Chapter 14: We meet again

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Nico POV

After I left the guild, I turned towards the teleportation gate. I couldn't face Artur yet. I have to accomplish something to show him I have changed, and I can be of use to him. We are going to meet sometime soon, after all we are both high ranking adventurers.

Just as I turned the corner, I felt something land on my shoulder. I turned my head to see a familiar white fox.

"Hey Sylvie!"

"You're Uncle Nico?" She asked tilting her head.

At first I was a bit taken aback by her calling me uncle despite how I acted towards her in the last timeline, but then I realized something. Arthur could easily hide his memories from her, meaning she only heard stories about me.

"Aunt Cecil wants to meet you!" she said looking at me happily.

'Does that mean Cecil is in Xyrus? Of course, she's here, how idiotic can I be? Arthur would've wanted to meet up with her as well.' I suddenly became very happy at her words. I haven't seen Cecil in over a decade, and I missed her immensely. This was the time I've been waiting for.

"Then can you take me to her?" I asked Sylvie as I started to pet her.

"Yes!" She said jumping down from my shoulder and starting to walk. I followed her for a few minutes before I realized the route seemed familiar. When we arrived at our destination it all made sense. When Sylvie stopped, we were standing in front of the Helsteas manor. It made sense Arthur sent her to be the daughter of the Helsteas, a rich and responsible family who wanted a mage in their family. It was the perfect combination.

I walked to the door and knocked.

Cecilia POV

I was a bit surprised when Sylvie ran away after I told her that I missed Nico. ' Maybe Arthur called her.' I thought when I heard knocks on my door.

"Miss Cecilia, someone is at the door asking for you." The maid said from the hall.

I was a bit surprised, but I quickly got up and walked to the front door. Opening it I was shocked. Standing before me was a boy, with long black hair tied into a ponytail, green eyes and a sweet smile.

After sylvie jumped down from his shoulder and ran inside, I closed the door behind her and jumped into my fiancé's arms, tears forming in my eyes. For minutes we just stood there in each other's arms.

"I missed you Cecil." He said still hugging me

"I missed you too Nico!"

After finally breaking the hug Nico suggested that we go to a restaurant to catch up. I agreed already accepting that I was going to be paying since he never had any money.

After getting to my favorite place we sat and talked for over an hour. I was surprised o learn that Nico had a fire affinity, but it wasn't surprising based on what Arthur told me in Elenoir, he used Soul Fire a lot and in this life that helped him develop an affinity for normal Fire. He was just as surprised to learn that my affinities have changed. I listened to him telling the story of his great escape and in exchange I told him all about our trip to Elenoir.

After realizing it was getting late, I asked the waiter for the check and to my surprise Nico said he's going to pay. It turns out he was paid by the family whose son he was training.

Before we separated, I kissed him. He was clearly stunned at first, but quickly recovered and kissed me back.

When I got home, I was way too happy to sleep. I knew he was going to be fine as an adventurer. I was just a bit sad that I couldn't go with him.

Noah ????? POV

"You useless mix, I poured all this money into you and you can't even use useful magic."

"But father I--"

"There is no but! You're getting into the carriage and going where your kind should."

The guards grabbed me and dragged me to the carriage like I was a piece of cloth. My father threw me out just for not having the right affinity. I just cried for hours having nothing but a few rags on me. After what felt like days the carriage stopped.

I didn't know where they were taking me.

The guard opened the door and grabbed my arm. He threw me on the ground next to the carriage hard enough that I got knocked out.

When I came to, I was laying on the ground the carriage nowhere to be found. My own family abandoned me. How could they? Just because I was a half-elf with a water affinity.

I looked around and realized instantly where they had left me. I was in the Elshire forest.

I was a 6 year old, barely awakened in a forest filled with aggressive beasts. They left me here to die. My own family hated me so much they left me in a forest to die.

Deciding I had no other choice I started walking. I walked but nothing around me changed. Just trees everywhere. I couldn't see anyone else. After hours of walking the sun started to set. I couldn't do anything as the forest darkened. After a few more hours of walking, I fell on the ground too tired to walk on. As the forest grew cold my core emptied and I could no longer even augment myself. I fell to the ground knowing this was the end. I fell asleep for what I thought was the last time in my life.

I was woken up by shouts close to me.

"There is a kid here!" "Alter get over here he needs a blanket!"

As I sat up I saw elves around me. I thought they would attack me for being a mix, but they gave me a blanket and carried me to a nearby town.

As they sat me down I was given food, since they saw that I was starving. After finishing I finally worked up the courage to ask the question I have been wondering ever since they found me.

"Why did you help me?" I asked still a little afraid.

"Who wouldn't help a child they found lost in the forest? We just saw that you were lost and as knight of Elenoir it is written in our code that we need to help those lost in the forest." A female knight answered from beside me.

"Even though I'm half human?"

"Do you know what happened in Elenoir a few days ago child?" she asked.

"No, I don't. I don't really know anything about Elenoir." I answered calming down a little.

The woman told me about the engagement of the elven princess. And how the new prince was a human. I was surprised since I only heard about the war from my parents and how elves were inferior to humans. Meanwhile elves view humans as equals.

"Do you have a name kid?" She asked. Ruffling my hair.

"I'm Noah."

"I'm Floria Erdal. Can you tell me how you got to the forest?" She asked with a concerned look.

"They disowned me because of my water affinity." I said tearing up.

"Then how about I adopt you? I am a water augmenter like yourself so I can help you get stronger and because of my rank as captain I could even get you into school." She said with a genuine smile.

"Would you really?" I asked tears streaming down my face.

"Of course!" she said pulling me into a hug.

It seems things can get better!


Well, hello there! Unexpected second update here! I know I said it probably won't be today, but I spoiled the beginning in the discord so I thought I would finish and release it.

What do you guys think about our little water mage? He's gonna become pretty important later on.

I hope you all enjoyed this little surprise!

This has been Salty and see you all tomorrow!

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