Chapter 40: Empire

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Arthur POV

Tossing Kiros's lifeless body aside I looked at the throne. My throne. I still had a bitter taste in my mouth, since I was basically tricked into this by Agrona, but honestly I didn't mind it. Being not just a high-ranking figure in Alacrya, but the ruler of continent meant I would have an easier time preparing everyone for the inevitable war that was coming.

I finally took a seat in the majestic throne. It was very comfortable unsurprisingly and the view across the room gave me a strange and disturbing feeling, making me remember when I was king before.

Feeling multiple familiar mana signatures at the entrance of the throne room I opened the door with a flick of my wrist. The crowd outside was obviously surprised at the door's sudden opening. I could see their startled faces as they walked into the room. They looked at the corpses of the half-bloods scattered in the room and finally at Kiros's head at the bottom of the stairs in front of the throne.

To my surprise I could see Agrona and Sylvie amongst them. It seemed the rescue mission took a shorter time than anticipated. I quickly created smaller thrones for the sovereigns to sit on and we began our meeting.

Before I could say a word Agrona walked up to me and handed me a large box. Opening it I was met with a shoulder piece identical to his own only the gems were gold instead of crimson. Taking everything out of the packaging I noticed it was a single shoulder cape instead of the full one he had. Seeing the surprised look on my face my grandfather explained, that he had this made for me if I ever took his throne. He wanted the design to match my looks so he went with golden gems and a half cape design to show that I was still battle ready.

I had always liked the design of hi shoulder piece and having it in a single shoulder design made it mor unique. After putting it on I told him that this still wasn't going to save him from what he's getting for tricking me into this, but that I really liked it. Sitting back in my throne we began to talk about what was to happen going forward. First and foremost I had a major change in mind.

"Currently Alacrya is just a continent with 5 dominions who sometimes cooperate. I would like to change that. The inevitable war with the asuras is going to require a more united front. That is one of the reasons I suggest we make Alacrya an empire. Of course the dominions would still have a degree of sovereignty, but the whole continent would be more centralized and that would make reforms easier to implement in all aspects. Of course I don't intend to take away the controlling positions you currently possess in the dominions, I merely aim for the things mentioned before and two more things. The first is a succession separate from the Vritra clan. After the war with the asuras is over, preferably ending in our victory, the continent has to be able to evolve on it's own accord and by then it would be useless for the clan to hold an iron grip on it. Let the lessers rule themselves. As for the second, that's a bit more personal." I finished only to see Zireael smiling. Before I could realize what she was thinking she spoke up.

"The second reason is that there is no position for a spouse in the current political structure. In short our dear High Sovereign wants to make his fiancé empress." She said still smiling at me.

I immediately went red at her words, which confirmed to the others that she was indeed correct in her assumption. Everyone started to tease me before coming to an agreement. The agreement they came to? The only condition they had for the change was that me and Tess get married in no more then 2 months, of course to avoid exposing my plans to the people of Dicathen the wedding would be held here. I had to agree since I wasn't really given an option.

We agreed to let the situation in Dicathen cool down and only bring Tess here after a few days had passed. The next question that came from the others was how did I deal with Cadell and how did I escape. I told them about the fake core I had created after activating Static Void during the execution. Under the cover of Destruction my regeneration wouldn't be visible and after I was gone through a only this fake core remained. They started asking the functions which I gladly told them about. I could observe the surroundings of the core in an approximately 30 meter radius. Not just the visible parts either. From my perspective I was a disembodied vision able to move freely within the area. And then the final function. The ability to release destruction. Which I used to kill Dragoth who picked the core up after the execution. I wasn't sure he would pick it up, but I had other methods set in place if he hadn't.

The obvious next question was where the core was. After a moment of looking through it I told them what I had seen. A few elven guards just found the core on the streets of Xyrus and recognizing it brought it to the royal family who were currently on their was to Elenoir to bury it.

The meeting continued onwards. The main other point was deciding on the next sovereign of Vechor and this was where I'd get my revenge. I immediately suggested Agrona who gained everyone's vote despite disagreeing with me.

4 days later

Tessia POV

I awoke in an unfamiliar room. The decorations were beautiful and made it obvious that I was in a palace of sorts. I tried to search my memories of how I'd gotten here. The last thing I remembered was arriving at Arthur's grave, which stood at the very place he proposed to me all those years ago. On the lake shore I knelt next to his grave and with determination I started inserting vines into my own veins just as I had done with Lucas.

I decided that without him I didn't want to live any longer. This was we could be together again. My last memory is starting to feel incredible pain before passing out. Before I could even think of how I survived the door the to room opened.

"Mama, you're awake!" shouted a familiar cute voice. Turning towards her I embraced the young dragon who had become my daughter over the years and I just started crying into her shoulder. She did everything she could to calm me down, but it didn't work. How could it have worked, when my mental state was such a wreck.

Deciding she had no other option she grabbed my hand and led me out of the room. We walked through the decorated halls until we reached a huge pair of doors. Sylvie pushed the doors open just to reveal a bunch of horned individuals having a discussion. As I looked up I saw the person sitting at the very end of the room on a decorated throne. I at first thought I was hallucinating, but everything about him was real. Before I could even blink he appeared right in front of me pulling me into a hug.

"Don't ever do anything like that again, please." He said tears welling up in his eyes.

"I should.. say the... same to... you." I said in-between my sobs.

I was happy, and I felt safe finally back in his arms again.


Well, hello there!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter as well! I really want to hear your opinions so please share them! Even of I don't respond I still read all of them!

This had been Salty and see you all tomorrow!

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