Chapter 20: Thunderlord vs Thunder God

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Arthur POV

As we were getting ready for out duel, Mica came up to me questioning if this was a good idea, Bairon was a Lance after all. Her concerns were dissipated by Aya however when she told her the fact that I have defeated both elven lances at once before. Aya purposely said this in a volume so Bairon couldn't hear her.

"Last chance to back off your majesty." Bairon said actually looking concerned for my safety.

"Lance Bairon, while I appreciate your concern my SS rank is not for just looks."

As we stood ready to fight the rest took their seats. I looked over at Curtis when suddenly an idea came to mind. I decided to stop hiding my identity from my friends. Though I am going to have to ask him to keep it a secret from his parents.

"Both parties ready?" Aya asked. We both nodded in response. "Begin!"

Right as the duel began, I summoned my armor. This made Bairon raise an eyebrow as he charged at me. Regis asked if he should help me, but I told him to go to Tess on the stands.

Curtis POV

Right as the duel began, Prince Arthur summoned his armor. Not even a moment later a black and purple fog emerged from him shooting towards us. It landed right in front of Princess Tessia revealing it to be Note's signature bond.

As Bairon charged at the Prince I noticed something. The way he moved, his swordplay matched the other Arthur I know almost exactly. I didn't think anything of their names until now since Arthur is one of the most common names in Sapin and their appearances were so drastically different, but now I was starting to suspect that I have been training with an SS class adventurer for over a year.

He effortlessly dodged Bairon's attacks and even though he could have attacked the lance many times he didn't. This confirmed my suspicion. He was doing the exact same thing to Bairon as he did to me during our first duel. He was merely appraising him.

Bairon saw how easily Arthur was dodging his attack's so he created some distance between the two of them and sent a lightning spear hurtling towards his opponent. Arthur seemingly decided that this was the moment to finally start taking this seriously. He suddenly appeared right behind Bairon and attacked. The lance only had time to dodge.

"How did he move so fast?" I heard my sister ask.

"That was actually pretty slow. He purposely gave the lance enough time to react." Princess Tessia responded.

Pretty slow? That's impossible. None of us could see him move. As if hearing my thoughts the wolf suddenly answered my questions.

"The technique he used is called Burst Step, It's fast but not very versatile compared to it's other more powerful version God Step." He stated as Tessia stated to pet him.

"THE WOLF TALKS???" Lance Mica voiced the question everyone had in mind.

"Yes, he does and he's being unusually polite right now." Answered Lance Aya not taking her eyes off of the fight.

"Well my not so little succubus, I know when to use my dirty tongue and when to not."

I swear for a moment I saw the elven lance blush for a moment at this.

A sudden painful grunt brough my attention back to the fight. What I saw made my jaw drop. Bairon had cuts all over blood gushing from multiple wounds while Arthur was completely unharmed. Bairon seemingly decided that the only way he had a chance was to use his ultimate technique.

"THUNDERLORD'S WRATH" He shouted as lightning enveloped the arena.

"Cute little trick." I heard the wolf say from beside me.

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