this. Quickly returning to Alacrya I checked up on everything and was pleasantly surprised that we were basically ready to retake Taegrin Caelum. I had returned Caera here before making my entrance so I was relieved to find her awake and back at full strength already.

When I had received this estate Zireael had asked me to choose a name for it and walking through the decorated halls once again reminded me of what I had chosen. I choose the name Sarkany Estate. The name means dragon, as both to remember Sylvia and to show my draconic side. I saw it fitting as despite the main colors being black and red, similar to Taegrin Caelum, it also had golden and white accents in certain places.

Reaching the meeting room I updated everyone on my current situation and told them to wait for me giving the agreed signal to begin the attack. I knew it would be better to wait for a time when Kiros was distracted as he would surely be on high alert right now having his most powerful lesser taken away from him.

After the meeting I returned just before the lances awoke. Our journey ended in the council room where I realized something was wrong. The Dwarves took the lead in discussions and the other four members only seemed to agree with them, though obviously not of their own volition. The audience ended with them deciding to hold my trial two days from now and put me in cell until then.

Bairon was told to take me to my cell, but when he attempted to refuse the dwarven king ordered him again this time holding a lances artifact. Bairon immediately grabbed me and started waling me to my cell. This was it! The dwarves had taken control of the lances, that was the reason for the council listening to their ridiculous claims.

As I was put in my cell I remembered the time I had spent in here so long ago.


Well, hello there!

I know this chapter is bit more late than usual, but I started writing slightly later than I normally would since we had some guests over.

I hope you guys enjoy where the story is going! If you have any criticism please leave it below!

This has been Salty and see you all tomorrow! 

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