Chapter 5: An eventful Birthday

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Arthur POV

It has been 2 weeks since I last saw Tess. I missed her a lot in those weeks, but spending time with my family was also important. And I knew they were planning something, since today is my birthday. As I woke up I noticed it was unusually quite in the manor, but I paid no mind to it. I hoped Tess would come and visit on my birthday, but I knew that was almost impossible, still I put on my green colored and gold trimmed elven robes and used illusion magic to turn them into normal everyday clothes. My family took the fact that I was a quadra elemental with basically all deviances pretty well, but the Helsteas with the exception of Cecil were a so shocked that they took almost 30 minutes to recover to a normal state, even though their younger daughter is a tri-elemental with not only a lightning deviant, but a completely unique ability she calls 'Storm Summon'.

Before I could leave my room, I suddenly heard Sylvie in my head.

'Papa, no leave yet!' she said in a demanding tone.

'Okay Sylv, I'm not leaving my room, until you say so.' I sent back.

'It seems Princess Gecko is helping your family surprise you' Regis sent from the sofa in my room.

'Well, all I can do is wait.' I sent sitting down next to him.

I thought about how my perfect birthday would look like. The one that came to mind was the last birthday I had in Elenoir. Everyone was waiting for me in the hall, even Regis and surprised me with having most of the people I was friends with from Zestier there. Even old man Vermon, the smith whose shop I used to work in. That would've been the perfect birthday had my family been there.

'Papa, come now' said Sylvie in my head stopping my line of thought.

'I'm going!' I sent back.

"Are you coming Regis?" I asked looking at the black wolf next to me.

"Not now, maybe later."

"Ok then." I said leaving the room.

As soon I walked down the stairs both my family and the Helsteas were there at the bottom.

"Happy Birthday Arthur!" They shouted in unison.

"Thank you everyone!" I shouted as I ran down the stairs.

"Don't thank us yet" Dad said stepping towards the door. As soon as he opened it, I saw a group of familiar faces.

"Happy Birthday Arthur!" the Twin horns shouted in unison. I could see some of them tearing up, probably overjoyed seeing me alive after so many years.

After the greetings and hugs subsided, we sat down to eat and after that Vincent brought in a music playing artifact and almost everyone started dancing to the music. I was just about to ask my mom to dance with me when I suddenly felt a familiar signature arrive nearby. To everyone's surprise I started running towards the front door at full speed, my hair, skin and eyes already starting to change.

I didn't stop running until I arrived at the doors of the decorated carriage. By then I fully transformed and the illusion I placed on my clothes has also dissipated.

As the door opened, I saw the person I was missing most on this day. My fiancé jumped into my arms as we just stood there for a few seconds in each other embrace. After we finished the greetings ,Tessia signaled for to driver to leave, then we started walking towards the door, where all the attendees stood jaws slack. My parents and Ellie already saw this form of mine when I told them about Sylvia, but to everyone else it was just surprising. But I quickly realized I wasn't the main reason for their surprise. They were surprised, because I was walking back hand in hand with such a beautiful girl. As soon as we entered my father started the questioning.

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