Chapter 43: The Bigger Day

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A week earlier

Arthur POV

These past few days have been hectic. The entirety of Taegrin Caelum is preparing for the wedding. The continent's best cooks, musicians, tailors, and basically everything else needed for a royal wedding were here. I helped in the design of the wedding clothes, but I was obviously not allowed to see Tess's finished dress. It was decided that I would be wearing my armor and cape during the ceremony itself since it showed a level of authority.

The event would be broadcasted all across Alacrya using artifacts. I received information that people were already gathering at the town centers, despite the ceremony still being over a day away. At the main venue, the wraiths and Scythes were going to keep guard while even the sovereigns were preparing for a possible asuran attack. It would be the perfect opportunity for them, considering how focused everyone was on making this event perfect.

I had already thought of countermeasures for a possible attack. Thanks to the difference in time between the two continents, Cecil would be able to attend without her absence being noticed. She was our main defense other than me, thanks to her experience in killing asuras. Although, I hadn't received any reports from her today, so that caused me to worry slightly. Usually, she would at least give some kind of signal, notifying me that she was alive. But I haven't received anything so far.

I kind of understood it though, knowing that the classes at the Academy had just restarted. She would obviously be very busy with her Council duties and helping the students adjust back to school life again. Just as I finished my train of thought, I heard a knock at the door. Opening it, I saw a maid standing there.

"Your Majesty, Wraith Cecilia requests your immediate attention." She said bowing. "She is currently on her way here. I was sent to inform Your Majesty."

I thanked her before putting on my cape, knowing that she would probably have something official to talk about. She wouldn't have come back here otherwise. As I waited, thoughts of my parents came to mind. I missed them. I regretted not being able to tell them I survived. Just as these thoughts ran through my mind, I heard another knock.

"Come in," I instructed, putting on my so-called official voice.

She opened the door looking guilty, but before she could open her mouth to speak, the people who were once behind her raced towards me.

Ordinarily, I would've tried to defend myself, but I didn't need to. All three of them pulled me into a hug, happy tears welling up in our eyes.

I still don't know how I couldn't notice them approaching. Normally my senses would've picked up their signatures from miles away. It seemed the stress of the day was getting to me too.

I was happier than I thought possible.

Moments later, from a few rooms away, I heard Merial screaming upon finding her daughter alive. It seemed this wedding was going to be more complete than we had hoped.


Standing before the door to the throne room I was nervous. I could hear the bustling crowd talking inside. Not only were all Sovereigns and Scythes here, but the leaders of each Wraith squad were also present alongside representatives for every high and named blood in Alacrya. My aetheric abilities needed to be utilized as even Agrona underestimated the number of attendees.

The last wedding ceremony held for a high Sovereign was Agrona's father's thousands of years ago. Much earlier than Alacrya became Vritra territory, so it was understandable that he underestimated the space needed for such an event. Even before everyone arrived, we could tell from the number of invitations sent that we needed to expand the throne room. I quickly set up an aetheric spell, expanding the room to almost twice its original size and even this was just barely enough to fit everyone. There were certainly more people than at our engagement ceremony.

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