Chapter 38: Unfair Trial

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Unsurprisingly the cell was still just as uncomfortable as I remembered, but this time I knew Windsom wasn't coming to save me. Not that it would have been particularly difficult to escape if I wanted to, but that would have put my future in-laws in a bad place so staying was the best course of action.

Wondering what I should do I noticed a familiar signature in the next cell. It seems we were neighbors once again. I could feel the director in the cell though she was in a much worse shape than last time. She had obviously been tortured. That meant the council or more specifically the dwarves had found out about her original mission. This just further confirmed that they were in bed with Kiros.

This was when a memory popped into my mind. Nico told me that Kiros was 'dealt with' by Agrona last time quite quickly after the Victoriad. This meant he was obviously more than capable of easily taking him down during the coup. Sure there were others there, but any non-sovereign wouldn't have made a difference and Sylvie's presence may have been more of a help than a hindrance seeing how she easily dealt with wraiths before.

'Do you think he let himself be captured on purpose?' Regis asked in my mind sounding doubtful.

'After making me crown prince? I wouldn't put it... THAT SLY OLD MAN!' I sent as I realized what he had done. He knew of a possible coup since I told him my findings and he didn't do anything to prepare. The only reason this coup was successful was that I refused to become High Sovereign before. He made me take his throne without me even realizing.

'I bet he's smirking in his 5 star cell right now.' Regis stated and I couldn't agree more.

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming closer, but Lance Balrog just walked past my cell. His aim was the director's. I watched as the severely injured alacryan was dragged away by the lance's golems.

I didn't have to wait long before Mica, Varay and Bairon showed up to also bring me to my trial. It seemed the dwarves were aware that I was a bit more of threat than the director. I went with the lances knowing fighting back would only harm both them and me in the long run. I was surprisingly not taken to the council room, but to the castle teleportation gates.

Walking through I was once again caught by that awful nauseating feeling I only seemed to get with the portals made by the djinn and with my own. I recognized the appearing scenery immediately. It was the decorated streets of Xyrus.

Our walk didn't take long. In just a few minutes we were standing in front of a huge white building. Six pillars held its triangular roof remining me of ancient Greek temples. I knew this place already having seen it countless times while walking in the streets of the floating city. It was the Xyrus Courthouse.

Outside the courthouse was a large crowd. It was mix of elves, humans and dwarven and I recognized a lot of Academy students. They were all demanding that I'd be set free. It was an uplifting feeling that so many people believed the truth rather than these ridiculous claims. I spotted my family amongst the crowd. They were watching me with worried eyes, and I could only give a consoling smile in return. I quickly told Regis to try and convince them that everything was fine, but only sent a short reply saying that he's waiting for me inside.

Finally entering the courthouse, I saw lot's of snobbish humans and Dwarves smiling devilishly at me. And I knew the reason. All of them had their sons with them. They were banking on me even in the best-case scenario being disowned from the royal family and having my engagement with Tessia broken. The wanted to swoop in and take the Elenoir throne.

Arriving in the court room I could see a good few witnesses sitting near the front and multiple journalists all around the room. They were already writing in their notebooks not wanting to miss anything. Looking up towards the judges I saw the members of the council their lances standing behind them. The elven lances had worried looks on their faces and Olfred was smiling like a psychopath.

Behind the council I could see a cloaked person standing in the shadows. It was unmistakably Dragoth.

I was taken to the accused stand at the front and chained down with oddly familiar chains.

As the Trial began my 'crimes' were repeated by Olfred.

"Here we begin the trial of Prince Arthur under the charges of: High treason against the Dicathen Council and orchestrating a fake attack on Xyrus academy with his goals being to get rid of every student who could cause him inconveniences in the future, example: the brutal murder of Lucas Wykes, and earning personal glory for himself by pretending to end this supposed attack. Before we hear the witnesses I am going to read the statement issued by our alacryan allies. 'Prince Arthur has quite large influence in our continent as well although as expected he isn't using his own name. Having been defeated in our continent when he attempted to take our continent's throne he resorted in tarnishing the relationship between our continents by orchestrating a fake attack and making it seem like our forces attacked the continent of Dicathen. All participants in the attack were loyalists of his.' This was the statement officially released by High Sovereign Kiros Vritra." He finished finally rolling the scroll he had been reading from up. "Our first witness would have been Princess Tessia Eralith, but seeing as she in clearly biased in this case we will not be hearing her speak today." At his words multiple elven individuals roared in disagreement but the lances quickly quieted them down. Tessia obviously wasn't pleased by the outcome but knew that she couldn't do anything.

"For the same reason the votes of the elven representatives are not going to be counted towards the final decision. Our first witness is going to be Arthur Leywin, Leader of the disciplinary committee on Xyrus Academy."

Regis walked up to the stand giving his account of exactly what happened emitting certain details, like Caera and the fact that he knew the attackers. I could see on the faces of the dwarven rulers that the testimony didn't change anything. After Regis stepped down multiple other students came to verify his story, but this resulted in no change either. After all witnesses were heard the dwarven and human rulers went into a separate room to discuss. When they returned Dawsid stepped up to speak.

"We have made our decision! After consulting not only between ourselves but also with our allies seeing as the suspect is also a convicted traitor in their lands we came to a conclusion. The Prince is going to get his just punishment and will be used to set an example to other who may have similar ambitions in the future."

Oh shit.

"By the council's decision I hereby sentence Prince Arthur of Elenoir to be burned at the stake in the central square of Xyrus in three days time!"


Well, hello there!

Not what you expected right? Arthur is in big trouble now. Or is he?

Regardless please tell me what you guys think of todays chapter!

On a more personal note I got back into genshin recently(almost immediately buying the new Diluc skin despite him being only level 1). I for the love of god can't get Kazuha, I have pulled 54 times on this banner and it ends in 2 days. Guess when your boys getting paid? In 3. So yeah, no more money getting wasted on this, just a lot more hours. So if the chapter is late blame it on my my love for rpgs.

This has been Salty and see you all tomorrow.

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