Chapter 32: The Wraiths

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We stood in the vast arena once again. Agrona was sitting in the high box acting as judge, so he can eliminate people before someone gets seriously hurt... or devoured by aetheric flames. All 9 of us were standing ready. The distribution the wraiths decided on was already visible. Ifiok and Blaise were standing to fight Regis, Ulrike and Valeska were against Sylvie, Richmal and Cecil stood opposite me.

Cecil's appearance changed drastically. Her brown hair turned black, her eyes turned crimson, her skin ashen-grey and she had horns resembling Agrona's just a slight bit smaller. I have already created a disguise crystal on the way here and with Nico we came up with a plan.

Once Agrona signaled the start of the fight tentacles made of dark green acid shot towards me from Richmal's arms in an attempt to restrain me. Their plan seemed obvious. Richmal was to keep me in place and distracted while Cecil attacked. Before I could come up with a counter plan I suddenly heard Regis's voice.

'Father, create me a body quick! I want to practice fighting like that!'

It wasn't a bad idea. He should get practice fighting in a human body, I had a hunch it would come in handy later. I quickly created a body right where regis stood all without any notable features other than it being at the integration stage and a double layer aether core filled to the brim.

Regis quickly jumped into the body activating his second phase. Black flame like shadows enveloped the body with aetheric claws and fangs appearing. Where in the place of hair destruction's violet flames burned.

Turning my attention back to my fight I quickly deflected a few incoming tendrils with an aetheric blade. I suddenly felt an incoming piece of mana and reacted just in time to meet the trident Cecil threw towards me. She was quickly next to me using another trident she conjured to attack. While attacking me she surrounded both of us in black wind trying to weaken me by having my body regenerate constantly. I used God Step to escape appearing next to Richmal. He was taken aback by my sudden appearance, but had just enough time to guard against my attack.

"Ifiok is eliminated!" sounded Agrona's imposing voice. At his words I looked towards where Regis was only to see a large flames of destruction suddenly subside only to reveal a frightened Ifiok in it's midst.

My attention was brought back to my own opponents when I felt a painful feeling on my leg. This made me realize that my armor has been inactive. I quickly freed myself form the acidic grip and activated my djinn armor. I suddenly enveloped my blade in destruction and cut my opponent across his chest. He didn't have enough time to react so he was cut and this was enough for his elimination.

"Richmal and Valeska both eliminated!" came the call from our judge. This meant we all had one opponent left. Not more than a few seconds later Agrona shouted again. "Ulrike and Blaise eliminated!"

This meant it was only me and Cecil left. I quickly sent both of my companions to stay out of this fight.

We continued our exchange increasing the speed and power of our blows gradually. When I decided I have had enough I imbued destruction into my blade deconstructing Cecil's spell. I continued my strike stopping right before her neck.

"Legacy eliminated! Sovereign Grey, Princess Sylvie and the majestic Regis are the victors."

I shot a questioning glance at Regis hearing the way Agrona addressed him, he just rubbed the back of his head before I destroyed the clone and reabsorbed the Aether and mana I used to make it.

All the wraiths were amazed at our capabilities, but it was Cecil who surprised them the most. It seemed they were accepting her quickly. We talked for a few more minutes before Nico arrived in the arena telling us that it was time to return, but before that our plan had to be set into motion.

He walked up to Cecil telling her that it would be unwise to return looking like this. So he went and got a crystal. That was a bit of a lie since I made it on the way here but let's disregard that.

"Cecil I know this may come as a shock to you, since I have asked you this once before, but I want to know if your answer hadn't changed. So I ask you this again." Nico said getting down to one knee opening the ring box containing the ring I had made just a few minutes ago. "Cecilia, Will you marry me?"

Tears started flowing down her face as she gave the same answer she gave all those decades ago. After Nico slid the ring onto her finger she changed back to the Helstea girl we all knew. The couple jumped into each other's arms.

Congratulations came from everyone even Agrona. The wraiths promised to bring them the best possible engagement gift and Agrona took that as a challenge. Before things could escalate I quickly created a portal and left leaving the arguing Vritra to themselves.

After we returned our day began and the event that transpired a few moments ago obviously warranted discussion so the two others came with me since beside me only Tess knew their past. Arriving at the doors of my room I let them in only to see Tess just having woken up. Having not revealed my position in alacrya to her yet we decided to finally tell her.

After we woke her up I started explaining how I contacted Agrona for the first time and when I revealed that I was currently the crown prince of Alacrya she only asked one question.

"Does that mean you're going to have to rule both Alacrya and Elenoir."

That was when it dawned on me that maybe I had bitten off a bit more than I could chew, but it was a bit too late to go back. In the end we got to today's events, and I let the other two take the wheel. After Cecil explained the fight, they finally got to the main event. After telling her about the engagement she hugged Cecil as she congratulated them. I finally revealed to the girls that I made the ring at Nico's request since I already needed a place for the crystal.

Cecil immediately thanked me for making it since it kind of symbolized their actual relationship, which I started by despite liking her I let Nico pursue her.

This day went way better than I expected.


Well, hello there!
I know that I missed yesterday's chapter, I was setting up my replacement phone, so I didn't have time to write one.

Today's chapter is late since as of writing this I am currently at a dinner party with a few family friends where I don't have access to internet. I'll only briefly use my mobile data to upload this so don't be surprised if I don't reply to comments.

Tomorrow is finally the day I get to know what university I get accepted to! So I probably won't be sleeping tonight.

This has been Salty and see you all tomorrow!

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