Chapter 35: Unexpected foe

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An hour earlier

Regis POV

"We are being sent a little assistance in case the academy gets attacked." I said to Mother who was sitting across from me in the DC office as we were waiting for the others.

"Regis, please tell me about the attack last time, more specifically I want to know the enemies who Arthur had to face." She said after a bit of silence.

I began to explain everything I could get out of Father's memories. I focused as much as I could on the radical group, Draneeve and Kai. As I mentioned Kai being a traitor her eyes went wide. It seems she wasn't expecting that. I told her as much as I could. We did find out about some of the specific runes of the two later on in the last timeline, but that only came in handy now. Draneeve was our main concern being the leader of the attack, so I tried to compare him to Mother. We came to the conclusion that in their current states with mother having unlocked her first phase and having the masochist's blessing she could probably beat him, but it wouldn't be an easy fight. This only made me more certain that I needed to stay with her. That was of course until...

The door suddenly opened revealing a familiar young girl with navy hair and crimson eyes. It was a muyh younger Caera. The moment she walked in, she quickly affirmed that there was no one else in the room and then introduced herself.

"I am retainer Caera Denoir, I was sent by his majesty the High Sovereign to offer assistance in the event of an attack on the academy." She said bowing.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I am Princess Tessia Eralith, President of the student council and this is Regis." Mother responded gesturing towards me while reaching her hand out for a handshake, which was quickly accepted by the future eye candy.

After giving her the basic information we had about the attackers and the plan for the attack itself, she had a suggestion. As soon as she learned that I have beaten Wraiths before, she suggested that Mother and her go patrolling on one side of the academy and I go on the other. This way even if another retainer is involved in the attack we would have the upper hand.

We all quickly agreed since it was indeed the most logical thing. After the others arrived and we introduced Caera as a new student who is petitioning to join the DC, everyone gave their reports. These joined meetings weren't held often, but we have had them before so no one found the presence of the others weird. After the discussion was finished we assigned everyone a patrol route making sure to have both the DC and the Student Council as a team each, making four since Caera and Mother was a separate patrol team and I alone was the last. At first some questioned why they had to be on bigger teams, but we explained that with what we saw from the radical group they were a threat and the three of us out ranked them in strength severely.

They at first questioned whether Caera was indeed more powerful than them, but after she released a bit of her aura they quickly understood. Even I was surprised since I grew to forget that retainers were meant to be powerful foes and not cannon fodder, like they seemed to us in later the last timeline.

After separating I felt a nervous feeling in my stomach that something was going to go wrong. And I was right, not 20 minutes after I began my patrol the sky was covered in a mana barrier and monsters started emerging all over the campus.

I needed to find Mother.

Tessia POV

After the meeting ended we all began to patrol our assigned routes. Whenever we were in a place where others couldn't hear us I asked Caera about what Alacrya was like. She told me all about ascenders and the Relic tombs. It was a very different perspective than what I was told by Arthur and the others. Caera had a fascination with the tombs that went beyond just finding the relics in them. She wanted to know all about how they worked, the people who created them, the purpose for the more interesting artifacts they've found and so on.

She seemed really interested in becoming an ascender one day, although officially her rank as a retainer held her back from that. She did say however that based on the changes in Alacrya recently there is a good chance that she's going to be allowed to dive. When I asked her about the currenct political situation she went quiet. I knew something was wrong, but I didn't want to press. However that would've been unnecessary since the person waiting around the corner answered my question instead of her.

"The little retainer doesn't want to tell you that the Alacrya she servers is no more, or rather under new management." Said the mysterious man stepping out from around the corner. He was tall, with earth-brown hair and piercing red eyes. He wore a terrifying smile.

I quickly turned to look at Caera only to see the young retainer frozen in fear she could on mutter two words.

"Wr-wraith... Richmal." Her voice barely audible.

I instantly remembered what Regis told me about the ranking in Alacrya. I remembered Wraiths at the very top of what was considered lesser, leagues above Scythes let alone retainers. The girl next to me seemed to muster up some courage.

"Princess RUN!" she shouted pushing me out of the way as she lunged at the man, but it was useless.

With a mere flick of his wrist the retainer flew into a nearby wall coughing up blood. I activated my will knowing even if I tried I couldn't run from a foe like this.

I tried using my vines but suddenly Dark-green tentacles shot out towards me burning through my vines and enveloping me. The last thing I remember was the putrid smell.

Regis POV

I ran as fast as I could already having activated my second phase. I didn't care if these stupid kids saw me running on all fours, If I couldn't get there in time they could die! I was so focused on my task that I completely forgot about reporting the situation to Father.

When I reached the place I felt a powerful signature in just moments ago a terrifying sight welcomed me. Acidic liquid eating away at vines on the ground and Caera unconscious half embedded in a wall. I quickly rushed to the retainer to see what was going on. I already feared the worst. I knew who used acid like that, but I didn't want to believe that we were so wrong.

Waking the injured girl she only told me what I had feared

"I'm sorry... Lord Regis..., It was a wraith..., I couldn't do... anything." She said barely able to move her mouth.

I couldn't believe that everyone overlooked the fact that maybe Kiros would use a stronger force knowing Father was here. Of course he would send everyone he could! And having the attack happen right after the coup in Alacrya would mean that Father's attention is elsewhere. This man was smarter than we thought.

After coming back to my senses I quickly sent a panicked cry for help to father.

We really messed up this time.


Well, hello there!

I know this chapter was supposed to come out yesterday, but I am happy to say that I am done with my applications and that now I only have to wait for my results!

I hope this chapter gave a good explanation for the questions that you had for the last one. I do believe it is important to show that even people like Arthur can't prepare for every possible scenario.

This has been Salty and see you all tomorrow! For real this time!

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