Chapter 17: A True God

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Agrona Vritra POV

My plan was flawless. The artifacts left behind by the djinn allowed me to look into the future. It showed me a defeated Dicathen and asuras afraid of what I would do next. Until I couldn't see it anymore. I thought it was a barrier of the artifact, so I proceeded anyway. The first anchor's summoning went wrong just as I saw in the future. While the second succeeded, but when I tried to look into the artifact again it was all a blur. Like the future had just become uncertain.

Not long after Sylvia's signature was detected so Cadell went to get her. Never to return. This went against what I saw in the artifact. The future had changed, and I didn't know why. Then I realized something worse. My connection to the Legacy didn't exist anymore. I couldn't sense her soul where it should've been. This caused me to withdraw my plans from Dicathen I knew Sylvia was dead, but she died shortly after Cadell, and she was in no shape to defeat him. Especially not that fast.

I still had spies operating in Dicathen, but I didn't want to risk even them being discovered. Just as I was about to withdraw the last one from Elenoir I detected Sylvia's signature again. But it wasn't exactly hers. It was mixed. Mixed with Vritra blood. My daughter was still out there. Growing more powerful.

I tried to gain control over her using the spell I placed on her before she was born, but the spell just wasn't there. I decided to wait and monitor the kingdom. And one I got the answer to all my questions.

On the day of the princess's engagement I was monitoring the event through an artifact carried by my underling. When the prince stepped into view, I felt a pressure more powerful than I ever have. It made Kezess's aura look like child's play. And I realized only I felt it. Looking through the artifact I noticed he was staring directly at me. Not my underling, not the artifact he was looking into my eyes, knowing I was there. Seemingly as a demonstration of his power he stepped back and opened obsidian black wings. He was the one who killed Cadell.

And he was coming for me next.

I knew I couldn't stop him. But what if I could get him on my side?

After he left the balcony, I fell off my throne. I could finally breathe. He was no asura. He was a being higher than an asura. He was a True God. An angry god.

I decided to deploy a smaller force in Dicathen again along with Scythe Seris to see if he would maybe talk with me. When I got the news that, he was becoming an adventurer I knew waiting in a dungeon for him would be the best course of action.

I didn't have to wait long.

A mere week after the announcement was made, I received a report from Seris. He was coming to me. I just had to wait, sitting in my throne.

Arthur POV

When I entered this dungeon, I thought it would just be like all others. Old, abandoned camps already falling apart, nothing useful in sight. But I was wrong. When I reached the lower levels, I felt a familiar signature in the dungeon. Scythe Seris Vritra.

When I got closer, she was standing there seemingly waiting for someone. Waiting for me. The moment she spotted me she took a knee and began.

"Oh great one, I come bearing no ill intent. I am merely here to forward a request from my lord to you." She said not daring to look up from the ground.

"What does you lord want with me, Scythe Seris Vritra?" I said releasing some of my intent.

She was clearly surprised I knew her name but didn't question it. My aura was enough to tall her that she stood no chance of fighting here. I knew she didn't want to fight, but I just wanted to make sure.

"My Lord would like to meet you, oh great one."

"Then tell you lord to merely wait for me on his throne. This time tomorrow I will be there in Taegrin Caelum, to listen to him." I said not waiting for a response before god stepping away.

It seems Agrona wants to meet with me. This is going to be easier than I thought.


At the appointed time, I opened a portal to Agrona's throne room. When I stepped out from it I saw the man himself sitting on his throne surprise and fear written all across his face. Using vivium to look into his mind I saw that Sylvia was right in her message in the last timeline. He was delusional. Trauma induced delusion. It was a sickness, that could be cured.

Before he could speak a single word I appeared directly in front of him and put my hand on his forehead, activating my vivium godrune. Moments later I returned to my original place in the center on the room. I could see the confusion on his face. But it suddenly contorted into terror and grief.

"WHAT HAVE I DONE???" He shouted before falling to his knees.

He got his sense back. It just dawned on him that he ordered the execution of his own wife.

"Agrona Vritra, I do not blame you for your actions against Sylvia, or anything that you would've done had I not cured you of your delusions. I do however have conditions of this forgiveness."

"Please, your majesty anything." He said tears still streaming down his face.

"Withdraw from Dicathen, and let me help you reform Alacrya to be a better continent. I will aid you in correcting your past mistakes And I will aid you in defeating Epheostus. All I need to do to achieve these things is for you clan to acknowledge me as one at least on the same level as them, I want to join the Vritra clan as a sovereign." I asked in demanding tone letting aether seep into my voice.

"Oh Great One I am unfit to rule this land, I will give you my throne and the rank of High sovereign."

"No. You will rule, you will face the mistakes you've made in the past and correct them. I will merely aid you in this. And please just call me Arthur this 'Great One' thing is starting to annoy me. I am not going to reside in Alacrya, I am giving you an artifact that is going to help you in contacting me. I am going to come here to check on your progress. And one more thing. Kneeling before your grandson? Unwise." I said tossing an artifact I created to Agrona then disappearing, before he could even react to what I said.

Over the next few weeks I could feel the alacryan activity in the Beast Glades increase as they started getting rid of their corrupted beasts.

This is the start of a new era in this world.


This chapter was a bit more serious than my usual ones but I wanted to set up a different future going forward. Does this mean the war is cancelled? Who knows? Maybe it is, maybe It isn't.

From now on we are going to see frequent appearances from alacryan characters, but the two lines are going to stay separate for now.

I hope you enjoyed today's chapter!

This has been Salty and see you all tomorrow!

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