Chapter 11: The big day

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I woke up a lot earlier than usual. I did not want to annoy the maids with having to wake me up. I quickly took a shower. Just as I finished a group of maids rushed into the room. Although my robes were quite simple to get into it was a requirement to have them dress me. After that was done, one of the city's best barbers came and made my hair into one that would fit a prince. I kept my hair long ever since first arriving Elenoir, so it was tied into a ponytail with not even a single strand out of place. It was strange since I almost never wore my wheat hair tied up. Looking in the mirror I saw just as much of a resemblance to my old looks as I wanted. The robes neatly tied it all together looking just like my armor.

After everything was done I was lead to the giant doors leading to the garden, where the ceremony was going happen. After a few minutes of waiting I spotted my fiancé walking towards me. She wore a white dress with an emerald green waistband. She was so beautiful that for a few moments I stood there, jaw slack.

"You look beautiful." I complemented her as she arrived.

"You're not bad yourself" she said going a bit red from my compliment.

Just then we heard King Alduin's voice outside. The moment he started to speak everything outside went quiet. Everyone was listening to his every word.

"Today is a day that is going to go down in history as the day the feud between humans and elves finally came to an end. Most of you know the boy who brought on this massive change. Before meeting him I despised humans as much as most of our brethren, but he showed me how a few bad apples do not define an entire race. I ask you all to please welcome the 2 people who are going to be the future of this nation. My daughter Princess Tessia and her fiancé Prince Arthur!"

That moment the guards opened the door and we started walking towards the altar at the end of the garden, while holding hands obviously. Every guest who was in attendance watched as we slowly walked. This ceremony was small scale since, even for royalty the wedding was the big event. After reaching the altar Tessia took the box laying on it.

"Arthur, If it weren't for you saving me all those years ago, I probably wouldn't have lived to see the sun rise this morning. And even if I would somehow have gotten home, I would still be the cold and closed off princess I was back before meeting you. Thanks to you, I am alive, I have friends and I experienced things I would never have without you, I love you Arthur." Then she opened the box to reveal a bracelet similar to the one I gave her long ago, but it was made of silver resembling her hair and the emerald gems had the color of her eyes. After putting the bracelet on my hand Gramps spoke up.

"As the Eldest of the Eralith royal family I confirm this engagement and wish these two a bright and colorful future."

With that the ceremony concluded and we were taken to the doors of the balcony just above the main entrance of the castle. Even from inside I cold hear the sound of the crowd outside.

Nico POV

I never expected that Mr. Veno would convince the neighbors to take Emmett and me with them to Elenoir. At first I was nervous about how we would be welcomed since we both are humans. But to my surprise Everyone welcomed us with open arms. This just made my guilt even worse. Sure it was Aldir who destroyed Elenoir, but If I hadn't brought Cecilia back here from Taegrin Caelum, he wouldn't have had a reason to use that dreadful technique. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the opening of the castle balcony doors.

"I welcome you all on the magnificent day! Ordinarily I would waste everyone's time with a lengthy speech about how with this our two races are going to be connected and the conflict between us can finally be forgotten, but that's more of my son's thing." At the words of the former king the crowd laughed. "I won't keep you waiting. Please everyone welcome my granddaughter Princess Tessia and her fiancé Prince Arthur."

Arthur and Tessia stepped into the view of the crowd. For a moment I thought he was wearing his armor, but it seemed the robes he wore were made to resemble it. As the two of them began to wave at the crowd I smiled. This time they were allowed to live happily. This time I wasn't going to take that away from them and I won't let anyone do so.

Just as I thought the event reached it's peak Arthur stepped back slightly. The next moment something I never expected happened. From his back sprouted two majestic obsidian black wings. At the sight, the crowd grew quite for a moment before erupting into even louder cheers.

This guy sure knows how to show off.

Arthur POV

After we walked back in Gramps immediately bombarded me with questions about the wings. I told him that I have been experimenting with them for a while now and was finally capable of using them without activating my second phase, furthermore I was capable of changing their looks.

He looked like he was about to faint, but quickly recovered. We walked to the dining room where everyone was waiting. I felt like I was at a wedding reception.

A large table at the end with smaller ones dotted around the room. Of course the Eraliths and my family were seated at the large table. The Helsteas got their own, Director Goodsky, Buhnd and Varay were seated at another with the last one being for the twin horns. The food was magnificent and I made a mental note to ask the castle chef for the pudding recipe, since I know Tess has a sweet tooth so it could come in handy at a later date. Finally the cake was brought in. I found it strange that the ceremony and the reception almost entirely copied a human wedding, but I didn't mind since I knew elven weddings are grander events compared to human ones.

At the end came the gifts. We both received rings that matched the one I used while adventuring but there were 4 of them. Me and Tess got a pair and our mothers another. They were color coded to be able to show if anything happened to anyone. My color was gold, Tessia's was green, Mom was red, and Merial's was blue. Understandably these reminded me of the special knives the dc officers had. We also got multiple 2-way scrolls.

After everyone retired to there rooms, the castle went quite. As soon as Tess fell asleep I started experimenting with some abilities I have yet to try since coming back in time. The first and most important was creating a teleportation gate. I could easily create one and just as they had before only creating them took aether. Next was creation. When I first realized my feelings for Tess I contemplated using it to create a bracelet, but that felt a bit cheap so I decided to work instead. But now It wouldn't hurt to try and make something. The first thing that came to mind was what I had done for the others, a weapon. I knew Tess preferred using a swordstaff, so I tried creating one. The design that came to mind made it look quite similar to Caera's sword. As I held it in my hand I was happy with it and quickly stored it away in the dimension ring I received from the Alduin and Merial. It could store a whole cart, but it's capacity still paled in comparison to my rune, but using it was way less suspicious.

With my gift for Tess done and my runes tested, I dozed off to sleep, knowing that my future this time was a lot brighter than before.

The last thought I could remember was deciding when I was going to tell her about the previous timeline.


Hello everyone!

This chapter was the one I teased the most so I hope it did not disappoint. With this chapter releasing I officially no longer have a backlog. That doesn't mean I am changing the daily release it just means that I am going to have to work a bit harder.

But there are going to be changes to the schedule. The release time is going to move to UTC 2-3 PM. And because of my exams tomorrow I am going to be taking a day off. I hope you all understand. Please wish me luck!

This has been Salty and see you all Thursday!

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