Chapter 10: The guests

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Chapter 10

Arthur POV

Yesterday as Alea returned I could see that she had been crying, but her expression told me she did in fact enjoy spending a day with Adam. As the man himself returned he immediately wanted to try out the new spear he got and asked Jasmine for a duel.

As expected Jasmine won, but regardless of that Adam really liked the spear. After they were done, I went up to him and asked about the weapon. He said the old man told him, it was one of the best spears ever made in his shop, that was specifically reserved for him by me. Then I dropped the bombshell.

"You do realize I made that, right?"

"WHAT???" He shouted shocked.

"I worked for the old man for a few months and made weapons for most of you. There are 2 bows one for Helen, one for Ellie and blades for Jasmine. My father already got his gauntlets."

"Kid. I can't thank you enough." He said after looking around.

"You don't need to thank me." I said walking back to my room.

Today was finally the day before the ceremony. Everyone was preparing. Multiple bands showed up to demonstrate their peformances. The chefs made a sampling of all the foods that will be served and some of the special quests started arriving. Unsuprisingly one of them was Director Cynthia Goodsky.

After talking a bit with Gramps, she came to me, asking for a duel. The purpose of which was obviously to access my abilities so I could go to the academy.

We decided to fight in the courtyard. As soon as we started I sent ice spikes flying at the director. She quickly deflected them with a wind barrier which I cancel with my own wind spell. Just then I grabbed my sword from my waist and coted it in blue flames. As a defense the director tried to stop me using sound magic but couldn't. Our duel ended with me placing my sword near her neck.

"I can't believe it. A tri-elemental?" she said finally sitting down.

"No. The tri-elemental is her." I said pointing at Cecilia who was watching from nearby."I'm quadra-elemental." Just as I said that I created a chair next to the director's."I can also use all other deviants. And when I say all, I mean all." Before she could ask a vine suddenly grew next to her.

"How is that even possible?"

"Probably thanks to my beast will." I stated indifferently.

"A beast wi—Anyways." Said said quickly composing herself."Did you just say that the girl over there is tri-elemental?"

"Indeed I did" I said signaling for Cecil to come over. "Director let me introduce Cecilia Helstea."

As Cecilia bowed the director started to ask her questions. By the end of the conversation we had agreed that in 2 years both of us will be attending Xyrus academy. After our deal was made the director went back to Virion to finish their conversation. With this our spot in Xyrus as secured. If Nico becomes an adventurer in this timeline as well, I could recommend him.

With that being done I decided to take a walk around the castle since Tessia was choosing a dress for herself and Syvie was with her. As I walked around I suddenly heard Regis's voice.

'Princess, It seems your in-laws invited a few people without telling you.'

'Who did you see?' I asked slightly concerned.

'Lance Zero.' At hearing that name I panicked slightly. Is the Sapin royal family here? If so do the Eraliths plan on just hiding my family? With those thoughts I started making my way to the room where Alduin, Merial and my mom were working on decorations. As I opened the door everyone turned to me.

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